Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Okay I Actually Hate Aubrey O’Day a Little Less Today

So Aubrey totally nails the "Duck Me I'm Frunk" look in the upcoming issue of Complex magazine -- seriously, these photos are a must-see -- but, more than that, the interview with her is actually pretty awesome, and I dig her sense of humor. It's possible that she's not the brain-dead whorebag I'd always thought she was. Here are some excerpts. Aubrey O’Day: There’s this gorgeous model that’s been trying to get with me for me for a while. And the other night I was so ...

The Donald Thinks Obama Should Have Picked Hillary

Since we all know Donald Trump secretly hopes to run for President one day, it's only fair that we start caring about his political opinions now. Trump will be voting for McCain -- because he thinks Obama fucked everything up by picking Biden as his running mate. "I know John McCain, and John McCain's a great guy, a tremendous guy. I've known him for a long time. And I'm with him, and I'm with him based on the fact that I have great knowledge of John McCain ... The fact is, that Obama w...


I may have won 19 awards that you don’t feel I earned, but it’s neither original nor relevant to slag on Juno. Really. And you’re not some bold, singular voice of dissent, You are exactly like everyone else in your zeitgeisty-demo-lifestyle pod. You are even like me. (I, too, loved Arrested Development! Aren’t we a pretty pair of cultural mavericks? Hey, let’s go bitch about how Black Kids are overrated!) I’m sorry that while you were shooting your...

Just Something I Find Interesting

Hillary Rodham Clinton was advised, in no uncertain terms, to remove the "Rodham" from the name she used while campaigning for office, lest she seem like one of those "aggressive" women unwilling to abandon her own last name. Sarah Palin campaigned for mayor of Wasilla as Sarah Heath Palin, where "Heath" is her maiden name. I'm just saying. /> Hillary Rodham Clinton was advised, in no uncertain terms, to remove the "Rodham" from the name she used while campaigning for office, lest she seem like one of those "aggressive" women unwilling to abandon her own last name. Sarah Palin campaigned for mayor of Wasilla as Sarah Heath Palin, where "Heath" is her maiden name. I'm just saying....

Hooray for Brad Pitt

Papa Pitt has donated $100K to the fight against California's Prop 8, which aims to overturn the Supreme Court decision making same-sex marriage legal in the state. "Because no one has the right to deny another their life, even though they disagree with it, because everyone has the right to live the life they so desire if it doesn't harm another and because discrimination has no place in America, my vote will be for equality and against Proposition 8," Brad said Wednesday. More than just dona...

Evil Beet Is Hiring

Hey kids, We're looking for a weekend blogger around here, because working seven days a week every single day of my life for the past two-and-a-half years has been getting a little grating. So if you have free time on the weekends and are interested in making some extra cash writing for Evil Beet, here's some more info: This is a PAID position. Qualifications: - Weekend availability - Comprehensive knowledge of and love for celebrity gossip - Strong, well-developed, unique writing voice - Impeccable spelling and grammar - Computer know-how (you don't have to be a genius, but you need to know your way around a computer and be able to use some basic image editing software) If you're interested, please send at least three writing samples and a cover letter to, subject line "EB Job Application". Deadline for application is Friday, September 26. />Hey kids, We're looking for a weekend blogger around here, because working seven days a week every single day of my life for the past two-and-a-half years has been getting a little grating. So if you have free time on the weekends and are interested in making some extra cash writing for Evil Beet, here's some more info: This is a PAID position. Qualifications: - Weekend availability - Comprehensive knowledge of and love for celebrity gossip - Strong, well-developed, unique writing voice -...