Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay Lohan Surrenders: THE PICS!!

While we (tragically!) don't have any pics of LiLo in handcuffs, we do have these shots of her approaching the courthouse. Sarah did a fantastic job of liveblogging the surrender this morning, and Lindsay is, as of right now, IN JAIL. She was sentenced to 90 days, and she's expected to serve around 23 of those. I swear, if they let her out tomorrow morning because of jail overcrowding or some bullshit, I'm gonna be PISSED. She still has to go to inpatient rehab afterward, but, like, I want this girl to see some CONSEQUENCES for her actions. I want this for her because I do not want her to die. I want her to get sober and get her shit together so we can all enjoy another installment of the Herbie series. I WANT THIS FOR ALL OF US. Oh, and her dad was at the courthouse too, even though Lindsay's specifically noted that she doesn't want that evil fucking psychopath anywhere near her. Also: Is this the type of outfit you'd wear to surrender yourself to jail? Discuss. [gallery] />While we (tragically!) don't have any pics of LiLo in handcuffs, we do have these shots of her approaching the courthouse. Sarah did a fantastic job of liveblogging the surrender this morning, and Lindsay is, as of right now, IN JAIL. She was sentenced to 90 days, and she's expected to serve around 23 of those. I swear, if they let her out tomorrow morning because of jail overcrowding or some bullshit, I'm gonna be PISSED. She still has to go to inpatient rehab afterward, but, like, I want thi...

Run, Katie, Run!

Katie Holmes used those uber-buff legs of hers to sprint (in heels!) toward an awaiting helicopter, leaving Manhattan after attending the premiere of her flick The Extra Man. Katie's a pretty girl and all, but this isn't the best I've seen her look. I'm not sure what's off -- maybe she's just tired, and also I hate her dress and don't understand why she'd wear it to a film premiere and Lord only knows what's hanging off that necklace and her hair looks overdone -- but something seems less magical about her than usual in this set of pics. Thoughts? [gallery] /> Katie Holmes used those uber-buff legs of hers to sprint (in heels!) toward an awaiting helicopter, leaving Manhattan after attending the premiere of her flick The Extra Man. Katie's a pretty girl and all, but this isn't the best I've seen her look. I'm not sure what's off -- maybe she's just tired, and also I hate her dress and don't understand why she'd wear it to a film premiere and Lord only knows what's hanging off that necklace and her hair looks overdone -- but something seems less mag...

Brad and Angelina Spice Up the Salt Premiere

Hey you guys I bet I'm the only blogger on the planet who thought of that headline. Get it??? Because "salt" is kind of a "spice"? (Is salt actually a spice?) Chicken Legs Jolie and someone who may or may not have been Brad Pitt (we cannot know for sure because he never takes off his damn sunglasses), hit up the big premiere of Salt, the summer blockbuster wherein Angelina Jolie continues to redefine the role of women in action flicks. I guess all is well with Angie and her father again, because Jon Voight was present and accounted for, along with Angelina's brother and pre-Brad make-out partner James Haven. Angie stopped to take photos with fans (really, really cute -- because the fans couldn't cross the rope, Angie took their cameras and held them up to take the photos herself, the way you do with all your girlfriends in a bar when you don't trust any of the nearby douchebags to touch your camera), chatted with costar Liev Schreiber, and greeted Naomi Watts with a big hug. Kristin Cavallari was inexplicably there (good publicist, I suppose), but luckily Angelina Jolie didn't take a photo with her (the world would explode). All things considered, Angelina looks great here. She rarely does these red carpets anymore, but she looks the happiest I've seen her look in a long time. She's still incomparably beautiful, but it's been gradually turning into a more mature sort of beauty and less of a gasp! sexpot! kind of beauty. I like that for her. I do wish she'd eat a little more, but, all in all, I really enjoyed going through this set of pics. It's always nice to see Angelina doing her thing. [gallery] />Hey you guys I bet I'm the only blogger on the planet who thought of that headline. Get it??? Because "salt" is kind of a "spice"? (Is salt actually a spice?) Chicken Legs Jolie and someone who may or may not have been Brad Pitt (we cannot know for sure because he never takes off his damn sunglasses), hit up the big premiere of Salt, the summer blockbuster wherein Angelina Jolie continues to redefine the role of women in action flicks. I guess all is well with Angie and her father again, because Jon V...

Happy Lindsay Lohan Goes to Jail Day!!!

AND IT BEGINS!!! It doesn't look like our precious LiLo is going to maneuver her way out of a jail stay, after having been dumped by her high-profile, short-term lawyer Robert Shapiro. Sources say that Lindsay's former lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley, will accompany her to the courthouse tomorrow, where she is expected to surrender at 8:30 am. “My advice to the defendant, Ms. Lohan, is to show up tomorrow, on time,” said Danette Meyers, the Deputy District Attorney prosecuting the case. Tragically, the whole thing may not be caught on camera. From CNN:
Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel has placed tight restrictions on what the public will be able to see at the court hearing. While the world watched as Lohan broke down in tears at her sentencing on July 6, the public won't be able to see the actress handcuffed and taken into custody on Tuesday, the judge ruled. Cameras also must stop rolling when the judge announces that Lohan is remanded and the bailiff is instructed to take her into custody. The judge also ordered that photos of Lohan must be restricted to when she's at the counsel table.
That's kind of a bummer, but I guess it comes hand-in-hand with a judge who actually fucking cares whether this young girl lives or dies. LINDSAY! GET EXCITED! This is an opportunity to actually be no-bullshit sober for six months. To have a gods-honest shot at actually turning your life around for the better. I'm so excited for you! It's the beginning, Lindsay! What do you guys think? Will Lindsay Lohan actually go to jail tomorrow: n
/> AND IT BEGINS!!! It doesn't look like our precious LiLo is going to maneuver her way out of a jail stay, after having been dumped by her high-profile, short-term lawyer Robert Shapiro. Sources say that Lindsay's former lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley, will accompany her to the courthouse tomorrow, where she is expected to surrender at 8:30 am. “My advice to the defendant, Ms. Lohan, is to show up tomorrow, on time,” said Danette Meyers, the Deputy District Attorney prosecuting the case. ...

JWoww’s All Wet for You

My second-favorite Jersey Shore-ite, Jenni "JWoww" Farley, shows us what she paid for on the pages of Maxim. I actually kind of dig this shoot. Despite the fact that certain parts of her (coughbellybuttoncough) have been Photoshopped to within an inch of their lives, a lot of it comes off very natural and womanly. I like how you can see her freckles in most of the shots. That's cute. I like you, JWoww. I see big things for you. Well, actually, right now I just see big things on you, and the truth is once this Jersey Shore thing passes we'll never see or hear from you again, but for right now, kiddo, I like the way you're playin' it. [nggallery id=3 template=carousel images=4] />My second-favorite Jersey Shore-ite, Jenni "JWoww" Farley, shows us what she paid for on the pages of Maxim. I actually kind of dig this shoot. Despite the fact that certain parts of her (coughbellybuttoncough) have been Photoshopped to within an inch of their lives, a lot of it comes off very natural and womanly. I like how you can see her freckles in most of the shots. That's cute. I like you, JWoww. I see big things for you. Well, actually, right now I just see big things on you, and the trut...

Robert Shapiro Practices Tough Love with Lindsay Lohan, Quits as Her Attorney

On the eve of Lindsay's first day of jail time (check back tomorrow, as we'll be celebrating HAPPY LINDSAY LOHAN GOES TO JAIL DAY!), Robert Shapiro has quit as her attorney, after only three days of representing her. Shapiro and Lindsay abruptly met with Judge Marsha Revel late Monday afternoon. The prosecutor in the case was not present for the meeting. The high-profile attorney -- who, yes, represented OJ Simpson -- did not say why he quit on Lindsay, but in earlier public statements, he said he would represent her only if she agreed to go to jail and followed his instructions. My guess is she did neither. But you don't exactly have to be a genius to puzzle that one out. But, like, THANK GOD there are some people around her who aren't total enablers and psychopaths -- some people who have some understanding of her disease and are willing to be like, "No, Lindsay Lohan, if you're going to be behave this way, we're not going to support you." "Ms. Lohan is suffering from a disease that I am all too familiar with," Shapiro said publicly when he took her case -- his son died of a drug overdose in 2005, and he's since created a sober living facility in LA where Lindsay's been camping out since he became her attorney. Court records show that even though Shapiro has been representing Lindsay these past several days, her previous attorney, Shawn Chapman Holley, never signed the substitution of attorney form, so technically she is still the attorney of record. She quit when she heard rumors that Lindsay was shopping around for another attorney. So who the hell is going to show up with Lindsay tomorrow when she's supposed to book into jail? Her Twitter feed -- which has been mostly ads today -- ended with this as of 8pm Monday:
the only "bookings" that i'm familiar with are Disney Films, never thought that i'd be "booking" into Jail... eeeks
Tomorrow? Is going to be sooooo much fun. /> On the eve of Lindsay's first day of jail time (check back tomorrow, as we'll be celebrating HAPPY LINDSAY LOHAN GOES TO JAIL DAY!), Robert Shapiro has quit as her attorney, after only three days of representing her. Shapiro and Lindsay abruptly met with Judge Marsha Revel late Monday afternoon. The prosecutor in the case was not present for the meeting. The high-profile attorney -- who, yes, represented OJ Simpson -- did not say why he quit on Lindsay, but in earlier public statements, he...

Here’s a Fun Game: WTF Does Mischa Barton’s Shirt Say??

Mischa was snapped by photogs at the Nice airport with her boyfriend, Alexander, in a T-shirt that says "shit" a couple times, but I can't quite tell in what context. This is because her ridiculously long blonde extensions cover most of the words. What's the point of wearing a statement tee if no one can tell what the statement is, Mischa? P.S. Love the shoes! P.P.S. Is that really what you're gonna wear on the airplane? I'm always puzzled when I pass girls in an airport terminal wearing super-tight jeans or miniskirts or pounds of jewelry. Like, really? I get that looking good is really, really important to you, but you are going to have to sit in that thing for hours. Do you not own a single pair of butt-clinging sweatpants that would suffice? [gallery] /> Mischa was snapped by photogs at the Nice airport with her boyfriend, Alexander, in a T-shirt that says "shit" a couple times, but I can't quite tell in what context. This is because her ridiculously long blonde extensions cover most of the words. What's the point of wearing a statement tee if no one can tell what the statement is, Mischa? P.S. Love the shoes! P.P.S. Is that really what you're gonna wear on the airplane? I'm always puzzled when I pass girls in an airport terminal wearing...

The Hills Finale Party: One Billion Photos!

We're a day late on these, and I apologize, but I swear I couldn't find them on the photo services until tonight. All our favorite Hills castmembers were there: Audrina! Stephanie! Lo! Brody! Holly! Kristen! COCAINE! (not pictured) And LAUREN CONRAD, who looks fucking fantastic and happy and wonderful and OMG I love you so much Lauren Conrad. There was NEVER a show after you left! And you are BY FAR the most beautiful of all these people and it doesn't look like you've had a stitch of work done. I'm so happy for you that you ditched this train before it wrecked. Conspicuously absent: Heidi and Spencer. Because they're fucking insane and weren't invited. Seriously, though, I was talking with a girlfriend yesterday about how freakin' tragic it is for Heidi that this show ever happened to her. Like, she was this perfectly nice, cute girl from Colorado with a lovely future ahead of her who is now pretty much the textbook definition of what it looks like when someone gets sucked into Hollywood. Her face and body are mutilated. Her family hates her. Her marriage was a sham and her "husband" is a candidate for a lobotomy. I hate to say it, but I feel awful for her. I don't know how you even begin to pick up the pieces after your life has become so shattered. Lastly: I hate Kristin Cavallari as much as the next person, but I would give up a finger or two for her legs. This bitch gives Jen Aniston a run for her money. [gallery] />We're a day late on these, and I apologize, but I swear I couldn't find them on the photo services until tonight. All our favorite Hills castmembers were there: Audrina! Stephanie! Lo! Brody! Holly! Kristen! COCAINE! (not pictured) And LAUREN CONRAD, who looks fucking fantastic and happy and wonderful and OMG I love you so much Lauren Conrad. There was NEVER a show after you left! And you are BY FAR the most beautiful of all these people and it doesn't look like you've had a stitch of wor...

If I Were Amy Winehouse, I Would Just Not Attend the Premiere of Any Movie Called “Psychosis”

But, alas, she did, with new beau Reg Traviss in tow. Actually, Traviss directed the film, which is, I suppose, why she was there. He's supposedly this clean-cut, really great guy, but he's dating a chick who still has her ex's name tattooed across her breast, and that would kind of be where I'd draw the line. But, alas, she did, with new beau Reg Traviss in tow. Actually, Traviss directed the film, which is, I suppose, why she was there. He's supposedly this clean-cut, really great guy, but he's dating a chick who still has her ex's name tattooed across her breast, and that would kind of be where I'd draw the line. Years ago, I was dating this guy who was super hot and super sweet and, like, six-foot-seven, which -- I'm sorry to all you short guys out there -- is awesome, and we went out a few times and I w...

R.I.P. The Hills

Best. Lede. Ever. Not gonna try to top it. So long, Faci Montage, Rager Pratt, Cokeface McGee, Other Cokeface McGee, Mutilated Ceiling Eyes, Choady Jenner, Justin Bobby Mumblehead and Blow Notworth. Have fun attempting to use cocaine and alcohol to fill the giant hole that not being on TV anymore will leave in your already-tenuous self-esteem. Catch ya on Celebrity Rehab! (No, actually I won't, because I am fundamentally opposed to that show in so many ways.) ...

Just for Fun: Photos of Lady Gaga at Her Toronto Tour Date

It's funny because the way the headset mic is positioned it looks like she has no front teeth most of the time. Like someone finally walked up to her in a mall in Toronto and said "If I hear 'Bad Romance' on the radio one more time, I'm gonna fucking punch you in the fucking face," and then, like, five seconds later, the early strains of "Bad Romance" began blaring through the mall's music system, and it was all over for Gaga's front teeth. [gallery] />...