This result cannot be explained by possible confounds such as women's age, health, happiness, educational attainment, relationship duration, wealth difference between the partners, difference between the partners in educational attainment, and regional location. It appears consistent with the view that female orgasm has an evolved adaptive function.
Let me reiterate: The female orgasm has an evolved adaptive function.
Meaning our orgasms know it's go time when the dudes we're with have money. Suck in that sperm, pop out that baby, lock down that cash for us and our kiddo.
Dudes will just rub one out into a goat if you'll let 'em. Women are soooo much more sophisticated.
Thanks Ines! />Wow. A study of women in China reveals that women report having more orgasms when the men they are married to are richer.
This result cannot be explained by possible confounds such as women's age, health, happiness, educational attainment, relationship duration, wealth difference between the partners, difference between the partners in educational attainment, and regional location. It appears consistent with the view that female orgasm has an evolved adaptive function.
Let me reiterate: The fem...