Although still confined to an LA hospital bed, she intends to talk to two influential television hosts this week — media mogul Oprah Winfrey, and Diane Sawyer, who presents Good Morning America.
Her family has told agents she needs cash from deals such as nappy sponsorship — she will get through 250 a week in the next few months — and the agents will gauge public reaction to her story.
Her earning power, though, could be diminished by a growing ethical and medical controversy. Experts believe that the unnamed fertility specialists who gave her in vitro fertilisation (IVF) should not have implanted so many embryos, and in choosing to carry all eight to term, Suleman ignored guidelines, risking both their health and her own.
I, for one, am in the "this shit is messed up" camp. While I completely respect her decision not to reduce, what the fuck was this woman doing having IVF in the first place when she already had six kids? She seems crazy -- not, like, Kate Gosselin's endearingly OCD crazy, but really genuinely crazy -- and I'm kind of worried for these kids, personally. I will be kind of irked if the media shells out that kind of money to chat with her. People should not be encouraged to have a billion babies for the media attention. />OMG!!!!
I'm sorry, but every time I hear about this stupid woman in California who had fucking OCTUPLETS when she already had SIX CHILDREN, I just get this mental image of Kate Gosselin pacing around her brand new kitchen, furiously scrubbing every nook and cranny and muttering to herself about that damn octuplet lady, trying to steal her thunder. Also, at some point in her rant she will misuse a word and then blame Jon for it.
The whole thing gives me such glee.
Anyway, stupid octuplet...