Google has just launched what I like to call the Worst Idea Ever, but they're calling it iLatitude. Basically you can use cell phones and Google Maps to figure out where all your friends are at all times. Now, don't worry, you can hide your location from anyone at any time, but then when that person's your wife she's gonna be all like, "Dude, if you were at the office, why did you have to hide your location from me? WHY?"
Seriously, this is the worst thing ever to happen to the world. I will not be signing up. Until all my friends do and pressure me to, and then I will, and then I'm going to hack into it so that my location always shows up as "In Michael Phelps' Bed." />
Google has just launched what I like to call the Worst Idea Ever, but they're calling it iLatitude. Basically you can use cell phones and Google Maps to figure out where all your friends are at all times. Now, don't worry, you can hide your location from anyone at any time, but then when that person's your wife she's gonna be all like, "Dude, if you were at the office, why did you have to hide your location from me? WHY?"
Seriously, this is the worst thing ever to happen to the world. I wi...