Keeping Up with the Hiltons February 23, 2009Evil BeetArden Wohl New York City socialite Arden Wohl isn't a very pretty girl, and most of the time she's too damn stoned to do anything of any interest or value, but you'd better believe she's gonna try to make a name for herself using a time-tested method: nipples. Here's Arden and her nipples, making a huge drunken ass of themselves, at an Oscar party in NYC. [gallery]...
Nicole Richie BumpWatch 2009 February 23, 2009Evil BeetJoel Madden, Nicole Richie And it begins! Now that Nicole Richie has announced that she is pregnant (which Wendie totally called back in January), we can start looking at pictures of her and playing Spot the Baby Bump. Here's Nicole and Joel heading to the Vanity Fair Oscar party on Sunday. DEFINITE baby bump. Cuteness! I know I am in the minority here, but I'm still waiting for the giant Nicole Richie drug relapse. I certainly wish all the best for her and her family, but I know this girl too well. It's gonna happen, and it's gonna b...
Nicky Hilton Makes a Citizen’s Arrest! February 23, 2009Evil BeetNicky Hilton, Taylor Hanson Don't mess with Nicky Hilton! After being pushed to the ground by a homeless person at a West Hollywood IHOP at 5 a.m. Saturday morning, the heiress made a citizen's arrest, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department spokesman Steve Whitmore confirms to "One of our deputies was at the IHOP, having a coffee break, and noticed a waitress run outside because there was a commotion," Whitmore tells Us. Another deputy was then called "because there was a misdemeanor battery that...
Your Daily Lohan February 23, 2009Evil BeetLindsay Lohan, Samantha Ronson Check out this interview E! did with Lindsay on the red carpet at an Oscar party on Sunday. Not only do her eyes look glazed over, but she keeps scratching at her scalp. Now, not that I've ever done drugs or anything, but, if I had, I might point out that one's head gets extremely scratchy when one has ingested, um, certain drugs. Oh, and she's also starting a spray tan line. And this was in my inbox today, from a source at a club Samantha DJ'd at very recently, although Lindsay was conspicuously absent: Sam's DJing fee is pretty substantial and it was booked with the "we can't promise you anything but more than likely LL will be there" comment. When asked why she wasn't there, a handler explained that Lindsay spends time with her in LA but no longer travels to shows as it causes too much drama / distraction while Sam is working. So, she's been banned from the road ... That being said, Sam was one of the nicest VIP people we've had. She looked miserable the entire time but was extremely polite with her servers, always saying please and thank you for her Coronas. She also spun well past when we expected. Awww, Sam looks miserable WITH Lindsay AND without her! But if Lindsay's not traveling to all these events with her, Sam's fee is going to take a serious hit. /> Check out this interview E! did with Lindsay on the red carpet at an Oscar party on Sunday. Not only do her eyes look glazed over, but she keeps scratching at her scalp. Now, not that I've ever done drugs or anything, but, if I had, I might point out that one's head gets extremely scratchy when one has ingested, um, certain drugs. Oh, and she's also starting a spray tan line. And this was in my inbox today, from a source at a club Samantha DJ'd at very recently, although Lindsay was co...
Bridget Marquardt Is Back!! February 23, 2009Evil BeetBridget Marquardt Oh, my sweet, precious Bridget!!!! How exciting to have you back on my TV set again. Although I will never be watching you new show about beaches, it is reassuring to know that it exists. Here's a teaser for Bridget's new show, Bridget's Sexiest Beaches, which will be airing on the Travel Channel. It appears to involve cameos by Holly Madison and Sara Jean Underwood, among others. /> Oh, my sweet, precious Bridget!!!! How exciting to have you back on my TV set again. Although I will never be watching you new show about beaches, it is reassuring to know that it exists. Here's a teaser for Bridget's new show, Bridget's Sexiest Beaches, which will be airing on the Travel Channel. It appears to involve cameos by Holly Madison and Sara Jean Underwood, among others. ...
If It’s Profitable When Indian People Sing It, Surely It Can Be More Profitable When Americans Sing It in English February 23, 2009Evil BeetPussycat Dolls, Slumdog Millionaire That took basically zero time at all. Ryan Seacrest took to the airwaves this morning to premiere Oscar-award winning song "Jai Ho" -- sung by the Pussycat Dolls, in English. The remix was composed by A.R. Rahman and produced by popular hip hop producer Polow Da Don. You can check it out here. For comparison, the original song, from the movie, is here. It's sung by Indians ... in a foreign language. Ummmm, thoughts? Not just about the song, but about their decision to release an ...
The Oscars!!! February 22, 2009Evil BeetUncategorized Hey guys! I just got back from a weekend of hanging out at Whistler in Vancouver -- which is by far the coolest ski/snowboard place I have ever been to! -- and I am freaking EXHAUSTED! I literally just walked in the door ten minutes ago, and I'm trying to piece together everything that happened tonight with the Oscars. So much to catch up on! The full list of Oscar winners is here. Discuss!...
Keep Your Marriage Away from This Photo! February 20, 2009Evil BeetBalthazar Getty, Kate Walsh Kate Walsh and Balthazar Getty, neither of whom have had much luck with marriage lately, cuddle up at the Oliver Peoples Hollywood luncheon yesterday in LA. But my favorite thing about this photo? The little scrunched-up bulges in Balthazar's pants. What did Wendie call that again? Oh, yes. An ass twat. ...
Your Daily Lohan February 20, 2009Evil BeetLindsay Lohan, Samantha Ronson Awww, quality time, 2009-style. Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson both gabbed away on their cell phones as they went shopping at a jewelry store in LA yesterday. Also present: Samantha Ronson's dog. Jesus, you have to be spending a lot of money at a jewelry store in LA for them to just let your dog hang out on their fancy carpet ...
EVEN MORE American Idol Money Dramz February 20, 2009Evil BeetClay Aiken, Ruben Studdard See, this is the problem with handing a young person who's never had money before a potentially lucrative career -- they have no understanding of the fact that the money isn't guaranteed to keep coming. Fremantle ought to make these kids sign an agreement saying that a portion of their earnings every year goes to paying for a financial adviser, because they don't really seem to be champs at managing their own cash flow. Just like Fantasia before him, Ruben Studdard is in a ton of debt, bec...
Authorities Investigating Leaked Photo of Rihanna February 20, 2009Evil BeetChris Brown, Rihanna Hey, guys, in case you haven't noticed, TMZ ran a photo taken of Rihanna after she got her ass kicked by Chris Brown. Now the Los Angeles Police Department is investigating the leak of the photo from its files, saying in a statement it "takes seriously its duty to maintain the confidentiality of victims of domestic violence." Said Rihanna's father, Ronald Fenty, when asked about the photo leak: "It's good and it's bad to see the picture because there's other people who were thinking differently, that (Rihanna's injuries) may not be that bad, just a little spank or a little...
Who The Hell Is This??? February 19, 2009Evil BeetCourtney Love Courtney Love showed up at the Brit Awards yesterday looking sober and -- dare I say it? -- pretty. That's never a word I use to describe Courtney. Whatever she's doing, I hope she keeps doing it. [gallery]...