From the National Enquirer via Celebitchy:
Scientology leader David Miscavige called a secret emergency summit among the controversial church’s top celebrities to deal with the public fallout from Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ divorce.
Sources told The Enquirer that among those contacted for the clandestine conference call were Hollywood hot shots John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, Bijou Phillips, Leah Remini, Jenna Elfman and Juliette Lewis.
The church has been on the defensive since Katie blind...
I would imagine that if it weren't for the constant swarm of paparazzi that surrounds Katie Holmes everywhere she goes, she'd get a high five from every single person that recognized her. You could see that, right? Immediately after she filed for divorce from ol' cray-cray Tom, her life seemed to get unspeakably better, and it really is heartwarming to watch.
And here's another example of how things keep getting better for Katie: she just landed a role on Broadway!
Get ready to see a lot mo...
Listen. Listen. I LOVE Fred Willard. I love him to death. Roseanne, remember? He was Leon's completely lovable husband, and that was enough to make me love him forever, no matter what he does with his penis in public.
I'm obviously on Fred's side here (like Sarah said yesterday, why is it so bad that someone gets his discrete masturbation on in an adult movie theater?), but it looks like the rest of the world isn't. Here are a few developments that have happened since the story bro...
To be fair, when I was Lourdes' age (15, ugh), I thought my mom was so lame, too, mostly because she kept trying to borrow my clothes and because I hated her stupid boyfriend. Time has passed though, and her stupid boyfriend became my awesome stepfather, and while she still tries to borrow my clothes, at least now she'll let me borrow her jewelry. The point is, even though I thought my mom was the absolute lamest back then, I realize now that she was actually always incredibly wonderful. Probably...
I'm sorry, but photos of Snooki without all the fake eyelashes and pink lipstick and pounds and pounds of bronzer will always be so dear and so special to me. It was way back in January when we first saw Snooki without makeup (even though some of you thought she was wearing a little bit), and I was immediately mesmerized, and I've tried to keep my eye out for any makeup-free Snooki photos ever since. This girl is actually stunning without all the makeup she paints on herself, isn't she?
Ok, I think they care, but not to the extent that we thought they did. Because remember all those stories about Jessica Simpson's contract with Weight Watchers, and the deadlines they put her on, and about how she'd lose out on millions of dollars if she didn't lose the weight fast enough? Yeah, apparently none of that was even true. Go figure.
From People:
Like many new moms, Jessica Simpson was eager to get her pre-baby body back after giving birth to daughter Maxwell Drew on May 1.
"For me, I really want to do somet...
This is one of those stories that everyone is talking about, and even though I don't really buy it, I feel obligated to present it to you anyway. And you know, we are going to be talking about boobs here, so I don't feel like I'm putting you out or anything. Can you deal with a whole story about analyzing boobs?
The boobs in question (LOL, boobs) belong to Kristen Stewart. That picture up there, that was taken this past weekend at Comic-Con. Got it? And now here's a picture of her that was ...
Well, it's Blue Ivy and Beyonce, but you know, whatever, we see that broad every day. Blue Ivy, though, we haven't really seen all that much of her at all. There have been several paparazzi shots of Beyonce with her baby, but she's always entirely covered up so that you can't see her face. Then, of course, there were those photos of Blue that were posted on Tumblr, but that was way back in February.
Today is a brand new day though, and we have a candid shot from somebody who happened to be...
I wonder if there will ever come a day when every single person in the world stops feeling the need to broadcast their opinion of Chris Brown. I'm not saying that in a judgey way, because of course I have my own opinion of Chris, and I do broadcast that opinion on a fairly regular basis, I'm just curious. Will there ever be a time when the majority of us gossipers have the outlook of "Chris Brown, whatever," or will he continue to inspire lots of feelings for the rest of his career?
All right, all right, I know that last week I expressed some sympathy for Tom Cruise when we heard a story about how he first became involved with Scientology. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him when that story was spun to make Tom look like a naive simpleton with a heart of gold, but I'm over it now. Now, I'm able to laugh forever about how hard some people are trying to make Tom look like a pitiful, innocent saint in the aftermath of this divorce.
Take, for instance, this week's People...
From TMZ:
Halle Berry was rushed to the hospital Tuesday night after suffering an injury while shooting a movie.
Sources tell TMZ ... Halle hit her head on concrete after taking a nasty fall.
According to a photo agency, Halle was taken to Cedars Sinai Medical Center in L.A. We're told the injury occurred at around 10 PM. There was an ambulance on scene, and it appears that's how Halle was transported.
Halle was shooting the movie, "The Hive." You'll recall she suffered an ankle injury duri...
"I don't want that slutty whore touching my baby boy! Tell her to keep her filthy whore hands to her filthy whore self, because if she comes nosin' around my house, I got a shotgun that'll nose right back! She ain't nothin' but trash, and I won't have that, not for my son. If she wants a new man, she can go to the STREET CORNER or the DUMP, not my neighborhood. I'm ain't havin' it."
- Maria Shriver on why she doesn't want Taylor Swift dating her son, Patrick Schwarzenegger*.
But yeah...