Here's a fun little rumor! Kanye apparently wants his lady love, Kim Kardashian to return to her old stomping grounds, which, of course, is the land of homemade porn. And I'll admit that I was read to just skim the story for a giggle or two because I didn't really buy it and I wanted to read more about that vicious harpy, Kristen Stewart, but then I read one line that changed my mind entirely, and now I believe this story is true. Can you guess which line it was?
From Huffington Post:
What a weird tale. After Katherine Jackson was maybe kidnapped by her own children as a part of some kind of attempt to change Michael Jackson's will, a lot of stuff went down. You remember. The police got involved, Janet Jackson slapped little Paris, and then Katherine lost custody of the kids. And then at the end of it all, I guess Katherine was able to check her Facebook or something, and when she realized what was happening, she made that weird statement that everything was ok and she just wanted to go...
And I'm really sorry, you guys, but I think you might be disappointed.
It turns out that while Courtney Stodden is, in fact, filming a reality show, it's not the show we had hoped for. It's not a new show focusing on the wonderful life of Courtney Stodden, or a new show focusing on Courtney's journey to become a porn star. It's not a new show at all.
Right this very second, Courtney is filming with the love of her whole young life, Doug Hutchison. And they're going to be featured on the latest season of VH1's Couples Therapy. I KNOW.
It turns out that Court...
I know this isn't the kind of story we would usually cover, but listen: there's this billionaire who really, sincerely wants to build Jurassic Park. Not a Jurassic Park-themed park, but an actual, for real Jurassic Park. He wants to clone dinosaurs, and he's in serious talks with actual scientists to discuss how to do it. For real:
In other billionaire news today, a controversial and ostentatious Australian is supposedly planning a real-life Jurassic Park, complete with cloned dinosaurs. ...
I was pretty pumped to see Snow White and the Huntsman, and I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but I did go see it. I really, really enjoyed it. Like, a lot. I thought it was a really fun movie, and I even thought that Kristen Stewart did sort of an ok job throughout most of the movie, which, for me, is a pretty glowing review of her acting. I remember thinking "someone needs to give that director an award for figuring out how to make Kristen Stewart watchable," but now I realize that she...
From TMZ:
Macaulay Culkin insists he's NOT addicted to heroin -- despite reports claiming he's a chronic dopehead with 6 months to live.
A rep for Macaulay tells TMZ, the reports claiming Culkin is addicted to heroin and assorted hallucinogenics is "not only categorically without merit, but it is also impossibly and ridiculously fictitious."
The rep adds, "We beseech the responsible media to consider the source and its reputation and to please not perpetuate this destructive and insulting s...
When I first saw this lame perfume ad, I thought that the name of the product was Boss Nut. Obviously, it's Boss Nuit, and those of you with fancy book learnin' probably already know that nuit is French for "night," but I don't care about that. What I care about is the sweet, sweet smell of Boss Nut.
And see, that whole thing right there? Misreading the name of the perfume, then realizing that I had misread it and giggling like a preteen boy over the word "nut"? That was a million times...
I didn't think this glory would ever come to pass. I didn't believe that we deserved something so purely wonderful. I thought that this was just a dream that could never make its way into reality, a beautiful notion that was too precious for this world. But I was so wrong.
Courtney Stodden is finally getting that reality show, y'all!
Or, ok, she's filming a reality show. And the only place we've heard this news from is Courtney's Twitter, where she made this announcement a couple of day...
Do you remember that picture of Macaulay Culkin? It was taken back in February, and it freaked everyone out. Obviously, right? He looked really unhealthy, and his tiny fingers clutching the huge can of Red Bull didn't help to ease anyone's worry.
But was Macaulay looking so thin and sickly because of a secret heroin addiction? According to Radar, absolutely:
The 31-year-old actor has allegedly been seen by several eyewitnesses using a deadly mix of potent prescription drugs and unless ...
You see that little ragamuffin up there, that tall, lanky kid with the unkempt hair and the douchey shorts with his arm around Taylor Swift? That's Conor Kennedy, 18-year-old son of Robert Kennedy, Jr. That's also Taylor's boyfriend.
From People:
Over the Fourth of July, Taylor Swift was photographed hugging Patrick Schwarzenegger, Maria Shriver's son. But now it appears that Conor Kennedy, the son of Robert Kennedy Jr. and the late Mary Kennedy, is actually Taylor's love interest. He...
"Kate Middleton has a nice silhouette and she is the right girl for that boy. I like that kind of woman, I like romantic beauties. On the other hand, her sister struggles. I don't like the sister's face. She should only show her back."
- Karl Lagerfeld shares some of infinite wisdom on the topic of the Middleton sisters, Kate and Pippa.
Oh man, no one can make me laugh like good ol' Karl here. I'll admit, the first time I really started looking into his life was when he called Adele "a ...