Sure, Lindsay was a nightmare to work with on Liz & Dick. She didn't memorize her lines, she crashed cars on her way to work, she almost died or just didn't want to work that one time, I could never figure out which, and, of course, just this morning we learned that she completely trashed Liz's own dressing room. But it was all worth it, because Lindsay's resemblance to Liz is downright eerie. Right?
LOL, no. Look at this one:
But I will say this: Lindsay as 1980s Elizabeth Taylor ...
But we always knew that Justin Bieber had this in him, didn't we? Everything that this kid has ever done has led us to believe that he's an extremely childish little jackass with poor impulse control and a very inflated sense of self-importance. And that's exactly the kind of person who goes around hitting people in the dick.
See, The New Yorker, for whatever reason, did a story about Justin's manager, Scooter, and our friends at Popbytes were kind enough to share the following excerpt:
Madonna's MDNA tour has been thoroughly discussed quite a few times in these parts. We've talked about her apparent endorsement of dangerous drugs, about her nipple, and her ass. We've talked about her support of gay rights and her use of guns. Yes, for better or for worse (even though at this point it's pretty much always for worse), Madonna still knows how to get people talking about Madonna. But this time, just for this one brief, shining moment, Madonna is talking about Madonna. In verse!
It's a little long,...
I know, he looks pretty sickly, right? But that's just because he's playing someone who was really sick. See, Matthew McConaughey is working on a movie called The Dallas Buyers Club. The film is set in the 80s, and Matthew's character is HIV-positive*. And, as you can see, he's pretty serious about staying true to character.
Matthew has said that he plans on losing 30 pounds for the role by going on a starvation diet, something that would be a "spiritual, mental cleanse," and I hope he's ...
If we're being completely honest, it's been a hot minute since I've been all about Ryan Gosling. Maybe it's Eva Mendes, maybe it's because he hasn't saved anyone's life in a while, but I don't know, I just haven't been feeling it lately.
That's all changing though, because Ryan Gosling wrote a script called Catch A Monster, he's directing the movie, and he cast Christina Hendricks in the leading role, so he's officially a dreamboat again.
Here's a brief summary of the film:
Catch a Monster w...
Let's take a look at the statements first, all right? Because a lot of people felt the need to make a statement on this.
First, here's the official one from LeAnn's rep:
"LeAnn has voluntarily entered a 30 day in-patient treatment facility to cope with anxiety and stress. While there will be speculation regarding her treatment, she is simply there to learn and develop coping mechanisms. While privacy isn't expected, it's certainly appreciated."
And here's how Eddie feels:
"My wife is the most remarkable and coura...
Or, more specifically, Kris Humphries is getting sued for having herpes and then having sex with someone else and thus transferring some of his herpes to a new home. You can't get sued for just having herpes. I think.
From TMZ:
Kayla Goldberg claims she met Kris in August, 2010 at the Newsroom Cafe on Robertson Blvd in L.A. -- long before Kris met Kim Kardashian. The two flirted, exchanged numbers, and Kayla claims that night they met up at Trousdale nightclub on the Sunset Strip.
Do my eyes deceive me, Kim, or is that a wedding dress you're wearing? You tweeted this photo last night along with the caption "late night fitting," and regardless of whether or not it actually is a wedding dress, I'm pretty sure you know that I know that you want everyone to think it is. So what's the deal?
Can you really not wait a few more months for all this? Everyone knows you want to be Mrs. Kanye West, and that's great, that's wonderful, but everyone also knows that you're still married...
Wouldn't you be pissed if you were Shia LaBeouf's girlfriend? Pissed at Shia for being such a douchebag, pissed at yourself for making such questionable choices, pissed at the world for putting you in this position. It would be an unpleasant situation in many ways, for sure. But no, this time, Shia's girlfriend has a pretty specific reason for being angry. It's because Shia wants to have sex with other people. You know, for Art.
From Radar:
Despite putting on a brave face at the Lawless premiere...
It’s always funny to me when people say that I’m famous for being famous. I think it’s fascinating, because it’s still entertainment, you know? It’s fun to see the progression of that idea. I don’t take offense to it at all. I’m not naïve to the fact that I’m not a singer or an actress or anything like that. I’ve never claimed to be anything that I’m not. I think [reality] is still a new form of entertainment that was kind of an unexpected thing. It reminds me of rap music....
It seems like just yesterday that we first met that darling, precocious child bride, Courtney Stodden. Back when we first got to know and love this girl, she was just 16 years old, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and ready to take on the world. But a couple of years have passed, and now? Now she's 18. She's legally an adult. So what is she doing now?
Well, I'm not really sure what she's doing right at this minute, but here are some of her tweets from the past few days:
1 more week until the big 18...