Yeah, I know, this tattoo again. Is it Rihanna's beaten face, is it a sugar skull, is it some weird hybrid? Is it everything or is it nothing? Is it both? Is it neither?
Whatever it is, you guys need to stop talking about it, because you're really starting to make Chris Brown's tattoo artist angry.
From E! Online:
"I hate when people misinterpret what I do," veteran tattoo artist Peter Koskela, the man behind Brown's latest piece of body art, exclusively tells E! News. "It was reall...
Ugh, I'm such a bitch. Here we are with this brand new story about how the beautiful bond between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart has finally been mended, and I go naysaying the whole thing. I mean, it's from The Sun, and it's not like The Sun has never had one single true story. I think. Maybe.
Anyway, here's the story, and I'll let you guys decide how true it is, all right?
TWILIGHT hunk Robert Pattinson and love cheat co-star Kristen Stewart have become an item again — just m...
Can I help some of you guys out for a minute? Because I have some advice that might change your whole entire life. Are you upset about something right now? Are you mad about something, or is something just bothering you? I want you to really think about it. Now, in the grand scheme of things, is it really that big a deal? Is it really so huge and awful that it casts a shadow over every good, positive thing in your life? If it's not, then there you go, but if it is, think about this: is i...
After a big mess of speculation and lies and false hope (Kanye was never even in the running, was he, you cruel dream-crushers?), the good (?) people over at American Idol have finally finalized the judges panel for the upcoming twelfth season. Are you excited? Well, try, all right?
First is dear Mariah Carey, whose spot was officially announced months ago. This one shouldn't be a surprise, because what else does Mariah have to do these days, besides tend to dem babies? Her presence s...
It's been two whole days since we first saw Kate Middleton, current Important Person and future More Important person, topless. How is the world holding up? You haven't noticed any signs of the apocalypse, have you? No? Well, that's probably because the bomb hasn't dropped yet. The "bomb," of course, being the photos of William and Kate boning. Ewwww.
From TMZ:
The editor of the French magazine that ran topless photos of Kate Middleton is suggesting she has SEX PHOTOS of the Royal cou...
Snooki posted that photo on Twitter a few hours ago with the caption "I love you." Here's another photo that she posted, one that was published with her interview in People magazine:
Aww, you guys! Aww!
I mentioned this earlier this week, but I've been watching Snooki and J-Woww, and I absolutely love it. I know that the whole pregnancy thing, which is pretty much the main storyline, wasn't planned at all, but I think it's great. I love Snooki, I truly do, and I just reall...
Sometimes I roll my eyes so hard that it hurts my head. But it's not like this big awful horrible pain, it's just this quick pain that passes as soon as my eyeballs return to their normal position. But it feels weird, so then I roll my eyes again. I do this a couple of times until it doesn't amuse me anymore, and then I go back to doing whatever I was doing, which is usually the thing that caused the initial eye roll, and the cycle starts all over again. And I repeat the cycle until I'm read...
This is it, friends. This is what Finnick looks like, because this is a photo from the set of Catching Fire. This is Sam Claflin all dolled up in hair and makeup, ready to woo us all with his dashing good looks, his undeniable charm, and his sweet trident moves. Except not really.
Not to be mean (oh god, this is going to sound so mean), but is this a joke? Sam Claflin is adorable and everything, and I know that he's making a goofy face in this picture, but this just isn't what I pictu...
Ha ha, but really. That photo right there, in case you couldn't tell, is the cover of Christina's first single from the album, titled "Your Body." And it's bad. It's really, really bad.
I don't know why I always expect more from Christina Aguilera, but I really do. Maybe it's because I really liked her when she released her first album, back when I loved shitty music just because it was popular, or maybe it's because unlike so many other pop acts, she's actually really talented. I ...
From TMZ:
Amanda Bynes has much bigger problems than smoking pot and driving illegally ... there's evidence she has serious mental issues.
TMZ has spoken with a number of people who have had repeated contact with Bynes over the last few months, and the stories are consistent and disturbing.
Several people from her gym -- Equinox in West Hollywood - tell us, she has been showing increasingly alarming signs of delusional behavior. One person says Amanda came to the gym Thursday looking...
How delusional is Lindsay Lohan? And is it just me, or has she been getting more and more delusional as time goes by? There was that tweet about how she totally didn't have anything to do with that Vanity Fair article about Tom Cruise, like any of us would think that she ever had a serious connection to Tom Cruise OR that Vanity Fair would even want to speak with her. There was that other tweet where she told Obama that the people listed on the Forbes list of millionaires should get tax cuts if they're not real...