But seriously, look at Courtney Stodden's face. That's a picture she just posted. I know the quality isn't that great, but just look at her cheeks. No plastic surgery, really?
According to Courtney's mom, nope, not at all:
"It's ridiculous! She's doing her makeup differently—that's all it is!" Keller told E! News exclusively. "Courtney decided she wanted to change her makeup. She went for a lighter, more natural look, old Hollywood kind of look."
Keller added, "All she did was lighten her hair, used a lighter shade of makeup and tanner, and not use as ...
"That whole AIDS thing," for those of us experiencing minor memory loss, refers to that thing that Paris Hilton was recorded saying about gay men. Specifically, this:
"Gay guys are the horniest people in the world. They’re disgusting. Dude, most of them probably have AIDS. I would be so scared if I were a gay guy. You’ll like, die of AIDS.”
The recording of Paris' conversation was released yesterday, and a few hours later, her rep released a statement explaining that we all just took it ...
I know that these past several years have been rough on us all. People have lost their jobs, money's so tight ... but if you're an agent, a publicist, or a lawyer who thinks she could have some fun in that tough town of Hollywood, then you might just be in luck!
Amanda Bynes's whole entire team has left her. She has no representation. She is, after all, a mess:
Amanda Bynes' management team is abandoning ship -- her agent, publicist and entertainment lawyer have all dropped the actress as a client in the past couple of weeks ... ...
We haven't been following this whole Chad Ochocinco thing all that closely, but I do think it's really hilarious/sad/interesting. To recap, Chad is a football player, he got married to a reality star, and then a month later he headbutted her in the head. She filed for divorce, and he responded by getting a huge tattoo of her face on his leg. But it looks like Chad has finally faced reality, and the two are already officially divorced.
But how is he handling it? I'll just show you this q...
Not to be rude, or, well, not to be all the way rude, but Rupert Sanders is so creepy, right? He just gives off these awful creeper vibes, and it's not just because he cheated on his wife with a woman almost half his age, or because he was the director of a film who had an affair with his leading actress. No, I feel like if I had known who Rupert Sanders was before this whole thing went down, I'd still be like "hey, weirdo." Is that fair to say?
If you don't get those same vibes, go ahead...
It's not that I think any of you have actually been worried about this, it's just that we don't hear all that much about Paris Hilton these days, and I don't want you to think that it's because she's gotten older and wiser or anything like that. Nope, she's still a total jackass, it's just that no one cares enough to document every example of it anymore.
But this time is different. This time, Paris Hilton said something really dumb and offensive, and there's a recording of it. To set t...
Well, this is odd. See, Justin Bieber's mom, Pattie Mallette, wrote this book called Nowhere But Up: The Story of Justin Bieber's Mom. And on one hand, I'm like "good for you, Pat," but on the other hand, I'm like "if you titled your memoir The Story of Justin Bieber's Mom, then maybe your life story isn't that compelling, and maybe you're just doing this for money." But then I read this little synopsis, and she does have a compelling story, but I think she's still just doing this for money. ...
"I am doing amazing. I am retired as an actor. I am moving to New York to launch my career. I am going to do a fashion line. I am not talking about being arrested for DUI because I don't drink, and I don't drink and drive. It is all false."
Well, that's what Amanda Bynes told People, so I guess we can all move on now. Come on, friends, there's nothing to see here. Nothing besides a former child star getting high in the Home Depot parking lot....
No, like, again. Did Courtney Stodden just recently get more plastic surgery?
Here's a little comparison photo, with Courtney's new face on the left and her old one on the right:
I'm totally willing to believe that the fuller lips could just be the makeup, but the rest of it? I mean, it looks like her face shape has changed a little bit, doesn't it? Look around her jawline. In the old photo, she has a more rounded jawline, and it looks quite a bit different in the new picture. ...
See, this is what I find so frustrating about Lindsay Lohan: everything. Ha ha, but really, it's just so irritating to me that she's such a trainwreck that basically anyone in the same vicinity as her could make up any story about her and it's automatically believable. Like, if I was in New York right now and I noticed that the lady I just accidentally brushed shoulders with is Lindsay Lohan, I could go to the hospital and tell everyone that she violently shoved me and broke my arm, and it ...
Keep in mind that this is another interview that Kristen did just before that cheating scandal, so she's still not saying all that much about Robert Pattinson just yet. But soon, friends. Maybe. Hopefully.
But yeah, it seems like everything is falling back into place now, doesn't it? I'm pretty sure most people have stopped sending Kristen Stewart scarlet letters and death threats, and I haven't heard anyone gush about how she's just a little tiny baby girl who made a big boo boo. We...