But then again, when you're Kristen Stewart, all of your pants are awkward pants.
Right, yesterday. Do you know what happened yesterday? It was Kristen's first big appearance since, you know, all that stuff happened. It was her first time doing an event and talking to lots of people: it was a live interview about that perfume she's selling. And, wouldn't you know it, things didn't go so awesome:
As the face of Balenciaga fragrance Florabotanica, Stewart sat down with French fashion editor Virginie Mouzat...
From Star via Celebitchy:
Amanda Bynes has been terrifying friends and family recently with her very public and bizarre antics. But Star spoke exclusively with the “retired” actress, who claims that she is doing “just fine.”
“There is no craziness,” Bynes, 26, tells Star when asked about her erratic behavior. “There’s no story there. It’s all lies.” But one man disagrees. The seller of a red Porsche met with Amanda after she saw his ad and asked for a test drive, insi...
Weird, right? I didn't even know that was a real thing, aging backwards, but according to Kate Gosselin herself, who is as honest and respectable as they come, that's what's happening.
Here's how Kate explained her condition:
"I am probably one of the rare few who de-age."
I know, it's really vague, and she didn't say anything else about it, but this is big news, right? Do you think she's going to pull a Benjamin Button on us? Do you think she's going to make a statement about this...
Over a year ago, I said that Kellan Lutz, the guy who plays Edward Cullen's brother, Emmett, in the Twilight movies, gives the most magical interviews. And it's true, he really, really does. He just has this way about him, and this habit of saying really douchey things in a really sincere way. And I just love that about him.
Here's the exciting part: he just did a new interview, and now there's so, so much more to love.
On his inevitable Oscar: “I want to act for the rest of my life...
"The thing is, it’s interesting that anyone would call me a child molester because what I think that does is belittles true child molesters, the ones out there that are really molesting children. We can’t do that. My and Courtney’s marriage is legal, it’s moral and its within the law. I’m not a child molester, so anyone who says that I’m not going to take it to heart. I only care about what my loved ones think about me and no one else. We wake up in each others’ arms in the morning a...
Probably, you guys. Probably, right at this very moment, they're kissing for the very first time as husband and wife. Ok, and just now Jessica Biel started sobbing with joy. That's still happening. Still happening, ok, and just now, Justin Timberlake winked at a bridesmaid.
Of course, I can't be sure that that's exactly what's going on, but I bet I'm pretty close. See, Justin and Jess, eternal lovebirds, are in Italy right now, and so is Andy Samberg and important people in the music ...
Taylor Swift's boyfriend's grandma being 84-year-old Ethel Kennedy. You know, natch.
We've documented the mutual admiration that Taylor and Ethel have for each other - that kind of admiration that is bordering on a full-fledged girl crush - but this time it's a little different. This time, Conor Kennedy's cousin, Ted Kennedy, Jr., is documenting the friendship. And it's just hilarious to me.
From Us Weekly:
"[Taylor and Ethel] love spending time with one another," Kennedy Jr., a 51-...
Dear Jennifer Love Hewitt and every other woman who exists,
There are clothes that will look very flattering on you. You can find them at various places around the world.
P.S. This is not ok:
No, I get it though, I do. It can be hard to find really cute clothes if you're not a very thin woman with an hourglass shape and at a medium height. We all have our own unique problems when it comes to fashion, and I'm not making light of that. I still weep with joy every...
Yeah, that stealth baby that Megan Fox has been carrying around for the last little while. You remember. Or you might not, since it was so very secretive. Either way, the news is the same: Megan Fox is now someone's mother.
Here's the statement from Megan's Facebook:
We have been very lucky to have had a peaceful few weeks at home, but I would like to release this myself before others do. I gave birth to our son Noah Shannon Green on September 27th. He is healthy, happy, and perfect.
No joke, this is probably the best thing I've ever seen*. It's funny, it's awkward, it makes fun of Taylor Swift, which we all know is just so much fun. I laughed out loud several times ("so shame on me now"), and I just love it, guys, I just really really love this.
Plus it just makes it all that more clear how ridiculous Taylor Swift is. And that's something the world desperately needs.
*Well, the best thing I've ever seen is either this video or the concept art for Jurassic Park 4...
You remember when Kate Gosselin got that job blogging for a coupon site? If not, let me just inform you that about a year ago, Kate Gosselin got a job blogging for a coupon site. I never looked at it, but I've been reading a few comments on the site, and apparently all Kate ever did was talk about how awesome she is and also never talk about coupons. That sounds about right, doesn't it?
So Kate got fired. It sounds like a reasonable decision, but you know what's funny about it? What'...
"I do want to say something from the heart, something actually kind of serious and truthful. I have not pooped in four days—four days! I've been travelling. I'm nervous. I'm getting concerned. I'm wearing a tight dress."
- Kristen Wiig discusses bodily functions while making a speech at Elle's Women in Hollywood dinner.
I'm sorry, guys. I know it's real early, and I know not everyone loves talking about poop. But I do love hearing from Kristen Wiig, and it did make me giggle, so this is what...