I wasn't sure how I felt about Taylor Momsen for a while. With the whole "my vibrator and I are BFF" thing, I was like "well, good for you, Taylor." With the "reinventing rock and roll" business, I was like "oh, Taylor, you do sound earnest." She's kind of like this girl I used to know back when I was helping out with the Teen Book Club at the library who got a tattoo of a pentagram with a goat head inside of it because she just really, really embraced Satanism: it's kind of sweet that she feels so strongly about it, but there's a pretty good chance she's g...
Yeah, all you eligible bachelors out there best get your meth on and do your damnedest to snag this gem up before someone else does. Amy broke up with her boyfriend, Reg Traviss, back in August after some photos were released of Reg hanging out with an ex-girlfriend. Tough break for Amy.
The original story was published in The Sun, and here's a quote from their source:
"She (Winehouse) hasn't spoken to Reg since and she's told everyone that it's over. She's pretty cut up (upset) about it, she was serious about him. Amy ...
"Harry Potter is not Twilight, you know; we're not selling sex."
- Emma Watson giving another reason why Harry Potter is different from Twilight. I think that brings the count of differences up to two: Harry Potter doesn't sell sex, and Twilight doesn't have any literary value. Oh wait, the vampires in Harry Potter don't sparkle in the sunlight.
Feel free to add your own list of differences in the comments....
So there's a new Lady Gaga biography called Poker Face: The Rise and Rise of Lady Gaga. That's all well and good, but in the book, Gaga's old tour manager, David Ciemny, makes some pretty worrisome statements about the singer's health. According to him, Lady Gaga has a habit of alternating between binging junk food and not eating altogether, and her eating habits put her in the hospital six times in 2009 alone.
I believe it, but mostly just because I tend to believe everything I hear abou...
I know you guys, this is a completely new rumor that just started recently. Crazy, right? Who would have thought?
Ok, ok but seriously, there's a brand new rumor about John Travolta's sexuality, and that's what this is about. Apparently, John's been dabbling around in the gay spa subculture (which really,all jokes aside, just sounds delightful).
Here's a quote from a little memoir called You'll Never Spa in This Town Again:
"I met John in 1998, after he had married Kelly. I believe the marriage is a total fraud because John is totally into guys and has been having sex with them behind Kell...
Photo via Popeater
This is what Bjork wears to press conferences. She just goes through her closet, wades through the dresses shaped like animals and the half avante garde, half completely misguided outfits until she finds just the right completely horrendous jumpsuit with rosettes that try to eat her thighs, gives a sigh of relief, and suits up.
This is really just Bjork being Bjork, so I can't hate too much. Even though I think rosettes might be directly from the devil....
“I did it to get rid of the old Vienna, but now no one recognizes me. I have to scream at people saying, ‘I’m Vienna from The Bachelor!’”
- Vienna from The Bachelor on her new haircut.
You know, Vienna, I wouldn't worry about trying to get people to remember you anymore. Your moment's kind of gone, and the only people who care about you anymore are people like me who enjoy blogging about you. But not for the right reasons, Vienna. My love is not pure. So please, for yo...
As if the photo above of Peaches Geldof getting ready to smooch on a magazine poster of Rupert Grint wasn't enough, Peaches went ahead and discussed her feelings further on Twitter:
Little known fact about me: I've been writing Harry Potter fan fiction under a pseudonym for quite a while now. I'm never revealing myself!!
'Ron: The Ginger Hero', by Peaches Honeyblossom Geldof. 'Ron, ron, your name- a song, your hair, a flame, your eyes of green...'
...'Ron, Ron, it wont be long, til you and...
"I'd smack her in the mouth if I saw her. I would smack her in the mouth and be arrested for abusing a woman! I would say, 'You deserve this and nothing else...' Whack! And then, if she's not satisfied, I'd put her over my knee and spank her and then put her in rehab and that's it."
- Crazy ol' Jerry Lewis describing his feelings on Lindsay Lohan.
Maybe not so much that first part, Jerry, but I think a spanking and an extended stay in rehab would do wonders for Lindsay. After all,...
If you're like me, you await the Oscars and the Emmys and the Tony Awards every year like a small child waits for Christmas morning. If you're even more like me, you don't get so excited about who won what award, or the funny things the host might say, or that reaction shot when that actor didn't win that award. Because we don't care about that. We just care about the dresses. And it's not even about "look at this tragic dress Olivia Wilde chose to wear, but isn't it fascinating how she's st...
Or he might have been cheating on her for a while and just now got caught. Or he might have done nothing, because this story was originally published in Star. Anything's possible, but since Ashton hasn't been looking too happy lately, and since many people have always said that Ashton would eventually cheat, I'm going to go ahead and believe that there may be at least a grain of truth to this story.
Here's the original report from Star:
Their 15-year age gap always made Ashton Kutcher and Demi...