As I'm sure you remember, a couple of weeks ago Paris Hilton got arrested for cocaine possession. One might think that since Paris has already been caught with weed twice this summer, this little cocaine bit might just be enough for her to see some jail time, but no worries! Paris will be free to take care of her bunnies to her heart's content!
In exchange for a guilty plea, Paris is going to get off with a year of probation, a $2,000 fine, 200 hours of community service, and enrollmen...
Nicole Kidman's latest movie, Rabbit Hole, recently premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival. If you don't know about Rabbit Hole, let me give you a little bit of background. It's based on a play, and it's about a woman (played by Nicole) whose son gets hit by a car and dies. The character in the play, and I assume the movie, is understandably not doing so well in the aftermath of that. There are scenes that feature the character screaming at her mother about how God is a...
And after we all had such high hopes for her.
Yeah, last week Lindsay tested positive for cocaine, and she also failed another drug test for an unspecified substance that was not cocaine. The failure of a drug test is supposed to mean 30 days of jail, but I guess we'll see about that. I mean, she spent only 23 of what was originally 90 days in rehab, so it doesn't look like anyone is too concerned about strict adherence to sentences in this situation. It's also being said that because...
I have no idea why. The doll, Kinky Kim, is advertised as a "busty bubble-butt bimbo who's had more dark meat inside her than a bucket of fried chicken." And I will be damned if that's not the most charming, appealing thing I've ever heard. What woman wouldn't want to have a blow up doll modeled after her? What's that? A good deal of woman wouldn't want this? Whatever, prudes.
As it turns out, Kim falls into the category of women who would not appreciate this treatment, and she...
Photos via TMZ
We haven't really heard a lot about Mel Gibson lately. He's a racist, mysoginistic dick, that's been a pretty solid theme throughout the summer. With that in mind, I guess it makes sense that Mel would want to take extra precaution to see that he's not recognized when he goes about his business. These photos are of one such disguise.
I'm going to give this a solid C. And C is average, you guys, it's nothing to be ashamed about. I just don't think there's anything impressive about slapping on a mustache and telling yourself th...
Have you been asking yourself that question lately? It doesn't have to be that exact question, it could be something more like "why is it not completely gross to you that you are covered in raw meat?" or even a simple "what the fuck?" Either way, if you saw that Vogue cover with the shredded meat bikini or the above ensemble Gaga wore at the VMAs last night, some form of "why?" has probably crossed your mind.
Lucky for us, good ol' Ellen DeGeneres, who is vegan and also adorable, had some questions about the meat clothes as well, and she got to ask her about i...
Women choose to have children for lots of reasons. Sometimes a woman feels like she has a familial obligation. Sometimes a woman feels like she was simply born to be a mother. And sometimes, a woman feels like a baby will keep her out of jail and rehab. Guess which one of these categories Lindsay Lohan falls under?
Here's the original report from In Touch:
Despite her recent legal issues — and recent reports that while driving she allegedly clipped a stroller with a toddler in it — Li...
So remember that time back in July that Snooki got arrested? Well, she had to go to court for that yesterday, and her judge was not afraid to share his true feelings:
"You seem to be acting like a Lindsay Lohan wannabe," Judge Damian Murray chastised the demurely, all-black-clad reality starlet. "Going through life rude, profane, obnoxious and self-indulgent is not the way you want to go through life. If it was scripted, only you can determine whether it was worth trading your dignity for a paycheck."...
Ok, so here's how this happened. I was on the phone with my BFF last night, talking about spiders or Supernatural or something, when she stopped and was like "Emily. Emily, listen." And then she told me this beautiful story, which I, in turn, am sharing with you guys.
Billy Ray Cyrus and his son, Trace (that guy up there hugging on Miley that used to be in Metro Station, and also a beautiful douchebag) are working on a new reality show where they "investigate conspiracy theories involv...