Dear Aaron Carter,
What happened to you? It seems like just yesterday you were an adorable prepubescent boy who threw obscenely large house parties and made absurd claims that you beat Shaq at a game of one-on-one in a hopeless attempt to steal some attention from your older brother, Nick (it never would have worked, Aaron. Nick is a Backstreet Boy. Do you even understand the importance of that?). But that was actually several years ago, and now, Aaron, you're back, but you're not t...
So I was hanging out with this dude one time, and he was like "Ok, if you could only have sex with five people for the rest of your life, but you could have sex with them whenever you wanted, who would you pick?" And I am a very indecisive person, so I pussyfooted around the question, asking additional questions like "is magic involved, do fictional characters count?" and "are they willing or is this some shady hostage situation?" But I finally managed to select my five people, and after I rec...
Every word that Kanye says is just as golden as those numerous necklaces around his neck. Seriously, have you seen his Twitter? The man can't stop - nay, he won't stop.
Kanye recently revealed a little bit of his brilliance to The Daily Mirror, and I'm not about to deprive you guys of his wisdom.
On Michael Jackson: "With the passing of Michael Jackson, I feel a responsibility to bring things to our generation that can inspire and bring real culture to pop culture. I don't sleep any more thinki...
Photo via People
All right, see that picture? That's Jack Sparrow (I know that I should say that it's Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow, but no, I'm going to stick with character names, you'll see why momentarily) and a couple of his pirate buddies, and that little girl is nine-year-old Beatrice Delap, pirate-in-training. Beatrice, in need of some assistance, wrote a letter to Captain Jack Sparrow, one of the best pirates ever, and said that ""We are a bunch of budding young pirates. Normally...
So what's happening in this picture is Courtney Love is galavanting around shows for the Paris Fashion Week, looking classy as fuck. She's not making a scene, she's not wearing extremely unflattering clothes. I've been studying this picture for a while now, and I can't find a single thing trashy about her here. You guys, she's even wearing pearls. Pearls. Maybe this really is a brand new Courtney (for public, anyway).
But just look at how sad she looks. The girl is in Paris, looking super cute, and there's even a reasonably attractive young man near...
Ok, I'll give you a couple more words, but really, just look at the picture for a minute. Doesn't James Franco make such a dramatic-looking woman? Like if you gave him some finger waves, he could totally be banging Humphrey Bogart?
This is definitely what looks like another awesome photo shoot by Terry Richardson, and it's for Candy, a newish magazine that refers to itself as "the first fashion magazine ever completely dedicated to celebrating transvestism, transexuality, cross dressing and androgyny, in all its manifestations." In related news, I am incredibly excited for the future.
Punk'd. Justin Bieber is going to be the new host of Punk'd.
This news hit me in waves. I was like "oh, I always love Justin Bieber news. Wait, they're bringing back Punk'd? I wonder if Ashton ... oh no!" And then my brain synced all the information together, and then it promptly exploded. That's how great this news is.
Things aren't set in stone yet - according to the original article, Bieber "has been all but officially tapped as the host" of the revival of Punk'd. And just i...
“I’ve been told I’m too forthright with opinions. Well do they want a fierce woman or milquetoast? Should I be me, or should I pretend to be something I think people want? Pretending seems pretty ridiculous to me. I didn’t think that what I was was so bad that I needed to hide it.”
- Katherine Heigl getting real.
If you read the interview, it's pretty clear that the writer is on Katherine's side. He says that she's "warm and genuine in person," and he brushes off all those inst...
This is a photo of Tyra Banks. Do you see those people behind her? That's the public. She wore some damn fishnet over her head in public - to the 90th anniversary party for French Vogue, no less. I bet she was super smug with herself while she was getting ready for this event, like she just grabbed up some of those super cheap stockings in those quarter machine capsules and when she got home she had a stroke of "genius" and made a mask, just like some small children playing Cops and Rob...
It's not really a secret that lengthy relationships run the risk of getting a little boring. Fortunately, Brad Pitt and George Clooney are on that tip, and they also know where to go to get a discreet, professional third party to add some excitement to their - oh, wait. It's just a prank. They just hire each other male escorts as a prank. Well, fuck.
Here's the story from Life & Style via Celebitchy:
One perk to being an A-lister is being able to pull pranks on your famous fri...
Photo via TMZ
I love fashion. Not so much in a "check out this designer, isn't he so similar to this designer?" way, more in a "this skirt is adorable, this fabric is awful, look at how horrible the construction is on this dress" way. I like to look at clothes, I like to make clothes, and on a different note, I absolutely adore talking smack. So understandably, whenever two celebrities (however loosely defined that term may be) wear the same dress, I get excited.
In an extremely ...