This story starts out nicely, with Charlie in New York to visit ex-wife Denise Richards and their two children. They stayed in a hotel in separate rooms, and while Denise tended to the children, Charlie's night went in a different direction.
Cut to 2 AM this morning, when police arrived at Charlie's hotel room to find him drunk and naked, and as one police officer said, "intoxicated, irrational, and emotionally disturbed." He'd thrown some furniture around, and he'd also fucked up the chan...
Ok, it was the Carousel of Hope Ball, which is an event to raise money for the Children's Diabetes Foundation, so the focus really shouldn't be on the fashion, but if someone is going to purchase a formal gown, then that person could take a little time to buy something that isn't ridiculous. I'm looking at you and your mesh skirt, Jennifer Lopez.
The gallery of mediocrity contains pictures of Paris Hilton in some cotton candy catastrophe, Kathy Hilton wearing some tragic gown with ruffles, Lis...
Image via Gawker
This is a picture of the beautiful Anderson Cooper interviewing that zany Lady Gaga in London. I love how Lady Gaga looks like she's schooling Anderson Cooper, like Anderson's all "ok, but listen, you can see your damn underwear, girl, and your glasses and your shoes are just damn stupid. It's chilly out here. There's something to be said for practicality, girl, that's all I'm saying," and Lady Gaga is like "no, YOU listen to ME, Anderson, are you wearing a sweater v...
On Wednesday, Luciana gave birth to the latest Damon spawn, a healthy little girl they named Stella Zavala (that's cute, isn't it? I mean, I can never hear the name Stella without imagining it screamed by a wasted Marlon Brando, but it's still a nice name). On top of the birth of this brand new baby, Matt's movie, Hereafter, was released in theatres on Friday and brought in a pretty solid $12 million.
I think it must be amazing to be Matt Damon. And yeah, it would probably be awesome t...
A lot of people got all up in arms over those racy pictures in GQ of some ladies from Glee, and understandably so - I'm a huge fan of the show, and even though I knew that everyone was of age, I still felt this intense, inexplicable creepy feeling when I saw Rachel trying to be all sexy next to some lockers. But now there's the possibility of things getting a little more intense, because Playgirl wants to get involved.
A rep from Playgirl told E! that they want to take some dirty picture...
I know, it's a lot to take in. Let's start with the part about the killing.
Remember that tiger safari that Russell and Katy were going to treat their wedding guests to during their stay in India? Well, that happened, and a Jeep full of photographers (like AP and Reuters guys, not like National Enquirer guys) followed a few hundred feet behind. When they were spotted and as Russell watched on, the security guards promptly approached them to assault them and steal their car keys, and t...
Even though Christina filed for divorce from husband Jordan Bratman last week, and even though the two have been separated since September 11th, they're still living together. And that sounds like an uncomfortable situation.
From TMZ:
It's hard enough getting a bad tenant out of an apartment. So just imagine Christina Aguilera's dilemma -- her hubby is still living in the family home with no plan to move and it's really awkward ... sources tell TMZ.
As TMZ first reported, Aguilera filed for divorce from Jordan Bratman last week after nearly five...
The answer is no, of course Kristen Stewart is not the next Meryl Streep. That's preposterous. Meryl Streep is capable of evoking emotions and changing facial expressions on film, and Kristen is just not there yet. But then again, that's my my opinion.
Jake Scott, the director of Kristen's new movie, Welcome to the Rileys, has a very different opinion of Kristen:
"She's grown up, you know. She's a woman now. She was a girl, or a young woman, when I first met her... I've known her three y...