Just last month, Courtney Love posted a series of pictures on her Twitter that had a whole lot of people sadly shaking their heads, tsk tsking, mumbling "oh, Courtney," or a combination of those things. Well, she's back, you guys. This time with fashion*!
But really, Courtney Love fascinates and concerns me, and that started way back when the video for "Doll Parts" was making its rounds and my sister blared it whenever it came on, and I was like "excuse me, I'm trying to learn subtraction ...
Ok, I'm sure there's some improv somewhere on TV right now, but nothing that matters. Remember "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" That mattered.
If you do remember "Whose Line" and you enjoyed it, then you're probably going to be super glad to hear that the show Drew Carey is producing and starring in also features Ryan Stiles, Chip Esten, and Kathy Kinney. It's set to come on the Game Show Network next spring, and they're going ahead and filming 40 episodes in Las Vegas. Drew describes the show as "a lot more free-form" than "Whose...
On November 23, 1987, a gift was given to this world. That gift was Nicole Polizzi, and nearly 23 years later, she's still giving. Specifically, she's giving many of you a headache and a sense of hopelessness for the youth of America..
Regardless, Snooki found time to celebrate her birthday in Manhattan last night, and it looks like she had a fabulous time. I think that little patch of blonde she has in her hair is stupid, but otherwise I am loving her ensemble. I believe that any da...
"His preference is Middle Eastern or guys with dark features. His taste has changed over the 15 years that I've seen him visiting spas. First he strictly liked black guys. For the longest time if you weren't black, he didn't want you. Then he was into Middle Eastern men. Then it was Mexicans and other Hispanic guys. Then he moved on to Koreans. I guess he doesn't have much of a preference any more."
- Robert Randolph, author of You'll Never Spa in This Town Again, on John Travolta's taste in m...
Well, run and get yourself a glass of wine and a box of chocolates, because you're about to need some comfort.
If you'll remember, filming for Inferno was scheduled to begin in August, but their star, Lindsay, had to go and spend some time in jail and then rehab. When she was released, the producers decided to move the whole shebang from Louisiana to L.A., just to accommodate Lindsay and her probation. Basically, ever since Lindsay went to jail back in July, there's been a continuous "...
The Olsen twins made a trip to LAX, and I guess Mary Kate was off being eccentric or something, because the focus was definitely on Ashley. Well, Ashley and her awesome dog. Rightly so, because these pictures are wonderful. The one on the stairs where the dog is looking straight at the camera, all chill-like, is the new background on my computer.
By the way, do you recognize the dog? You should, because I'm pretty sure you saw it back in April. It's cool if you missed it though, I'd un...
First there was the guy who shot his TV thanks to Bristol, and now this.
Here's how yesterday went down over at the CBS studio, home of the travesty that is Dancing with the Stars. The postman came to drop off the day's mail, including a bit of fan mail for Bristol. A staff member opened the letter, and do you know what was inside? Why, it's the one thing that everyone hopes to find in mail from a stranger: mysterious white powder!
The building was evacuated and the LAPD and the FBI showed up to investigate, and do you know what it was, you guys? It was j...
Photos via D-Listed and Pop Sugar
I think a lot of people have moments in which they think "wow, I am so very glad that no one is documenting this moment in my life." For example, if a friend had pulled out a camera that time a couple months ago when we visited the local wine store and I had a rather animated, drunken conversation with the owner about how he couldn't really call himself a connoisseur if he didn't sell Boone's Farm, I'd probably be a little upset. Sadly, David Arquette was in...
You know how sometimes a person will say things, maybe in an interview like this but in everyday life as well, and you just get this overwhelming sense of "wow, person, you're a total tool," and sometimes you realize that he's actually a good person who just doesn't understand how to interact with people, and sometimes he's just a dick? Yeah, Matthew Morrison (Glee, you guys) did an interview with Details, and right now he's in that first category. I'll show you guys some excerpts and you le...
From the busted weave to the exposed panties, it doesn't really get more iconic Britney than this, does it? Well, there are those haunting pictures of Britney with the shaved head, but let's not go there right now. We have other places to go right now.
Can someone school me on weaves real quick? Why would Britney have gotten one in the first place if she so obviously can't take care of it? Is it because her own hair is so damaged by peroxide and shattered dreams? Has she never he...
Yesterday, GQ named Scarlett Johansson their Babe of the Year, and that's fine. That's totally fair. But today they announced their Men of the Year and for the most part, I just don't get it.
Jeff Bridges' official title is Icon of the Year, and maybe I'm young and naive, but why? Is it because of the new TRON movie? Is it a nod to his work in The Last Unicorn? It's probably because of how Crazy Heart was all over the Oscars like a bad case of crabs, isn't it? Yeah, that's probably why.
Then there's Drake, who's been named the Breakout of the Year, and I just don't know who he is. ...