That nondescript little "Merry Christmas" is just not going to cut it, so let's get this done. I need you on this one. Paris needs you. We can pull from her cocaine possession shenanigans or all those times she got photographed this summer, boozing it up or that time she adopted 20 rabbits. She's had such a full year, she and all her Christmas card recipients deserve more than a simple "Merry Christmas" without so much as an exclamation point.
Just power through this one, guys, then you...
"I have to be happy for Levi's new relationship because it sounds like his new girlfriend is influencing him to want to actually spend time with Tripp. I sincerely appreciate her influence because [Levi] hasn't asked to see Tripp in over five months, so I'm happy for this new development!"
- Bristol on ex-boyfriend Levi's new lady.
By the way, the question in the title of this post was silly, of course she's passive aggressive. This little statement is almost as bad as the one I heard ...
So Angie's out promoting The Tourist, and Brad was promoting Megamind there for a bit, so the couple has been out and about a lot recently. I posted about the first time this happened, and I got my feelings out, and everything was good. Then it happened again, and I was mildly unsettled, but I ignored it. Then it happened again, and I was going to address the issue, but I think Ryan Gosling was being beautiful that day. But then this happened. And by "this," I mean that ridiculous dress you see a...
... And it's this guy! Tony Romo, you guys. You remember him. He's the guy that dumped Jessica last year on her birthday.
Tony's future wife is Candace Crawford, a news anchor in Dallas and also a beauty queen. He proposed at some restaurant in Dallas, he got her a nice ass ring, so on and so forth. But I don't care about that. I care about how this is the first serious girlfriend Tony had after Jessica, and about how the proposal happened on her birthday. Way to cut deep, Tony....
"I remember, like, fifteen years ago, I was at one of those big Hollywood parties. And he [Mel Gibson] was really drunk. I was with my friend, who's gay. He made a really horrible gay joke. And somehow it came up that I was Jewish. He said something about 'oven dodgers,' but I didn't get it. I'd never heard that before. It was just this weird, weird moment. I was like, 'He's anti-Semitic and he's homophobic.' No one believed me!"
- Winona Ryder, telling GQ all about it.
I know that this man has said some horrible things, but for some reason, the image of Mel Gibson calling Little Women era Winona an "oven dodger" just stabs straight into my heart like an icicle. I specify the icicle because I used to think icicles were so neat and pretty, much like Mel Gibson in The Patriot, but now they're just nuisances and little implements of death.
Are any of you guys comic book nerds? If so, get ready, because in March your Justice League* will get a brand new member - none other than Ms. Spears herself. Let's check out her storyline:
“Britney Spears — the most famous superstar of the 21st century. What does it take to reach those heights in the Internet Age? What are the hidden costs when every move makes the headlines? More than an entertainment powerhouse. More than a dancer and musician. Britney Spears is a survivor!”
Interesting angle, that "survivor" business. If it were me, I'd hav...
"I loved the idea that Walt Disney had this dream of a place and then made it a reality. The fact that somebody believed in their idea so much to make it a reality... I want to be that kind of person. My mother still believes in Santa Claus. We tried to break it to her once, but she wasn't having it."
- My affirmed new favorite person, Ryan Gosling, touching on the topics of Disneyland and wishing upon stars.
Is there anything better than a guy with some whimsy? Of course not. Ryan Gos...
What a coincidence, because I have big dreams of Robert Pattinson expanding on his already incredible musical skills.
Yeah, it turns out that Rob was "obsessed with Eminem" and he has "hundreds and hundreds" of tapes of himself rapping up a storm at age 13. His group was called The Big Tub and the Tappy Cats. This is all real. And I know you're all curious about what little 13-year-old Robert rapped about:
"Most of my rhymes were stolen off other people anyway. They were all like, 'I...