Charlie Sheen had a very exciting week this week, as Charlie Sheen is apt to do. I realize that many people ache for this kind of wild adventure, and because I sympathize with those people, I decided to take the events of Charlie Sheen's week and use them to create a guide for you guys so you can have adventures of your very own.
Step One: Come out of your regular coke haze long enough to realize that your popular television show is on hiatus for the week. Start getting pumped for she...
That's right, Will Ferrell is coming to The Office. In these, Steve Carell's last hours as Michael Scott, Will Ferrell will swoop in like a similarly styled comedian from heaven to ease everyone's worried hearts as Michael heads on out to greener pastures in the form of eloping with Holly (right? That's what's going to happen, isn't it?).
Here's how it's going down:
Ferrell, 43, will join the NBC sitcom for a guest role in which he plays a branch manager who arrives from the home office and...
For instance, did you hear that the fourth season of the show is going to be filmed in Italy? Can you even begin to imagine the sort of hijinks these kids will get into over there? I can, and it involves many trips to the U.S. Embassy, several offended Italians, an average of 27 hilarious issues from language barriers per episode, and the destruction of at least one priceless artifact.
As if this wasn't enough evidence of Jersey Shore thinking outside the box, there's also the glorious ne...
I went for our traditional headline of "Love It or Leave It," but to be totally accurate I think there should be a third category for moments like this, something along the lines of "Love It, Leave It, Or Rub One Out to It." We can brainstorm about that idea in the comments, but for now, let's continue on with dear Megan.
Don't you just love this latest Armani ad of hers? I certainly do. Probably my favorite part is how I studied it closely for a good few minutes trying to figure out...
If you're old enough to make the choice to read this site, then you probably have some fun little tales about waking up. For example, some of mine include waking up to a friend snuggling me and trying to convince me to drink some malt liquor and watch some gay porn with him and waking up in a hospital bed by being prodded by a 12-year-old schizophrenic. Everyone has a different tactic, I suppose. And celebrities are no different.
The magical thing about celebrity though is that ability to re...
If not, you might want to hop on it before you miss your chance, because the ever offended Parents Television Council is busy writing letters to the government with complaints of child pornography.
Lest we think that the PTC is simply all up in a conservative tizz again, they're not the only ones concerned - so are MTV executives. It turns out that the actors playing the main cast are all between the ages of 15 and 19, and if you know Skins (and heads up, you just have to know the British version, because the new one is just a poorly done remake of the origin...
In a shocking move, Pete Wentz has decided to ditch the hair straightener and the tears for a more natural look. What do we think? At first, I was like "hope you love it, Pete, but you look a hot damn mess," but upon further consideration, I think it's good. I think it's indicative of a new era of Pete Wentz, one that doesn't involve dick pics and looking suicidal. And that's an era I can believe in.
I don't know if you can tell, but I adore Pete Wentz. Maybe it's because Fall Out Bo...
"I knew everything about sex before I was even seven. My mom left me at home when I was 14 with a credit card, and a box of condoms and the keys to the car and said, 'Don't get pregnant and don't drink and drive'. I had to be responsible for myself."
Now, I'm not a parent, nor am I anywhere near to a point in my life where I would be able to be one. However, I am familiar with children, so my first instinct is to shake my head and say "Wow, Ke$ha, you've been exposed to some questionable...
By now, we're all used to celebrities saying some really deep stuff. And guys, that's what Twitter is for. Can you imagine how different the world would be if people like Socrates and Sartre had accounts on Twitter (heads up: I can, and I think I'm going to develop it into a web comic)? The internet would be much more of a downer, but that's beside the point. The point is that people like Lindsay Lohan and Kanye West are the philosophers of our time, and their forum is Twitter. And on tha...
That loving look in Edward's eyes. Bella's tender placement of her finger on his chin. You can feel the raw emotion just coursing through them in this photo, right?
No, I'm just kidding, but I know somebody's going to rub one out to this picture, so I didn't want to rain on that parade. Anyway, judging by the condition of the pillows, this is a photo of a moment just before Bella and Edward consummate their marriage. That's sweet, but I would much rather see a photo of the aftermath, wh...
I have no clue what it is, but it's not in me to hate on poor little Jennifer Love Hewitt. Maybe it comes from watching I Know What You Did Last Summer when I was 10 and feeling sorry for her. However, I did not see this stupid dress that Jennifer wore to a charity gala last night when I was a child, so I have no such obligation to pity it.
Despite this extremely questionable choice in fashion, I'm going to go ahead and find that silver lining and say that Jennifer just wanted to try so...