Am I wrong, or was this past weekend kind of lame? For instance, I had a nightmare about Fred and George Weasley, I learned the hard way that Stars Wars cookies don't go well with margaritas, and I kept thinking the same damn thing: "there's just no reason for this." That kind of thinking must have carried over to my obsessive Twitter viewing, because I kept having that thought when I was trying to find appropriate celebrity tweets to bring to you on this day. So let's check out these sen...
... And is going to be the subject of a magical binding ritual. I know, that's a lot of information. Let's break it down.
It's been a crazy week for Charlie Sheen. He's been giving interviews, sending questionable texts, and most importantly, being autotuned. And that's a lot to keep up with. In the midst of all the craziness, Charlie's tossed around the term "warlock" a little too freely. He's called himself a "Vatican assassin warlock" (he also called himself a "gnarly gnarling...
In a perfect world, no one would wear midriff tops* and stupid short-sleeved shrugs over long-sleeved shirts. Can we all agree on that? Is there anyone out there besides Jennifer Lopez who thinks that either of those things are acceptable fashion statements?
I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Jennifer as much as anyone - my weekly contributions to this season of American Idol mostly consist of some variation of "hey, Jennifer Lopez is really pretty, huh?", and one of my catchphrases is ...
You love Justin Bieber's new haircut, right? Of course it's tragic that he can't tantalizingly "shake it throughout the day" anymore, but that's a sacrifice that had to be made, because Justin thought his gorgeous locks belonged in an eBay auction rather than atop his beautiful head. And he was right.
Were you right? Let's see ...
"The bitch is back and better than ever!"
-Britney Spears lies to V Magazine.
We showed you her photo shoot for V earlier this morning, but I just want to make sure you guys understand what's going on here. I mean, I certainly admire Britney's can-do attitude, but "better than ever," really? And I'm not even talking about her busted weave or her emotional issues, I'm just talking about the music. Whenever "Hold It Against Me" comes on the radio, I don't even hate it, I barely notice it ...
This girl. Honestly. To me, Snooki is hot like Charlie Sheen right now, except, you know, without death threats. And in this month's issue of Rolling Stone, Snooki pops out to let the world know that she's never going to go away. Sorry about that, or, depending on your outlook, hooray!
From Rolling Stone:
On watching Jersey Shore: "If I do something stupid, which is pretty much the whole time, I hate it," she says. "I just hate it. Obviously, they're only going to put the good stuff in, and the good stuff is us drunk, so all I'm seeing is me drunk and falling down. That's how ...
Can you tell where it's from?
Sorry about the low quality, but this is as good as we're going to get - there's not going to be a public release of the mug shot, Lindsay style, because nobody plans on pressing charges against Christina. It's a good thing too, because this girl does not handle the police station's lighting that well, does she?
For good measure, here's the rundown from a police officer on Christina's arrest:
"They [police] witnessed a person driving erratically. At 2.4...
Did you see that exclamation mark at the end of that headline? It's because I'm incredibly excited about this spring's cast of Dancing With the Stars. I'm not even being sarcastic, I'm totally, definitely going to watch it. Let me break down the cast and tell you why.
First of all, Kirstie Allie is there, and she's obviously the big star, which is a little sad. Do you remember when she actually worked and didn't just talk about her weight all the time? I don't, I'm too young, but I...
Total shocker, right?
See, what happened was that Christina and her boyfriend, Matthew Rutler, were out for a leisurely drive at about 2:45 this morning. The problem was that Matthew was driving, and he was hammered, which apparently is not ok, so police had to pull him over and arrest him. And poor little Christina was just minding her own business, sitting in the passenger seat, and she got booked for public intoxication. They said she was "unable to care for herself."
Is that a normal thing, being arrested for public intoxication while riding in a...
How 'bout them Oscars? I didn't watch it - did you guys know that Netflix just added all the seasons of Roseanne to watch instantly? - but as you should know by now, I spend the wee hours of Monday morning sifting through celebrity tweets, looking for thematic links between relevant celebrities so you guys can be kept in the loop, and lucky for all of us, all people want to talk about right now are last night's awards. I'm going to show you guys some tweets from a few of my very favorite dudes, and ...
"I am on a drug. It's called 'Charlie Sheen!'"
I'm sorry, you guys, I couldn't resist. Charlie Sheen is just so on fire right now. This beautiful man just did his first televised interview since his life fell apart this last time - part of the interview is going to be on Good Morning America on Monday and then there's going to be a 20/20 on Tuesday night with the whole thing - and judging by TMZ's promo, it's going to be a spectacular event in television. Don't get me wrong, this ...
I used a photo of Rihanna because ... I mean, she'd obviously win in this battle, right? I don't know, I'm super bad at fights and arguments and anything remotely aggressive, so you guys can check out these ladies' Twitter fight and let me know the victor.
It all started when Ciara went on E!'s Fashion Police and said "I ran into her recently at a party. She wasn't the nicest," of Rihanna. She continued with "It's crazy, because I've always loved and respected what she's done in fashion...