First there was the news of Ashlee's unattractive behavior in the impending custody battle, then the girl rebounded with a friend of Pete's, and now this.
See, one of the most popular, most likely theories regarding this couple's divorce is that Pete really, really doesn't want it to happen. And now he's going on tour for a month, and you know what Ashlee does? She takes him out for lunch to "boost his spirits before he left." Twice.
I hate this move so much. I know that Ashlee and Pete have a child, but this wasn't a visit, t...
"But Emily, you're not friends with Ke$ha anymore, why would you make us look at a gallery of her at the beach?"
Because, dear friends, I can't carry this weight alone.
Images courtesy of TMZ
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Remember when Usher was married to Tameka Foster, the woman who was made famous for popping out a few Usher juniors and getting the shadiest liposuction ever? Well, add another little achievement to her list, because she's also banged Usher on camera, and that certainly deserves a mention.
According to TMZ, someone's going around, trying to sell the tape, and they sent in a little sexy snippet from the video as a preview, I guess. TMZ also says that it's definitely Usher and Tameka, and t...
Ok, today's Tweet of the Day is going to work a little bit differently than you're used to, mostly because Soulja Boy is the world's best tweeter and also I don't feel like pretending to care about whatever Kim Kardashian is mindlessly retweeting right now. No, I want to focus solely on Soulja Boy, because that dude was talking tons of nonsense last night, and I want to do my part to give him a bigger platform to express his whacked out emotions. So I'm going to show you guys what he had to sa...
"Anyone that loves animals and is kind like that ... she'll be an incredible mom. I was at Macy's with her recently and there were 1,000 people there and the little children came up and she lights up. I could see babies and a wedding."
- Kathy Hilton, musing about her baby girl's future.
I know, Kathy, Paris would just be the best mom! Just look at her ever so tenderly cradle that champagne bottle to her mouth, and do you see that wise, knowing glint in her eyes in her third mug shot? That's the look of a lady who could teach a child a thing or two ab...
Let me save you some thinking time and tell you that yes, you most definitely do. I mean, maybe it's just from lack of sleep (the only way I can go to sleep anymore is if I imagine Charlie Sheen reading Harry Potter to me by candlelight [in my head, he does a really good Umbridge]), but I laughed so hard at this little version of that sad couple's break-up:
Rumours were beginning to circulate that things were not great between the couple when the singer turned up to last month's Academy A...
These days, one of the first things I think about when I wake up is Charlie Sheen. Is that sad? Seriously, my routine involves making the bed, petting the puppy, turning on the computer, and Googling Charlie Sheen. It seems like good ol' Alec Baldwin has been following a similar routine, because he took some time to write up a bit of decent advice to Charlie:
But you know what you should do? Take a nap. Get a shower. Call Chuck. Go on Letterman and make an apology. Write a huge check ...
Because, statistically speaking, I think some of you already have. Either that, or Cee Lo's just a whole lot of talk:
"I'm definitely having more sex than the average man. Yes, two or three women a night, trust me. The other day I slept with two women - not at the same time - because I was at home and they missed me. But you know, these are my friends, we missed each other. So I just want to give joy and good tidings, that's what it's all about. The Lady Killer has got all the girls in a ...
You guys know Jay Baruchel. You've seen his precious little nerdy face in movies like Knocked Up, Million Dollar Baby, and Tropic Thunder, or you might know him from his earlier work on Nickelodeon's "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" Either way, he's getting married to Alison Pill, an actress you might know from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Even if you don't know who these kids are, let me just tell you that they're getting married, and Jay has the best proposal story that I've ever heard: