I know what y'all teenyboppers are thinking: "Can it be? My two true loves, Justin Bieber and Robert Pattinson crossing paths in the same celebrity gossip story? Oh, my stars and garters!" Well, buckle up kids, because it's happening.
Here's Justin fangirling over Rob a little while back:
"One day Robert Pattinson came up to me at a party and said, 'For whatever reason, people love our hair and it's always a great ice-breaker with girls,' " Justin is quoted in The People. "He is like, '...
Child stars are the best, right? Something special and magical happens when a kid is thrust into the spotlight like a piece of meat thrown to the wolves. And really, what tool do we have to analyze this that is better than Twitter? I defy you to name one, but before you do, go ahead and check out these tweets and we can decide which former child star is the most well-adjusted today.
Where my dogs at? Just kidding, that's ridiculous. Bow Wow has always been ridiculous, even when...
"I can say this about Charlie right now. Charlie has been nothing but a great friend to me, nothing but a great friend. I showed him how to destroy a hotel room, and he showed me how to edit and work on film. It was great."
- Beautiful Bret Michaels bragging on his bro, Charlie Sheen.
Was it really that "great," Bret? Because if you taught him how to destroy a hotel room, then all you did was teach him how to kick off his biggest downward spiral yet. I thought you were better than t...
"Girls be reckless."
You hear that, ladies? The next time you get a dick pic from a superstar, maybe exercise a little judgement before you forward it to the internet. A dick pic is a gift, and don't you forget it. Oh, and by the way, Chris has also stated that he "wasn't even excited" when he took that picture. Does that do anything for you, peen hounds?...
“He’s so incredibly loving and sensitive, he really is. He is the most loved actor I have ever worked with on a movie. And he’s not saintly, and he’s got a big mouth, and he’ll do gross things your nephew would do. But I knew the minute I met him that I would love him the rest of my life. I know him in a very complex way. He’s a real person; he’s not a cardboard cutout. I know that he has troubles, and when you love somebody you don’t just walk away from them when they are stru...
See that lady in the photo above? That's Mary Perry Hudson (the older lady, not weird-looking Katy Perry - that picture was taken in 2008, but doesn't she look way different?), and she's got some words to say. Before we analyze anything, let's just take a gander at Mom's book proposal:
"Amid a torrent of negative reports from tabloid magazines and entertainment shows, Mary Hudson wants to tell 'her story' and dispel a lot of rumors. Katy's success has impacted her ministry in both negative and positive ways. She loves her daughter very much and is very proud of her accomplishments, but disagrees...
Did you watch it? If you did, then you know that Donald Trump definitely wasn't the belle of the ball - that honor belongs to The Situation. His jokes for Donald and the rest of the roasters were not only hilarious, they were also followed by a touching and graceful message of respect and admiration for all involved. Oh, wait, that wasn't The Situation? His segment was riddled with boos and he he had to be rescued by Jeffrey Ross? That doesn't seem right to me.
Maybe The Situation ...
Go ahead and let that headline sink in for a minute, it's a doozy.
Neil Strauss, former rock journalist, has written a book called Everyone Loves You When You're Dead: Journeys into Fame and Madness, and it sounds like a pretty good time: a review notes that some of the best segments of the book include "shooting guns with Ludacris, getting kidnapped by Courtney Love, making Lady Gaga cry, and shopping for Pampers with Snoop Dogg." That's all well and good, but Neil just recently had a chat with Rad...
See, look at him try to grab a piece of himself up there. No shame in his game.
These pictures are of Justin with his wax self at Madame Tussauds in London. I'm sharing them with you for a few reasons: 1) I'm well aware that y'all guys can't get enough of The Biebz, 2) I may have injured your delicate souls when I exposed you to Rebecca Black this morning, and I feel bad about it, and 3) I love wax figures. I don't think I need to explain myself further.
With these photos, can't y...
I've never had strong feelings about Rihanna. I was always like "yeah, she's pretty, and a couple of her songs are ok, but can we move on?" But then she went and said some pretty respectable words to Vogue, and I think I'm going to give her an official thumbs up.
On her father and his reaction to the Chris Brown incident: “It really makes me question what I have become to my father. Like, what do I even mean to him? It’s really strange. That’s the only word I can think of to describe it, because you grow up with your fat...