I'm just joshin' with that headline. Of course Lindsay Lohan didn't have a great Sunday, she probably hasn't had a great Sunday since 2004. She had a horrible Sunday, arguably the most horrible Sunday one can imagine. What happened to her, you might be wondering. And the answer to that is that Michael Lohan happened to her. Scary, right?
What happened was Lindsay was just hanging out in her home yesterday, being just so sober and responsible when ol' Crazy Lohan, Sr. tried to break...
Last summer, our Jersey Shore sweethearts made news for earning $10,000 per episode. I remember reading that and thinking "really, these wacky people get paid ten thousand dollars to party on the beach for a summer?!" But these guys have come a long way since then, and they're getting the paychecks to prove it. You want to know how much they're making for the fourth season?
$100,000. Per episode.
Now, the $100,000 is just for the "core group" of the cast, which probably means Snooki a...
A lot of you apparently disagree with Molls and me about how silly Pia Toscano is, and that's ok, because diversity is what makes the world interesting. However, there's no reason for any of us to get bees in our bonnets over this girl, because she's already doing great for herself, and let me tell you all about it.
Did you hear that she already signed a record deal with Interscope? Well, that's mostly a lie: there's no contract as of right this second, but they want to do a single with ...
He's also phenomenal at soccer! Who knew?!
Just kidding, I don't know if Justin Bieber is any good at soccer, but judging by these lovely pictures of The Biebz in Barcelona and the fact that he is the greatest gift Earth has been given, I'm going to go ahead and assume that he's better than Beckham. Fair?
Let's cut the small talk and swoon over these pictures together. Sigh. It's just like, "what can't he do?", you know?
[gallery columns="7"]...
If not, you might want to reconsider, because it's some high class entertainment of the polygamist variety. There's Kody, the handsome man-child in the middle up there, and then there are all his ladies. There's his first and only legal wife, Meri, on the far left, and she's my favorite because she's sweet, but she doesn't take any of Kody's shit (and Kody has a lot of shit, trust), then Janelle, his second wife who let herself go but makes the most money in the house, then Christine, the seriously sassy third wife whose ...
Let me tell you, there's nothing I enjoy like a good old-fashioned feud. Ain't nothin' better to get that blood pumpin'. And a feud between Lindsay Lohan and Betty White? Forget it.
So here's what happened. It all started when Betty told The Daily Mail the following:
"They party too much, don’t learn their lines, are unprofessional and they grumble about everything. I think they are terribly ungrateful. I cannot stand the people who get wonderful starts in show business, and who abuse it. Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen, ...
Man, Kristen Stewart turned 21 today, can you guys imagine? For my 21st, we went down to the Applebee's at around 4:00 in the afternoon, and I was just sipping on a daiquiri, all classy, until my old prom date showed up stoned and started ordering me margaritas and drinks that were so strong that he had to order more margaritas that I could use as chasers. Then we went to go see Night at the Museum 2 and I ran into a wall trying to make my way from the theatre to the bathroom. But I bet Kriste...
Actually, she thinks she's too cool for a parking ticket, but that's not a well-known saying. Let's move on.
See, lately Amanda Seyfried has been hard at work promoting her new movie, Red Riding Hood (which I've heard is horrible, have any of you seen it?). Just a couple days ago she was in London at a premiere of the film, and when everything was over, she went back to her car, and she had a little sit down with her driver and a buddy, just chillin' in the car, you know, when some ballsy traf...
There are three things in this world that always look cheap and trashy to me: denim jackets, fringe, and Chloe Sevigny. Now, I'll concede that my distaste for denim jackets is silly and unfounded and a completely personal thing, and I'll accept that fringe might have its place in the world with period costumes, but Chloe Sevigny? I won't budge on that one....
"Hopefully I’ll be able to settle down and have kids within the next couple of years — maybe even the beginning of next year. I don’t see myself going to the Shore in the next five years or so. I don’t want to jinx it — I haven’t really talked about it — but it would be nice.”
- JWoww divulges her baby dreams!
I'm going to take an alternate viewpoint on this, ok? Ready? I don't think this is a bad idea. If you watch Jersey Shore regularly, you can see that JWoww actually seem...