Sarah linked you to this story last afternoon, but I feel the need to go more in depth with this. I feel the need to talk about my feelings. Is that ok?
Alicia Silverstone recently gave birth to that baby she's been toting around, and not a moment too soon. It was a healthy baby boy, everyone's happy - great story, right? But no. Alicia had to twist this happy little story to ridiculousness by naming her child Bear Blu. Do you love it?
Here was my thought process when I saw this: "Bear Blu. Bear in the Big Blue House. Bear in the Big Blue Hous...
Did y'all wish your moms a happy mother's day like I told you? Did those of you who are mothers get showered in love and affection? Well, I sure hope so, because if not, then you're really going to feel awkward about today's Tweets. Let's check out a variety of stances on the importance of Mother's Day, and after that you can either pat yourself on the back or do some smooth talkin' for your actions to all the mothers in your life, ok?
My boy, Chris Crocker, always tells it like it ...
Some of us are really bad with change. It's ok, there's nothing to be ashamed of if you're one of those people. It's just that, for some of us, whenever something significant or even something we just perceive in our neurotic little minds to be significant changes, we feel like something is trying to claw our insides out from within. And that's how I felt when Paula Abdul left American Idol.
But chin up, fellow neurotics, because Paula and Simon Cowell are soon to be reunited in televised sin...
Ok, there were also charmingly genteel fashions, mint juleps, and I guess horses*, but really, it's all about the hats. I've compiled a gallery of this weekend's events, so check it out to see more of Kate Gosselin trying to stay stay relevant, Ian Somerhalder being scorchingly hot, and the best part? Salt-n-Pepa!
*Do you guys remember this time last year when it was my very first weekend working here, and I wrote about the Kentucky Derby and some of you ripped me apart because...
"I suppose I shouldn't be saying this, but he was kind of a brat... Actually, he was really nice to me but he locked one of the producers in a closet. And he put his fist through a cake."
- CSI cast memeber Marg Helgenberger on Justin Bieber's behavior on the set of the show.
Ok, I'm sure that Marg here isn't a liar. I'm sure that while Justin was on CSI he did lock someone in a closet and punch a cake, but I'm also sure that he had good reason. He's not a heathen, you know. He's a humble, considerate, a...
Maybe it was an exaggeration to say "so many people I love" were there, but there was a good handful. There was the eternally beautiful Johnny Depp, the always sexy Eliza Dushku, the constantly hilarious Martin Short, and the all around magical Mickey Mouse! There were some other people there too, like Ashley Tisdale, Vanessa Hudgens, and Teri Hatcher and whatever she did to her face. All of those people of varying wondrousness are just detracting from the main story though: why did they insist on making another movie about these damn pirates?
[gallery col...
Happy Mother's Day, moms! Way to pop them kids out and raise 'em right! In honor of all you guys, I'm going to share a few words on the art of motherhood from the creator of one of America's greatest train wrecks. Hey, it's never too late to learn something new, am I right? All right, let's let Dina drop some knowledge:
On Being a Single Mom: "The secret to single parenting is to just teach them what you can teach them ... And you pray that instills in them for the rest of their lif...
Oh, and just to clarify, I'm being ironic when I call Charlie "father of the year," it's not like that time that Michael Lohan actually won a Father of the Year award. It's a crazy world, and clarification is necessary sometimes.
As you probably know, there have been some problems between Charlie and his ex-wife, Brooke Mueller, on the topic of their children, the two-year-old twin boys, Bob and Max. They've been working out custody and the terms of their divorce for a few months now, and this weekend is the first that Charlie gets to spen...
Now, I've never done a blind item before because I'm usually laughably terrible at them, but this one was just so painfully obvious to me, and it also gives me a chance to do one of my very favorite things. Ok, I've already said too much, so just read the story and then we'll discuss it:
This star is part of an ensemble cast that gets together every once in a while to hang out. Our star is not the brightest star of the bunch but she is one of the nicest. Because she is so nice, and generall...
“One should dry-hump as much as possible. It leads to great things. I’d prescribe at least once per day. What’s also nice about dry humping is that it can happen anywhere."
I don't know if I agree with Cameron on the magnitude of dry humping. Maybe that's because I was a total prude until, like, a year ago, and I had a few traumatic run-ins with the infamous dry hump in those pivotal years prior. Since I feel like this is such a safe place, I'm going to go ahead and open this post...
Take Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Jackson up there, then throw in Marlon Brando, and you have the main characters in the best story I've ever heard.
Picture it: September 10th, 2001. Michael Jackson has a concert at Madison Square Garden, and, of course, he invites his besties, Liz and Marlon. The three have a grand night, but the next morning, 9/11 happens. They try to get a private jet to take them out of New York, and when that couldn't happen, they settled for the next best thing: ...