There is something wrong with Nicole Kidman, you guys. You can tell because of this ensemble and also by what she's doing to her face. Now, I could talk for a while about her face, but her face is neither here nor there (it is, in fact, lost in time and space*, floating through the cosmos in a place where it can never be seen again). No, right now we are going to talk about the atrocity that she decided to put on her body for last night's CMT Awards. Gag me with a fucking spoon.
If you guys could an...
Emma Watson, everybody. Totally flawless in every way. Have we all had time to adjust our eyes to her powerful beauty yet? All right, then let's get started.
Back in April, I brought you the story that Emma was getting bullied at Brown, and that's why she left. Not so, says Emma, and how dare you suggest such weakness:
"It made me so sad when all this stuff came out that I left Brown because I was being bullied. It made no sense at all. Brown has been the opposite. I've never even been asked for an autograph on campus. I threw...
I'm horrible at blind items. My brain just does not work in that way. Trust me, I wish it did, I would bring you all the scoops, but sometimes life isn't fair. But then, very very rarely, a special little blind item comes along that I have to know the answer to or I will simply die. This is one of those:
This is one of the hottest tickets in town. This mom, who is married, or I think she is married, close enough anyway to this former A list movie actor who is still a solid B with A+ nam...
Or, more specifically, listen to Ice-T and Coco school you on sexy marriage. These guys have been together since 2005, and, as you can see in the picture above, they just renewed their wedding vows, so I think you can trust what they have to say.
Here's a little segment from their recent interview with Vibe:
But really now, how can I have a marriage that comes with a sex circus of a love life?
Ice T: Marry somebody that turns you the fuck on.
Coco: Don’t think that you’re going to turn them into so...
No, not in real life. In real life, Anne Hathaway is far too cute to pistol whip anyone. But at work, anything goes, and that's exactly what a stuntman for The Dark Knight Rises learned the hard way:
Anne Hathaway injured a stuntman on the set of new Batman movie 'The Dark Knight Rises'. The 28-year-old actress - who stars as Selina Kyle/Catwoman in the Christopher Nolan-directed film - got a "bit carried away" while staging an on-set fight and hurt a man with the butt of a gun. A so...
Look at this little girl, you guys! Out little Dakota Fanning is all grown up. It seems like just yesterday she was everyone's favorite little actress. Remember I Am Sam? Or how she was little adorable Reese Witherspoon in Sweet Home Alabama? No doubt, this girl has always had some talent, but that's not what this is about. No, today, this is about precious Dakota getting her high school diploma and entering into adulthood*. Congratulations!
Do you remember your high school graduatio...
I support Snoop Dogg in everything he does, and so should you. This is a man with many a dream, and I hope he achieves every single one. You might say that that's because I would love to live in a world where you could marijuana easier than you can buy Girl Scout cookies, and that's fair, but it's also because I believe in people, and I especially believe in people who want to bring me a mass amount of solid entertainment.
Here's the story from the New York Post:
Snoop Dogg wants to l...
Maybe it's just because I've been in a crazy good mood lately, but I can't find a single catty thing to say about this here awards show fashion. For example, I just told you about how much I hate lady tuxes, but little Kirsten Dunst up there is the cutest thing I ever did see. And just yesterday I mentioned how I don't find Gerard Butler all that attractive, but I'll be damned if he's not looking pretty nice in his suit here. Even Chloe Sevigny, who is never not a hot mess, looks all right. Some...
We're all familiar with the unparalleled beauty, grace, and talent that is Jason Isaacs, right? If not, let me explain: 48 years ago today, a magical gift was given to this world in the form of baby Jason Isaacs. Over the years, he grew and matured and blossomed into the gorgeous man that we see before us today. He's been in some of my very favorite movies - he was the bad guy in The Patriot, he was in The Chumscrubber, which I've talked about before, and he plays Lucius in the Harry Potte...