And I don't just mean that Ryan was tipsy and driving a little too fast, I mean that Ryan's blood alcohol content was 0.196, which is more than twice Pennsylvania's legal limit of 0.08, and he was going between 130 and 140 miles per hour in a 55 zone. So yeah, that's the most reckless thing I've ever heard.
I still stand by what I said on Monday - I think Ryan was a great, funny dude who made some horrible, deplorable, and obviously dangerous mistakes. I've been out of my mind wasted befo...
One of my favorite things is when celebrities wear things that I could make myself. Not to be cocky or anything, I'm definitely not a master seamstress, but whatever little Anna Paquin is trying to rock here? Yeah, I could probably whip that up.
I think it's not even that I could make it, it's that I would love to make it. But not in a serious way, in a "wouldn't it be hilarious if I made a black dress, but made the torso part sheer and decorated it with some pipe cleaners?" way. Isn't tha...
Just yesterday, Sarah showed you guys a clip of how much of a train wreck Amy Winehouse is these days. At that point, Amy had cancelled a couple of shows, but now, she's just throwing in the towel completely by cancelling her whole European tour. Girl was going to head out to Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Poland, Hungary and Romania, but that's over, because clearly she is incapable of functioning internationally.
I think this might be a good sign. It looks like this is Amy b...
Or maybe not. Maybe Chris Brown and Rihanna are just trying to salvage something of their relationship, or maybe they're just trying to make things not completely horrible and awkward when they bump into each other at award shows or something. I don't know. All I know is that Chris Brown can't work Twitter.
You know how you can send direct messages and you can send the little @ replies to people? Poor Chris Brown has a little trouble with that. Yesterday, he got the two things confused, and he sent Ri...
I sort of don't know where to start with this Ryan Dunn update. I don't mean to seem callous, but this is the first celebrity death that's happened in my time here at Evil Beet that's been really tragic for me, and that's probably because Ryan Dunn is one of those celebrities that I feel like I know, you know? Like I woke up this morning to a text from my best friend telling me about his death, and that might seem lame or too fangirlish or whatever, but that's what happened. And I have...
I don't know about you guys, but when I see an attractive man with a dog, something in my brain is like "game on." Like my boy and I are in the process of adopting a puppy (long story, but I have really shitty neighbors and there's a precious little baby pit bull who just needs all the love in the world), and when they play together, it's pretty irresistibly adorable. It's a lot like an attractive man with a baby; there's just something about it that calls to me. And I know that I am n...
Yes, the book is titled Ode to Happiness. Happiness, you know, that elusive feeling that Keanu Reeves has been searching for for years? Here's a brief description of the book:
"I draw a hot sorrow bath. In my despair room," reads one line.
Each page of the book features a line more somber than the last -- printed in large ink blot letters that look as though they've been smudged by falling tears. The book ends with a single black hole and the words, "It can always be worse."
Oh, Keanu...
Man, sometimes I hit the boy band stuff hard around here, don't I? But you love it, right? Right?!
Well, even if you didn't care about one of the Backstreet Boys checking into rehab (and for shame if you did not!), you almost HAVE to care about this news. Because this news involves Bobby Brown. Are you sold yet? No? Ok, let me explain.
Beautiful Lance Bass is apparently making reality shows these days, and he wants to do his own singing competition show, natch. Except, of course, there's a catch: no girls allowed! Because it's all about...