It really was touch and go for a while with Kate Middleton, no joke. Like, of course she was stunning and beautiful and graceful and all that during that one wedding, but she often gives off a sort of bitchy vibe too. But then this precious little girl with cancer got this notion that she wanted to meet Kate. Here's the girl's letter:
"Dear Princess Kate. My name is Diamond Ann. I am six. I was named after Princess Diana. My Mommy Memory is in heaven with her.
I have cancer. I spend a ...
“I’d rather smoke crack than eat cheese from a can.”
-Gwyneth Paltrow being the most pretentious person.
I just can't right now, you guys. I dislike Gwyneth so strongly, and it's so early in the morning, and I just don't have it in me right now to rip her to shreds like I really, really want to. If you could just pick this one up for me, I'd appreciate it so much....
A few days ago, Victoria Beckham made the comment that she didn't want to pull a Mariah and pose pregnant for a magazine, which is perfectly respectable. "Not like there’s anything wrong in that," she said, "I’m so proud to be pregnant and I feel so blessed and so happy, I really do. But I’m just not that kind of person." And that's fair. I'm not even going to be snarky and suggest that maybe it's just that she doesn't want to be seen weighing over 100 pounds.
David Beckham, howev...
It's true, everyone looked absolutely gorgeous. Daniel Radcliffe just looks so adorable in his little suits, and I don't care for Emma Watson's dress, and it's clear that she had some trouble with it, but of course she was lovely. And I could go on and on about Alan Rickman and Tom Felton and Jason Isaacs and Domhnall Gleeson, the guy who plays Bill, but I won't. I'll just say that hot damn, there was a lot of magic going on at this event (GET IT?!?!?!).
Who's your favorite?
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I used the word "streetwalker" in the title, because can you imagine if I'd just called Rumer Willis a hooker right there in the headline?! So catty!
But for real, this is what Rumer wore to go shopping in, and it's ridiculous. I mean, I'm sure it's sweltering in California right now, but this isn't "I'm not wearing a lot because it's 100 degrees outside," this is "I'm not wearing a lot because I want to get laid. By a stranger. Who will pay a fee." And that's a little different.
This is what Lindsay Lohan wore out to a restaurant last night, and I refuse to believe that she's not on something. This is just not an ensemble that a completely sober person would put together, I'm sorry. And I'm not even saying "she's a crackhead!" or "she's totally wasted!", maybe she just hasn't gotten a lot of sleep lately, but I guarantee you that something is altering her mind, specifically the part of the mind that knows how to not look like a damn fool.
Images courtesy of IDLYITW
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Oh dear God, please no. I thought this was over. I thought that dear Justin Timberlake had moved on to greener pastures with less crazy ladies, but it looks like Biel has worked whatever voodoo powers she has in her arsenal to rope JT back in. Woe is me.
The rumors all started when some random from Toronto Tweeted that Justin and Jessica were getting tacos together. And that was fine, I could accept that, but then Us Weekly stepped up to the plate. And they're not bringing good news:
Timberlake, 30, and...
I am so ready to just jump into this and roll around in it and rejoice in the glory of this blind item, so let's hop to it, shall we?
From BuzzFoto:
This Country Singer, known for dating just about everyone in Hollywood has started to develop a bad habit. As in, the white stuff. She picked up the habit when she was dating another musician and is now hooked. If our source is correct, her late night partying is going to catch up to her…. soon.
It's Taylor Swift, right? Can you see it? She's definitely dated a good f...
I'm really very disappointed in you, Beliebers. Do you know what you let happen? Your personal Lord and Saviour, Justin Bieber, was in Vanity Fair back in January, and you know what? His issue was the worst selling issue in twelve whole years. TWELVE YEARS. That's longer than some of you have been alive.
And honestly, how do you think this makes Justin feel? Do you think this doesn't cut him like a knife, because newsflash, IT DOES. Justin is a very tender person, and I'm sure that knowing that he failed so miserably on the cover of Vanity Fair doesn't...