Because I absolutely loved Blake Shelton on The Voice. He seemed like a really genuine, funny, sweet guy, and of course I loved his man crush on Adam Levine. But then I checked out Evil Beet here to see if he had his own category, and he did, but if just featured one awful story about Blake using his Twitter to make an extremely homophobic parody of the Shania Twain classic, "Any Man of Mine," and I didn't love him so much anymore.
But now he's done this big interview with Parade, and I j...
Do you see those little words there on LeAnn's ribcage? Well, that's not THE tattoo, it's just a stencil she had done to see if she liked it, which she did, so she's going to get the ink sometimes later this month. What does the future tattoo say, you might ask? It's a line from the wedding vows Eddie Cibrian made to her:
"You gave me the courage to be truthful, I promise to give you the comfort to be trustful."
I'm not an expert on LeAnn and Eddie's relationship or anything (I am really...
Because according to Levi Johnston's 19-year-old sister, Mercedes, she is:
"Everything is about her, her, her. She has to have her own way. She'll be supersweet and then she turns into the most evil person I've ever known ... Honestly, she is the meanest person. I didn't know someone could be so vindictive and evil ...[She's] a sociopath. She doesn't think anything she could do or does is wrong."
This is from an interview with Playboy in which Mercedes also claims that Sarah Palin is a bad mothe...
You could tell, right? I knew you could. Just look at that picture above of that multi-talented 16-year-old. Good breeding, that's what that is.
Anyway, it turns out that you guys love the Hutchisons, Doug and Courtney, as much as we do, so I've been checking around, seeing if I could find any neat stories about the lovely couple. And, wouldn't you know it, I surely did! Because it turns out that Courtney's mom, Krista, has almost as good a head on her shoulders as her daughter. And ...
Did you honestly think I was going to let an entire weekend pass without talking any smack at all about Lady Gaga? Were you born yesterday?
This is the cover for "You and I," Gaga's latest single. If you're not familiar with that handsome fella pictured, that's Jo Calderone, her male alter ego, and he is looking rough. Like, severely rough. Like I want to get this man a physical, stat, because something is not right with him. Probably it's the whack attack inside him.
What are your thoughts, pals?...
Man, I don't know what it is, but I sure do love blind items featuring cocaine! Not only that, but I love talking trash about Lea Michele, and with this particular blind item, I get to do both! Are you not so excited for me?!
Which Glee actress who does not think she has a coke problem is out of control with her coke problem. It will be interesting to see if she can make it through the season without rehab.
Lea. Lea Lea Lea. Name me one other actress from Glee, and if you can actually do that, then name one whose bad attitude and bitch f...
You believe it, right? I mean, how could you not? Megan Fox is such an amazing actress, it just stands to reason that she would excel in comedy as well as drama. And, according to the darling Leslie Mann, that's exactly what is happening in that Knocked Up spin-off starring Leslie and Paul Rudd, and, as it turns out, Megan herself:
"Megan Fox is so funny," she told us Monday night at the Los Angeles premiere of "The Change-Up." "She's hilarious. You wouldn't, I don't know if other people [expect it], but I think she's really funny, you'll be pleasantly surprised."
... to Twitter! LOL! What, did you think we were going to get into something deeper, like his addiction to poon? Not this early, friends. No, this time, John Mayer is getting into his hardcore Twitter addiction, the one he kicked last September:
"I realized about a year ago that I couldn’t have a complete thought anymore, and I was a tweetaholic," Mayer said. "I had four million Twitter followers, and I was always writing on it. And I stopped using Twitter as an outlet and I started using Twitter as ...
Jenn really went and did it, you guys, she really did. She got me addicted to the epic saga of Doug Hutchison and Courtney Stodden. What's not to love here? Trashy girls, shady dudes. It's the romance of the century, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let us miss out on a minute of it if I can help it.
But anyway, Gawker has got the emails between Jeremy Baumhower, radio producer, and the email address listed on Courtney's very own website. And let me just tell you, I'm still laughing.
As you know, Cee Lo sleeps with a few women every night. That's two or three different women every single night, mind you, because he just wants to "give joy and good tidings." Cee Lo lands a lot of broads is what I'm saying here, and here we have one such broad's account of Cee Lo's game.
From The National Enquirer via Celebitchy:
“I was in love with Cee Lo and I would have done anything for him…
“I met him through Twitter, and I realized later that’s how he meets all his girlfr...
"I spend a lot of time with my cats. They're both boys, they're both very affectionate. Their names are Preacher and Ford. They're my four-legged friends."
- Michael C. Hall, making me love him even more with his talk of kitties.
I don't know if this is something you could tell about me or not, but I've always been pegged as a future cat lady. I've only had two cats my whole life, both of them while I was under the age of 12, but both times everyone was like "oh yeah, this is going to be a problem." I might have one now, but my roommate threatens to k...
After you guys paved the way for Adele to take ownership of my heart, it's been a rosy walk in the park when it comes to my music collection. Well, that's not exactly true, most of my favorite songs of hers make me want to curl up and cry for days on end, but it hurts so good. And really, it's only about to get better:
“The melodies and to-the-point lyrics I have found in a lot of American styles of music is definitely something I’m going be pursuing heavily from now on,” Adele said....