Back in April, I made some pretty definitive statements about Evan Rachel Wood. I claimed that Marilyn Manson "ruined" her, which, to be fair, is a pretty easy conclusion to make. I also asserted that she needed to "shut her douchey mouth," and again, these are just pictures, so that might still be the case. So really, I was never wrong, I just overlooked her potential to be incredibly gorgeous.
These are photos of Evan at the Venice Film Festival, and every single thing she's doing right here is working wonders for me. How about you?
You know, I bet no one woke up this morning and thought "man, I wonder what that Steven Seagal has been up to lately?" Justin Bieber, sure (car accident), Snooki, probably (an intense aversion to whale sperm), but Steven Seagal? Nobody really cares. Well, nobody except for the guy whose puppy got shot.
Ok, so Steven here has this reality show (seriously, are people still into this guy? Let me know) called Steven Seagal Lawman, and they apparently film some pretty hardcore stuff. For ins...
Well, again. He's going to be a father again. He already has a 17-year-old son named Indio with his ex-wife, but that's neither here nor there, because Robert and his lovely wife Susan are about to have a little bitty baby! Can you even stand the very thought of something so adorable? Because I'm having trouble.
The little bundle of magic is due early next year, and here's the brief statement from Robert's rep:
"Robert and Susan could not be more excited over this news. They can't wait to welcome this new baby into their wonderful family."
Magic happens in the ocean! There are fun waves and cute critters and as long as you play it safe, there's a pretty good chance you won't drown or get attacked by sharks! What's not to love? Sure, the salt water can take a little getting used to, but hey, it's just salt, right?
Wrong. According to darling Snooki, the water just seems salty because of all the whale sperm! See, Snooki swears up and down that "if you Google it," you can see that whales ejaculate "like two thousand million...
Well, if that fetus is a boy, I'd say there's a pretty good shot that he's going to look a little something like that picture above.
A forensic artist named Dr. D'Lynn Waldron made up this little image to show the world what she thinks the male spawn of Beyonce and Jay-Z will look like. Handsome little fella, right? Dr. Waldron imagines that the kid will have "father's feature's, mother's eyes."
Let's take this a few steps further, shall we? I think this child will have the artistry and ...
You guys know that I will take any opportunity to talk about Tupac. He's my favorite rapper, hands down, and if it weren't for the fact that he's been dead for 15 years come September, you'd probably see at least a mention of him every other week or so. He's magnificent, ok? He's the Lindsay Lohan of my heart, and I will sing his praises for the rest of my days.
Anyway, you know his friends, The Outlawz? They're a hip hop group that Tupac founded, and yes, they smoked Tupac's ashes:
The Outlaw...
Maybe I'm just an old biddy, but when I think of celebrity moms, I do not take even a nanosecond to think of Rihanna. She's too busy making horrendous fashion choices and having horrendous taste in men to focus on a child, and call me old-fashioned, but when you describe your ideal man as "hot and hung" and state that the thing you feel sexiest wearing is chocolate body paint, maybe you have a few more years of party in you before you need to worry about motherhood.
Here are the details from the National Enquirer (I know):
“Rihanna doesn’t see herself having a biological chil...