"I've lost 100 pounds. I feel like I'm back in my element and not wearing a suit, a bad suit. And I honestly didn't even realize what I looked like too much. Right before I did Dancing with the Stars, I bought these dresses in size 14 to 4, the same dress, and I said, 'You know what I really want? I really want to be in this dress in a 4.'"
Oh, Kirstie, have you now? I know that you have a reputation for not being that great with this kind of thing, but 100 pounds, doesn't that seem like kind ...
Man, that Joan Collins. What a crazy bitch, right? Everything this woman says is pretty much pure cattiness, and I'm not going to lie, it makes me giggle. So, of course, if there's a new story going around about Joan talking shit about a good handful of today's lady stars, I'm going to let you guys know about it.
On Gwyneth Paltrow: “Is she the one who called her grandmother a rude word on air?” she asks, dismissively. “I thought that was pretty shocking."
On Keira Knightley: “Well, she’s thin,” is all Joan will say.
On Carey Mulligan:...
Um, ok. Great. Thanks. I didn't want to look at you anyway. Bitch.
But yeah, word on the street is that no one can look at Madonna, or at least volunteers for the Toronto International Film Festival can't look at her:
It was a bit of a different story backstage, however, when eight of those volunteers were asked to turn their faces to a wall so that they would not look at the pop-star-turned-movie-director as she made her way to her press conference about the film. One volunteer told ...
If we're being perfectly honest here, there is not a thing that Lea Michele can do to make herself tolerable, to me, at least. I don't care for her attitude, I don't care for her performances, and I really don't care for her fashion sense. So what does this girl do? She goes and hits me where it hurts - ugly colorless dresses and stupid, stupid facial expressions.
Well played, Lea. Well played indeed....
But seriously, what can't Ryan Gosling do? He's beautiful, talented, and heroic, and we've always known that he loves his dog, but it turns out that he's an advocate for animals everywhere as well!
Friday morning, the 30-year-old actor sent a letter on PETA's behalf the the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) asking officials to make sure that chickens and turkeys who have been exposed to disease are euthanized humanely.
Currently, the USDA endorses a slow, painful method of killing birds by submerging them in foam to suffocate them.
"If dogs and cats were killed in this way, the person committing these acts would be ch...
I am right there with you, Christina. Well, I've never milked a cow. And I'm not that great at cooking. But your body, I think that's something we can all enjoy!
Let's check out Christina discussing some of her favorite activities:
She told Cosmopolitan magazine: "I love being outdoors - I mean, you'd never think it in my high heels and pencil skirt. But I miss the smell of hay and farms and I like milking a cow!"
As well as milking cows, Christina enjoys cooking and spends a lot of time in the kitchen comin...
Did you just gag a little? I just gagged a little. Not only because Bradley Cooper is way too awesome for Jennifer Lopez, but also because that little picture above is actually from a whole year ago, which might add some plausibility to this story. Which, you know, GROSS.
However icky this might make me feel, the story is that Bradley and Jennifer had a "romantic" dinner alone in New York on Saturday night. That's all, no other details, nothing. So really, it might not be true. It might just be the figment of some really sick and twisted pe...