The other day, I was watching The Reaping with my boyfriend, you know, that Hilary Swank movie about the plagues and all that? And we had that conversation that everyone has when they watch a Hilary Swank movie, the one where someone is like "do you think she's pretty?" and everyone is like "wellll ..." He also asked what Hilary had been up to in the past few years, and I honestly didn't know. It's been a long long time since I've heard any gossip at all about Hilary Swank. But then I checke...
She is, right? Jennifer Love Hewitt has always been a cute girl, despite whatever setbacks she may have had, and she looks way better than some younger people without makeup. All in all, I'd say I'm probably going to have to jump on the Sarah train and say that Jennifer here is looking pretty darn attractive these days.
What do you think?...
Oh, good ol' Amber Portwood, that hot mess of a Teen Mom. It always seems like no matter what other trainwreck MTV has to offer, Amber always comes out on top, doesn't it? And you might be like "no, no, Emily, didn't you see Deena's ass crack?" And yes, I did, but I'm here to offer you irrefutable evidence that Amber Portwood is, in fact, MTV's trashiest employee. I call it "irrefutable" because it comes from her own brother.
Because I don't get it at all. I know that he's supposed to be just the absolute hottest, but ... really? Yeah, he kicks game all over the place, and he's been with a number of gorgeous ladies, and sure, I could sort of maybe see what people might see in him during P.S. I Love You, but overall, no, no I do not think that Gerard Butler is attractive.
To appease your lustful needs, or to give you a good giggle, I've included a gallery of Gerard on the set of a movie called Of Men and Mavericks. After yo...
Oh my gosh, did you guys really believe that? Did you really think that I was about to tell you about Bradley Cooper taking Kirstie Alley out on a hot date filled with romance and attraction? Aww, no, darlings. No, that's not how it happened. Bless your hearts! No, this is just another story documenting Kirstie Alley's lovable delusions.
From the National Enquirer via Celebitchy:
The 60 year-old former “Fat Actress” - who has dropped an astonishing 100 pounds in the past several months - has b...
Lindsay has done nothing wrong, ok?! NOTHING. Yeah, she got fired from her court-appointed community service, SO WHAT? It doesn't mean she ever did anything wrong, ever. You know how I know? Because Lindsay told me on her Twitter:
I am not to be made an example of anymore. I am working hard and fulfilling my obligations every single day, to the court as well as myself. If I travel, its for work and its been approved. As is anything I do when I leave the state. I'd appreciate it if peop...
I know, I was shocked too, but that's the word on the street, that Rob and Kristen are on the fast track to marriage. And do you know when he's supposedly thinking of proposing? Right when Breaking Dawn finally hits theatres in November! Oh, Rob, you ol' charmer! Great publicity and a life partner?! Goodness gracious!
Really, I don't think this is going to happen at all. Think about it, it took Kristen like three years to finally admit that they were dating, we're not going to see some big red carpet proposal or anything. But wouldn't it be neat if we did? If at the Breaking Dawn premiere, Robert got down on his knee and got supe...
That's a delightful image, isn't it? Hugh Jackman under the bright lights, dancing and singing and relieving himself. Can you see it? Then let's get into the specifics, straight from the beautiful horse's mouth!
"The first show I ever did, singing and dancing, was Beauty and the Beast. I was playing Gaston. Gaston has red tights, knee high boots, and it's very physical. I had headaches everyday for two months. I went to an astropath [psychic] and he said 'Well, you're dehydrated.' So o...