I can't even begin to tell you how much I love this whole "Justin Timberlake went to the Marine Corps Ball" story. It has basically everything that I love, all wrapped up in one neat little adorable package: heartwarming tales, neat uniforms, a former boy band member, and also I cried. Really, what's not to love?
Just in case you needed a little extra happiness in your day (even though I really don't see why you would), here's darling JT's firsthand account of his Marine Ball adventures:
To all my fam...
Are you guys into Michael Buble at all? I can't be sure because while I very rarely read any news about him, in a certain circle of friends of mine, he is considered a god. He is a god who walks among us lowly humans and gives us all the magical gift of his song.
But just in case you don't feel that way, here's a lovely little story about a recent Buble concert in which the god himself didn't hold back on telling his audience how he really felt about the Kardashian katastrophe:
Recently w...
19. 19 girls. It blows my mind that Jesse James can land any girls at all, let alone 19. Add on the fact that Jesse landed 19 girls within one year while also in a relationship, and consider me flabbergasted.
Would you like to hear something touching though? Despite everything, Kat Von D still believes in true love ...
Never have I felt so strong about True Love, than I do today. I believe in Love more than anything else, and more than ever before.
Today I encountered the 19th girl to...
I love Ke$ha. You guys have to know that. Whatever issues we had or however nauseous her music made me feel, I always felt that she and I had some common ground (usually glitter).
It's been three whole months since I talked about this girl, and God help me, but I miss her. I miss her drunken antics and her ridiculous words. I miss talking trash about her. I miss giggling at her silly choices in swimwear. I just miss Ke$ha. Thank goodness this handful of photos showed up last night, or else I would be stalking her Twitter a...
If you'll recall, over the summer, celebrity after celebrity got invited to the annual Marine Corps Ball. A fine young man asked Mila Kunis to be his date, and she accepted. Another fine young man asked Betty White to be his date, but she already had plans. And, of course, a young lady invited Justin Timberlake. And he obviously said yes.
I just think that this speaks so highly of Justin, don't you? Sure, at this particular moment he looks like the most uncomfortable boy in the world, but he showed up. Last night, he could have been doing near...
During the month of October, I kind of got obsessed with scary movies. We were buying a few DVDs a week, going to the awesome second-run movie theater in the next town over, and borrowing whatever we could from friends. It was kind of a problem, but like a really really fun problem that you don't realize is a problem until you wake up a few nights in a row from awful nightmares about old lady vampires and zombie children on a school bus. Since then, I've moved on to documentaries about anim...
Is it her chubby cheeks? Her inviting boudoir? The way she's Photoshopped? Or maybe you're more like Miley's boyfriend, Liam Hemsworth, and what really gets you going is that hot, sloppy way she gobbles down her food:
"There is this place in Nashville called Steak and Shake, which is pretty much the best food, ever. That is our secret, sexy place to go," he [Liam] told Australia's Who magazine, who selected the actor for its Sexiest People List.
"When I look over at her when she's biting into a steak sandwich and there is some stea...
Just so you know the subtitle of this post is "Why I Have The Hardest Job in The Whole Wide World."
On this glorious day, November 12th, in 1980, the world was given a gift. It may have taken just a few years for us to recognize that gift, but in the past few years, we've accepted it with an appreciation that is complete and unparalleled.
This day is for you, Ryan Gosling. Thank you for all you've done, and may you have another lovely year of being one of the brightest stars.
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"If it doesn't hurt the first time, I'll keep popping them out!"
- Good ol' Katy Perry reveals her ideology on giving birth.
This sounds like pretty solid logic to me! How many kids do you think Katy will end up popping out? I mean, I'm aware of the "man, that whole 'pushing a child out of your body' sure does hurt a lot" mindset, but I've also heard a couple ladies say that it wasn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be (and I cannot comment on the quantity or quality of drugs they ...
Oh, the horrors of divorce. I've never had one, but since I do this for a living and also because my parents got divorced twice, I know a little about the pain it can cause. But this story? This is the most hurtful, malicious thing I've ever heard, and it goes to show that Kris Humphries is an absolute monster with no regards for the feelings of people that he claims to have loved.
From the National Enquirer via Celebitchy:
Kim Kardashian’s big booty is a big, fat fake, sources say ...
I ask because Rihanna recently made this quote:
“It’s all about the music. I don’t want to become a gimmick, ever.”
Here's where I stand, and I don't want my opinion to taint yours, but everything this girl does is a gimmick. It's all sex and aggression and sex and ridiculous clothes and also sex. It's not all about the music, which, coincidentally, is also largely about sex.
But that's just my opinion. What's yours?