Of course you want to see the puppy, don't be ridiculous. Look at its little face! Those ears! Those big puppy paws!
This is Stella, one of the most adorable puppies ever. If you'll remember, yesterday I told you about her and about how Pink paid the $5,000 it took to get this puppy surgery that saved her life. And honestly, after hearing that awful story and seeing that precious face, how could you not help this puppy if you had the means to do so?
Enjoy the puppy pictures, and feel free to post oth...
If you do, then you might not want to look at this picture taken last week, because damn, the Banks family is looking kind of rough.
In this picture, we have little Tatyana Ali, all grown up, Karyn Parsons, Alfonso Ribeiro, who is always a good time, James Avery, and Will Smith, who you don't need an update on.
What do you think this family has been up to since we last saw them, 15 years ago? Did Ashley ever become famous? Did Hilary's talk show do well in New York? Did Carlton like Pri...
Specifically, Kanye threw the biggest fit over a business card that someone tossed on stage during one of his concerts because he could have been killed.
After the business card was so malevolently thrown on the stage, Kanye stopped the concert. He demanded to know who had done the dastardly deed, because, as he said in his characteristic eloquence, "We risking our lives up here. You can't go throwing shit that we gonna slip on." When no one confessed, Kanye pulled everyone's least favorite...
I can't tell you exactly when it happened, but at some point, everyone absolutely fell in love with Pink. Did you guys notice it? I think it was when she had her adorable baby and became such a badass and precious mom. Of course people loved her back when she was singing about getting parties started and all that, but now she's sort of untouchable in all her glory. At least, that's what I think.
You know what else I think? I think this story about Pink saving a puppy's life might touc...
If you went to Finland with your boyfriend, went to a club, then got in a fight with him, would that be a deal breaker? What if in the middle of the fight (this is a physical fight, by the way, you're not just talking about your emotions in loud voices) some friendly people nearby tried to break it up, and your boyfriend attacked them, too? Would you stick it out?
Well, Adam Lambert and his boyfriend, Sauli, would. They'd laugh the whole thing off over burgers! Seriously, that's what ha...
Are you ready for it? Because it's kind of a doozy ...
"The ultimate n*ggabitch." A Dutch magazine called Jackie did a piece on Rihanna, and this is what they had to say about her:
She has street cred, she has a ghetto ass and she has a golden throat. Rihanna, the good girl gone bad, is the ultimate n*ggabitch and displays that gladly, and for her that means: what's on can come off. If that means she'll be on stage half naked, then so be it.
When the article came out, people were naturally a little taken aback by it. It's ok though, because the editor-i...
Tragically, I have no real guesses as to who this could be. Let me give you all the details, then you can let me know what you think:
This female two time former reality star who was married to another reality star/actor recently offered her services to Doug Hutchison and Courtney Stodden saying that she would make a great third to their "relationship." They turned her down.
A lot of people are guessing Adrianne Curry on this one, even though she definitely appeared on more than one r...
Because it's 2007 and everybody still cares about Paris Hilton, right? Yes? Oh ... it's almost 2012? And nobody cares about Paris Hilton? But then what is she doing on the cover of this well-known magazine?
Your guess is as good as mine, friends. But look at that precious dog eyeballing that food! Totally worth it....