Poor Khloe Kardashian. Despite being a truly awesome person, she gets the worst treatment. People call her all sorts of mean names because of her weight (you guys, she's not fat) and her height (since when is being statuesque a bad thing?), she's not allowed to dye her own hair, and to top it all off, no one will stop talking about how the man who raised her, Robert Kardashian, is not her biological father. And I imagine it's one thing when a bunch of bloggers are theorizing about why you're n...
Come on, of course you remember Casey Abrams! He was the weird kid with the bass and all of the talent on that last season of American Idol. Well, no, ok, Haley Reinhart had a good bit of talent too, but, if you'll remember, I loved Casey Abrams. I loved him with the passion of a thousand fiery suns, and I loved him with a love bordering on obsession. When he was so wrongfully voted off of the show, I wrote up a story about it and titled it "So I Guess American Idol Took Away My One Reason to Live." Wha...
So many times, Lindsay Lohan makes me want to rip my eyeballs out of my head, stumble to the front door, and leave them there so the stray cat can sneak up and eat them, because heaven knows that kitty would get more use out of them than I do. Seriously, look at that picture I posted right up there. Do you see it? Do you see her mouth? How is this ok? How did someone check this out and say "yep, no problems here, let's print this meth mouth bitch and rake in the big bucks"? HOW?
Don't worry, I don't really believe that, that Justin Bieber is the new King of Pop - I actually believe that Justin Bieber is the new King of Dumb Tattoos and Douchebaggery - I only said that because this kid will absolutely not shut up about Michael Jackson in this interview he did with V Magazine.
On his hopes and dreams: My goal at the end of the day—right now—I want to be successful and be great at what I do. But eventually, I want to become the best at what I do. I want to be the best. In the world. I want t...
Just like Pink before her, Carrie Underwood has learned that the secret to making the people love you, unconditionally and forever, is to save the life of an adorable, lovable puppy. Or another option could be that Carrie Underwood is a good person with a conscience and a heart who knows that it's reprehensible to throw your dogs out of your moving vehicle while you're speeding down the interstate.
Either way, here's the story of how Carrie Underwood rescued an injured dog, helped nurse it back to health, and became one of my heroes:
The singer pulled over to help suf...
Yesterday, Sarah brought you that quote from Christina about how she loves her body and her boyfriend loves her body, and how she's happy with the way she looks. I completely share Sarah's sentiment that it's wonderful that Christina feels this way, but please, please consider your fashion choices. Like, I just don't understand why she refuses to wear pants. I don't get it, and I never will.
But this isn't about her awful, horrible fashion choices. No, this is about her awful, horrible m...
When I first read that Nicole Richie has no idea about how to apply makeup, my first thought was "well, obviously." She just looks so tired and run down these days, doesn't she? And I know that she has small children and she used to enjoy illegal substances and all that, but can't you like put some concealer under your eyes? Something?
But then I read that a professional does Nicole's makeup for every appearance, and, well, now I don't know what to think:
As a red carpet regular and House of Harlow 1960 and Winter Kate designer, ...
Around this time last year, Charlie Sheen was just starting to go off the deep end. It was in January of 2011 that Charlie went on his first well-publicized adventure with cocaine and booze and hookers and ambulance rides, and it was in January that Two and a Half Men first went on hiatus so Charlie could go to rehab. It doesn't seem like that long ago, does it? Oh yeah, that's because the crazy went on for months and months, huh?
But good news, everybody! The crazy train has stopped, and a lucid, somewhat charming Charlie Sheen stepped off...
This morning, Jenn told you all about how Russell Brand was uninvited from the People's Choice Awards because "it will be Katy's big night" and organizers wanted to "avoid any awkwardness or confrontation." Jenn called it high schoolish, and boy, did she hit the nail on the head with that one. This is precisely like Russell and Katy getting an invite to the cool kids' party, but then they get into this fight and they are so over, so the cool kids decide to just have Katy there because OMG sh...
Today is a very special day for me. No, for the world. And do you know why it's such a special, wonderful, glorious day? It's because on this day, 65 years ago, David Bowie was born. On this day in 1947, the universe gave us the most beautiful gift we could have ever hoped to receive. And it would be a crime not to celebrate that.
It's hard for me to describe what David Bowie means to me, because really, it's just so much. I had some rough times growing up. I'm not talking some hor...
I know, you've already heard two different stories about babies today, but look. After all the nonsense surrounding Beyonce and little Miss Blue, it's time to cleanse our souls, don't you think? It's time to appreciate something that isn't shrouded in secrecy and weirdness and lies. And you guys, there is no one better to cleanse souls and to make you smile like pregnant Jessica Simpson.
She's just SO CUTE! Her gigantic bump, her gigantic boobs, her gigantic smile! If anybody ever had a...