Ok, look. I need to take a minute to publicly apologize for that time that I said it was weird when Anne Hathaway said that it would be embarrassing if she didn't get nominated for an Oscar for her work in Les Miserables. I finally saw the movie yesterday, and she deserves ALL the Oscars. Give them all to her. She was that good. I would be perfectly fine if she won the all of the awards for the rest of her whole life and for a good few years after her death. I can't even put into words how good ...
More specifically, this is a picture of Madonna on the ground after she fell on her face while trying to ski. Apparently this photo captured just one of the times that she wiped out. Because she did that. A lot.
I don't have any other news about Madonna right now, I just thought that many of you would appreciate a picture of her falling down and looking pissed about it. I'm right, aren't I?...
Sorry, did you say something? I can't hear you over my complete and utter adoration for Jennifer Lawrence. I am going to get this magazine cover tattooed on my body so that I can lovingly stroke her face and pretend that she is smiling like that at me. Did we just cross over into creepy? I think so. Let's keep going.
As if the photo shoot from Jennifer's issue of Vanity Fair wasn't enough, now we're getting to hear some bits from the interview. And they will make you hug your computer and roll around in the floor with it out of sheer love for this girl. You kn...
Shh, I know. Kim Kardashian is like 12 weeks pregnant, she doesn't really have all that much baby weight. But she's going to have some. She's probably going to have a lot, since she's so not afraid of plastic surgery. And when she does have it, nary a soul will offer her money to publicly lose it. So ha ha.
From TMZ:
Two major weight loss companies won't touch Kim Kardashian's "big fat ass" with a 10-foot pole ... TMZ has learned they have zero interest in signing the pregnant celeb to a...
I don't know about you guys, but that thing about Justin Bieber's paparazzo kind of got to me yesterday. It's just the fact that someone lost his life trying to get a photo of Justin Bieber. Can we all just consider that for a minute? He died for Justin Bieber. Let that sink in real good.
Anyway, it turns out that this kind of got to Miley Cyrus too, probably in a much more real way. She's been known to lash out at creepy photographers getting too close, and for good reason. But here a...
Yes. Love it. Love to pieces. Love it enough to buy three copies of this issue when it's released: one to look at, one to cut up into a collage for my Jennifer Lawrence shrine, and one to store and keep forever. I. Love. It.
She's just ... I don't even know. She's amazing. She's so, so beautiful and sexy and funny, and she's SO talented. It gives me so much hope for the world that a girl as awesome as Jennifer wins these kinds of titles, because even though they're pointless, at leas...
"I'm so proud of my sisters, but I'll be married before I have a baby."
- Rob Kardashian discusses his own plans of parenthood, forgets about the time that he knocked up some girl who later had a miscarriage.
See, this is interesting for a couple reasons. For one, whatever, Rob Kardashian. That bit about the miscarriage is true, by the way: he hooked up with some girl, some random casual thing, and he didn't use protection, and she got pregnant. It was on Khloe and Lamar even. So that seems kind of an insensitive comment, doesn't it?
And we all know that Kourtney has two kids with her dude, and even though they're not married, and even t...
That's a photo that Rihanna posted on Instagram yesterday morning. She wrote "Good morning! Still haven't slept lol #hello2013." Take a good look at it. Look at all the details, all the surroundings. Got it?
Now here's what Chris Brown posted yesterday morning:
That is the very same blanket that Rihanna is snuggled up in! SHE IS RIGHT NEXT TO HIM. I see what you did, you tricky tricksters, and I am not amused. Not one little bit.
Obviously, they knew people would put this ...
So yeah, that's a leopard with wings wearing a crown. Does it have a beak? I don't even know.
Here's what Snooki had to say about it on her blog:
I haven’t mentioned or showed anyone besides Jionni this tattoo! I got this last week when we shot our final Jersey Shore reunion :( My fierce leopard tattoo. I wanted to get this because to me it represents being a strong independent woman, and obviously I love leopards/leopard print! The crown represents being a queen and being fabulous, and the wings represent everyone who has passed in my family. Anytime I can incorpo...
From TMZ:
A paparazzo attempting to shoot photos of Justin Bieber's Ferrari was hit by another car and killed this evening -- although Bieber was NOT behind the wheel of the Ferrari ... TMZ has learned.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Bieber's white Ferrari was pulled over by California Highway Patrol for speeding on the 405 ... near the Getty Center in LA. The CHP directed the driver to pull off the freeway, onto Sepulveda Blvd.
According to our sources, Bieber was DEFINITELY no...
First of all, I haven't seen it yet. I know, but I just don't enjoy going to see movies right when they're released. There's too many people, and it makes me uncomfortable and also I can't focus on the movie because some dude keeps checking his stupid cell phone. It's annoying, and I'd much rather wait a couple of weeks to ensure that the crowds have died down. But make no mistake, I am DYING to see Les Mis. Absolutely dying.
But Adam Lambert has already seen it. He's, like, way unim...
Guys, it's New Year's Eve! Can you even believe it? 2012 has been a hell of a year, and tonight is the night that we get embarrassingly wasted, like super mega crazy drunk, to celebrate it*. Are you pumped? Have you started pre-gaming yet?
Well, Lindsay hasn't. Nope, she hasn't had a drop of booze to drink, probably in years. So she's not pre-gaming, and she's definitely not going to party tonight. Got it? She's in London, and she's planning to have a "small, quiet dinner" before going "straight back to the hotel" to "ch...