Do you ever wonder if Chris Brown actually tries to be an asshole? Like maybe in reality he's this calm, collected dude, and one day he figured that if he set out to be one of the most ridiculously awful celebrities out there, he'd stand out. He'd get a lot of attention and a lot of press, and he'd get more famous than he would have if he was just another semi-talented singer. Maybe it's all an act.
But nah, I don't think it is. I think Chris just really is that much of a dick, and this latest news just goes to show how true that is.
See, a few days ago, Chris' mom tweeted "CHRIS BROWN PUPPIES FOR...
Man, what a horrible woman. Yesterday, Sarah told you all about how Nadya "Octomom" Suleman and her children are living in an unsanitary mess where there's only one working toilet and the 14 kids use training potties out in the backyard. Oh, and also she locks her kids in a bedroom so she can get her business done. Most of her business being fancy haircuts.
From TMZ:
Octomom Nadya Suleman -- who is pulling in $2,000 month in food stamps thanks to California taxpayers -- spent $520 on a Br...
Yep, that's what this whole story is about. The ever classy Ke$ha was recently out and about somewhere, she had to urinate, and she took it upon herself to pop a squat and piss in the street. In public. During the day. And she took a picture of it.
She was sweet enough to share the picture with her fans (???) via Twitter, and she added this caption:
pee pee on the street. PoPo come n get me if u can find meeee. I blame traffik.
What on earth is wrong with this girl? Who does that?...
Do you see it? Of course you do, it's a little hard to miss. Most people don't have big anchors on their rib cages, or if they do, it's a phenomenon that I have yet to witness. But anyway, big anchor tattoo on Josh Hutcherson: what do you think?
OK, I'm not one of those people who hate every tattoo on every person ever. My boyfriend has a Legend of Zelda tattoo on his wrist (it's Majora's Mask if you're familiar with the games, it kind of looks like the face of a weird cat or an owl if you're no...
Remember how Britney Spears went a little crazy a few years back and then everyone decided that it was best if her dad went ahead and took control of her finances and her life and everything? And remember how Britney's soon-to-be husband, Jason Trawick, was supposed to be legally signed in as the other dude to be in charge of all that? Well, it happened. And it feels just as weird as we all thought it would.
From TMZ:
Britney Spears' fiance Jason Trawick is officially the singer's newest...
Poor Lindsay. The girl is out there, doing her best, trying to make the whole movie star thing happen again, and people just love to throw them stones. And no, I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not either. See, Lindsay did all this to herself, and she's still doing it to herself, but at the same time, it seems that in her warped, meth-addled brain, she's really trying. And then someone like Rosie O'Donnell, someone that Lindsay thought was on her side, goes and talks some smack about her. That does have to...
I know, I was worried too. I was biting my nails, sitting on the edge of my seat, and doing all those other things that nervous people do, wondering "when will my sacred view into the lives of the Kardashians be ripped away from me? When will I not have that glimpse into the the perfect life that I cherish so much?" I was right in the middle of giving myself an ulcer when boom, this story came out.
The Kardashians just signed a deal for three more seasons of Keeping Up with the Kardashians....
For a while there, I thought that Nicki Minaj was pretty ok. Her music doesn't really appeal to me, but remember that time that she made friends with Susan Boyle? And remember that time that she showed up on Ellen's show to surprise those two little girls who sang "Super Bass" and told them to stay in school? Those were really sweet moments, and I can still appreciate them for what they're worth.
But anymore, you guys, Nicki Minaj can just go suck an egg.
It all started last week when Nicki ...
Back in March, Sinead O'Connor released a new album that, as far as I heard, was pretty stellar. But, as I'm sure you're all way more familiar with, Sinead's also spent the past few months being crazy, both on Twitter and in real life. Sinead has stopped tweeting, as far as I can tell, but it seems like she's still having problems, because the tour she was planning to promote that new album? Yeah, that's not happening anymore.
Here's the statement that was posted on Sinead's website:
"With enormous ...
I wonder if Zac Efron started getting used to all the attention I've been giving him for the past couple of weeks, then figured out that my heart was leaning more towards Josh Hutcherson and decided to step up his game. He's probably figured out the way to my heart (precious faces and dogs, obviously) and made it his mission to woo me back. That's probably what happened here, right? Please just let me have this.
Anyway, it doesn't matter if I'm right or wrong (but really, I'm right, aren't I?), ...
Oh my gosh, not really. Lindsay Lohan will never be on Elizabeth Taylor's level. No, what I mean is that Ol' Flop Lip up there has officially landed the role of Elizabeth Taylor in that Lifetime movie.
You can read Lifetime's press release about the movie over at Deadline, but here's my favorite part:
“We are thrilled Lindsay will portray beloved Hollywood legend Elizabeth Taylor,” added Sharenow. “She is one of the rare actresses who possesses the talent, beauty and intrigue to ca...