To be fair, I don't think it really counts as maternity fashion if the lady wearing the outfit isn't showing yet. So really, a more accurate title would probably be "Kim Kardashian Screws Up Fashion."
Honestly, there's just no excuse for this. This woman is 32 years old. Her body type isn't new to her. She's short and curvy, and if you don't want that to translate to stumpy, there are some things you have to do. You could start with not wearing high waisted skirts with cropped blazers. ...
From TMZ:
It's only been five months since Octomom got off welfare, but TMZ has learned the honeymoon's over for your tax dollars -- because she's back on government assistance.
Sources close to Octo tell TMZ, Nadya Suleman signed up for welfare again this week after her October rehab bills devoured most of her savings.
We're told the mother of 14 will be getting $1,800 a month for food, $1,000 for emergency cash, as well as Medi-Cal benefits to help with mental heath and dental issues.
If one thing can be said about Lindsay Lohan, it's that she always, always makes very good decisions. Oh, wait, that's not it. No, if one thing can be said about Lindsay, it's that she's the very picture of responsibility. Dang it, that's wrong too. Ok, one more time: if one thing can be said about Lindsay, it's that she always, no matter what, is the hottest mess on the block. Yeah, I think that one's it.
Here's the story this time, all right? Lindsay is still in London, probably stil...
How mad is she? SO mad! Like if there was some sort of universal scale to measure madness, her madness would probably be the most ever.
She's angry, natch, because stupid old Kris Humphries still won't give her a divorce. She wants to marry Kanye before she has their love child, but she can't marry him because duh, stupid old Kris Humphries is being a meanie! You understand.
From Radar:
Pregnant reality TV star Kim Kardashian is venting to close friends that her estranged husband, Kris Hu...
In the past, my opinion of Megan Fox has been mostly "eh." There have been a few times that she's said some things that were stupid, but even then I was like "ha ha, whatever" as opposed to some kind of active dislike. Basically, I just don't really care about Megan Fox.
But a couple days ago, she got a Twitter account. And my feelings are changing fast.
Here's her very first tweet:
I'm incredibly late to the party but I'm here nonetheless, so what now?
And her second:
Hello twitter. How is ...
Well, I never. I literally have never. I've never felt so much disappointment, so much shame, and so much fear for the future of the youth of the world.
Nah, I'm just playin'. This is just a photo of Justin Bieber smoking a joint.
The photo was taken at a party in some hotel room on January 2nd. Everyone got high, and then they reportedly talked about the best place to get fast food late at night. No, really, that actually happened.
Really, the only thing I'm worried about with this new development of Just...
Oh, Zooey, the apple of my eye. She could get arrested for building a meth lab in the back of an ice cream truck and I'd be like "well, she probably had a good reason for doing it." She can't do a single thing wrong, but she is very, very capable of doing things right.
As you probably guessed by the picture of Zooey on the cover of a Glamour magazine, she did an interview for the publication, and she had some pretty nice things to say:
On being a whimsical feminist: "I'm just being mys...
Oh, that Thanksgiving Throwdown and how it's come to haunt us all ...
Or, no, but remember that time that Gabriel Aubry got his ass kicked by Halle Berry's new dude, Olivier Martinez? Yeah, and then everyone said that it was all Gabriel's fault, even though it looked like he was about half a punch from having his whole entire head knocked off? We knew that everything was cool already, that no one was going to get into any trouble, but now we know that everything is cool, just as long as Gabriel Aubry doesn't mess everything up again...
Oh my gosh, wouldn't it be neat if you could decide every single thing about your kid before you even had one? Maybe? I can't decide if it would be neat or boring or creepy, but for Kanye's sake, I'm going to lean toward neat for now.
See, Kanye, way before he impregnated Kim Kardashian, already planned out what his son was going to be like, and he documented it all in a song called "New Day." The song was one of his collaborations with Jay-Z on Watch the Throne, and one of his verses w...
Ok, that photo is of Lindsay Lohan on New Year's Eve, definitely not partying. Take a look at her face. It's the same one we've seen for a good while. Got it?
Now look at this:
That's one of the very first photos of Lindsay taken in 2013. TMZ posted it, along with the headline "Shocking New Year's Transformation," but I don't know. It looks like she got a decent amount of needles stuck into her face to tighten and smooth and creep or whatever, but I wouldn't really call this "shocking."...