So that song doesn't have any real relevance that I can think of right now, but it's my favorite Bowie song of the moment. And besides, what am I supposed to do here, take a picture of myself or something? Gross. I'm sick and pale, plus I'm crying. DON'T JUDGE ME.
Anyway, this is going to be a post of me saying bye to you guys. It's probably going to be too long, and I'm probably going to ramble. You know how I do.
I'm going to miss you guys so much! I feel like I'm breaking up wi...
“I adore Madame Obama. . . [but] frankly, this doesn’t suit her. The fringe was a bad idea, it’s not good.”
- Karl Lagerfeld delivers some fightin' words.
Look, you don't say anything bad about Michelle Obama. You just don't. It doesn't matter what she does, you say something nice or you just shut your mouth. Like if someone released some footage of Michelle Obama drowning puppies, you'd still be like "well, she did look really classy doing it." If she made a statement about how she wanted to stop focusing on promoting healthy choices for kids and start promoting PCP use for kids, then you'd say something like "that's a strong woma...
I'm sorry (no, I'm not), but Taylor Swift is really, really dumb. She's smart with some things, of course, like writing songs that little girls will fall in love with and all that, but for the most part, she's just a big dummy.
Here's what I mean: we all understand why Taylor Swift is dumb. We all get it. We all get that she's creepy and obsessive and weird, and that she tries to cover all that up by pretending to be an angelic, virginal 12-year-old girl. That's all very clear to us, r...
Hey, remember when everybody thought the world was going to end on December 21st, 2012? And some people really thought the world was going to end, and they focused their whole lives on getting ready for it? You should remember that, it wasn't that long ago. Oh, and there was an episode of Wife Swap about it (not that you should, but if you wanted to, the episode might be on YouTube and it might be TOTALLY WORTH IT). Come on, you guys totally remember this.
But you know who definitely rem...
From TMZ:
Big day for Michael Lohan ... his daughter escaped jail ... and his fiancee just gave birth to a BOUNCING BABY BOY!!!
While Lindsay was sweatin' it out in court, Kate Major went into labor at a Florida hospital.
We're told Kate gave birth to a son -- Landon Major Lohan -- at 11:39 AM PT.
The baby weighed in at 19 3/4 inches, 7 lbs 5 oz ... and is already wanted in 3 states (kidding!).
We're told Michael was with Kate the entire time ... and even cut the umbilical cord.
At this point, I think it's safe to say that James Franco is better than all of us. And I say that without any resentment. It's just the truth. James Franco is a beautiful, talented soul, and we might as well be made of shit. Truth!
But did you know that James Franco is also better than all other celebrities, and basically every other person working in Hollywood? Specifically, he's better than everyone who worked on the latest Spiderman movie.
Here's what he had to say about it:
"Eh," Franco told MTV with his signature smirk and a s...
From Blind Gossip:
This actress is known mostly for her work in television. She is pretty, but she is desperate to be thinner. While she already looks slim, she thinks that if she could just drop a few more pounds that she will land the lead role in a series this year. She has a difficult time battling the hunger pangs, so she has resorted to a rather bizarre diet.
She has been eating paper. She buys rolls of paper towels made of unbleached paper, and chews bits of it all day long. She clai...
Dakota Fanning is 18, ok? She's 18 years old. She'll be 19 next month. She's an adult. That means I can think she's absolutely gorgeous, right?
It just feels weird to me because we've all seen this girl grow up, you know? Like, when I think of Dakota Fanning, I think of the little girl from I Am Sam. I think of little baby Dakota Fanning. But when I see this magazine cover, I think "gorgeous." Is that ok? I feel like it's kind of creepy.
But just look at this picture from the m...
Poor, poor Chris Brown. We all know that he didn't do anything wrong concerning his fight with Frank Ocean, and now look at this! This poor man has a cast on his right hand. What sort of monster is Frank Ocean anyway? What did he do to Chris' hand? He probably stomped on it, huh? Or maybe he had a hammer in his pocket, just for occasions like this. You never know when a kind, gentle soul like Chris is going to come along and need some bones broken.
Oh, wait, is that the hand Chris punches with? He's right-handed, so I'm pretty sure it is. Is it possible that he got...
From TMZ:
Lindsay Lohan and her mom Dina took the last flight out of JFK last night and jetted to L.A. after being warned she'd be a wanted woman if she was a no-show in court this morning.
Lindsay -- who is not just broke but deeply in debt -- waited in her car at the airport (above) until the last minute ... then flew first class on American Airlines and landed at around 12:30 AM.
We're told Lindsay went into a panic after we posted our story Tuesday and started calling everyone to...
It's just that time of the year, guys. We're all going to get sick. Me, I've got the stupidest cold ever right now. My head feels funny and I don't want to do anything. Maybe you've had that awful flu. Maybe you caught malaria or diphtheria or syphilis or something, I don't know. But the point is that people are just generally ill this time of year. And that includes beautiful and glamorous celebrities like Lindsay Lohan!
See, Lindsay has an upper respiratory infection. She has a doc...
Ok, ok. Chris Brown posted this photo on Instagram last night. The caption was "Painting the way I feel today. Focus on what matters!" And here's the photo:
Whoa. Whoa. Hold up. Chris Brown painted a picture of Jesus on the cross because he was painting the way he feels. Are we all getting that? He seriously just did that.
This is so much worse than when he compared himself to Tupac. I mean, I know you guys know who Jesus is, but can we really just take a moment to consider this? Chris Brown considers himself to be a Christian. That means th...