Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay Lohan Wants To Get Her Freckles Removed

lindsay lohan freckles Lindsay Lohan burst onto the scene as a freckly redheaded adorable girl in The Parent Trap and it seems like she's doing her darndest to remove herself as far from her past as possible. She's been getting into trouble left and right, is looking to move to London, and now reports from Radar state that she wants to permanently change her behavior, just kidding, her face. Personally, I think she's already made lots of changes to her face with injections (forehead, lips), but that's apparently n...

Casey Kasem Passes Away At 82

Casey_Kasem-665x385 Casey Kasem, radio legend and voice over actor (he was Shaggy on Scooby Doo!) passed away at age 82, according to TMZ. He was hanging on for a while there, on life support, after a bitter rivalry between his wife and his 3 kids (from a previous marriage). Mr. Kasem was battling Parkinson's Disease and dementia. Kind of sad for Father's Day, but I thought it was important to honor his passing somehow. He was the original voice of the American Top 40 countdown. I hope he can finally rest in p...

Big Surprise: The Jenner Sisters Don’t Care About The Book They “Wrote”

Kendall+Jenner+Kylie+Jenner Kylie and Kendall Jenner "wrote" a young adult novel, Rebels: City of Indra: The Story of Lex and Livia. I put the word wrote in quotation marks because I don't think there's a snowball's chance in hell of either young woman having actually written a single word. This was probably ghostwritten -- hard. However, it's still up to them to promote the book and at least pretend that they care, which is something they apparently cannot do. Daily News describes their behavior at their book signing at the Grove in Los Angeles, California: [....

Did Nicole Kidman Get Breast Implants?

Nicole+Kidman Nicole Kidman showed up to the the Celebrate Life Ball at the Grand Hyatt in Melbourne with husband Keith Urban looking very chesty (above) on June 13, 2014. I think it's fair to say this is definitely a new look for the actress, but is it implants or Hollywood magic? Here's a shot of the lovely Ms. Kidman from August of 2013: I think we can all agree there's a noticeable difference. Maybe she feels she has to do something to raise her spirits after the takedown of her Grace Kelly movi...

Bachelorette Had Sex On Camera

Courtney+Robertson Who here is a fan of The Bachelor (or even The Bachelorette?). This one's for you. Courtney Robertson, a Bachelor contestant (Season 16), has a new book out, I Didn't Come Here To Make Friends. In it, she describes some very detailed behind-the-scenes (and in-front-of-the-scenes) moments from the show, including the time she had sex with The Bachelor, Ben Flajnik. Via Huffington Post: To answer your question, yes. Ben and I did have sex in the ocean. On-camera. It was immediate but it was only for...

Kim Kardashian’s Bonnaroo Outfit: Hell Yes Or God No?

kim-kardashian-bonnaroo-1 Kim Kardashian went to Bonnaroo to watch now-husband, Kanye West perform. And because it's Kim Kardashian, she wore the above impractical outfit: a sheer top with white jeans. She posted the outfit on Instagram along with a few others: I have some critiques: Those jeans look too tight. The jacket doesn't go. That top is just...I mean, come on. Really? What do you think of her outfit? Is it a "Hell, yes" or a "God, no"? Am I being too harsh? Note: the guy in the bottom photo is someone ...

What Did Kelly Clarkson Name Her Baby Girl?

kelly clarkson brandon blackstock Kelly Clarkson gave birth finally on June 12. And today, she tweeted the name of her brand new baby girl:   Our baby girl River Rose Blackstock arrived on June 12th! Thank you everyone for all of your well wishes! Brandon and I are on cloud 9!! :) — Kelly Clarkson (@kelly_clarkson) June 14, 2014   So there we have it: River Rose. I've heard of dudes being named River, but never ladies. It's a little hippie-ish for my taste, but I don't completely hate it. What do ...

Thank The Lord: Robert Pattinson Will Not Be Playing Indiana Jones

Robert+Pattinson Robert Pattinson was apparently rumored to be playing Indiana Jones in a movie reboot. Which is just, no. I mean, I guess he's a better pick than Shia LaBeouf, but personally, I don't want to see anyone in Indy's shoes but the original Indy. Thankfully, they were just rumors, which he confirmed to E!, saying, I don't even understand where the story started from. I didn't even know it was being made. Rejoice! Co-star Guy Pearce joked, "There are the Star Wars rumors too. Are you just...

Jason Biggs Slams Tara Reid

Jason+Biggs Jason Biggs surprised us all by revealing he's actually not Jewish, and now he's surprising us again -- by saying some incredibly mean things about former co-star Tara Reid. Yeah, Tara's been a hot mess, but she's pulling it together and I don't see the point in kicking someone when they're down (or, getting up.) But Mr. Biggs disagrees. While chatting with Joan Rivers on her latest talk show, he was asked to choose between Lindsay Lohan and Tara Reid in a segment called "Live Or Die...

Best And Worst Celebrity Looks Of The Week!

[caption id="attachment_150278" align="aligncenter" width="388"]Here's what Daphne Guinness, artist and "style icon" wears to stroll around NYC.[caption id="attachment_150278" align="aligncenter" width="388"] Here's what Daphne Guinness, artist and "style icon" wears to stroll around NYC.[/caption] Bust out your finest top hat -- it's time once again for Best and Worst Celebrity Looks of the Week! Last week, we saw some crazy-ass looks, and this week is fairly tame by comparison. Also, we've got some looks from the Tony Awards for you! Go through the photos and make your 3 picks for who has the BEST, WORST, and most WTF look of the week! As always, my picks are at the bottom. (And this week, a guy made ...

Best And Worst Celebrity Looks Of The Week!

[caption id="attachment_150025" align="aligncenter" width="395"]Yes, this is a real person: Katie Price. See the full outfit in the rest of the post![caption id="attachment_150025" align="aligncenter" width="395"] Yes, this is a real person: Katie Price. See the full outfit in the rest of the post![/caption] Welcome back to another edition of Best and Worst Celebrity Looks of the Week! Here's last week's looks. This week, as usual, I want you to go through the various outfits and make your picks for who has the BEST, WORST, and most WTF look of the week. Mine are, as usual, at the bottom. I think we all know who is gunning for most WTF look ...

Best And Worst Celebrity Looks Of The Week!

[caption id="attachment_149774" align="aligncenter" width="594"]Guess the celeb![caption id="attachment_149774" align="aligncenter" width="594"] Guess the celeb![/caption] And it's time again already for best and worst celebrity looks of the week! Here's what we peeked at last week. This week we've got some new looks for ya, so remember to go through the post and make your picks for who has the BEST, WORST, and most WTF look of the week!   I'm sorry, I think Kim Kardashian looks beautiful and that Kanye West looks dashing, but I gotta tear into her dress re...