Snooki, AKA Nicole Polizzi, of Jersey Shore and the public consciousness, dramatically switched up her look. The reality star was seen with friend JWoww at an airport looking more hipster than...whatever it is her style is called. She was photographed wearing some sort of Lydia Deetz hat, Ray Ban Wayfarer-esque glasses, cropped leather jacket, tee proclaiming, 'Be Yourself Everyone Else Is Already Taken -- Oscar Wilde' (LOL), slim black jeans, and those gigantic wooden platform boot things that Jeffery Campbel...
I love (wearing) sweats.
Oh my God, Fergie. Girl. We have so much more in common than I ever realized.
She included a photo with her tweet of the two of them as children Photoshopped into one photo hanging out in a crib or something I don't know I don't really get it but it's cute:
Fergie, Black Eyed Pea, is expecting her first child with husband Josh Duhamel. Fergie is 37 and Duhamel is 40. Earlier today Ms. Ferg tweeted "Josh & Me & BABY makes three!!! #mylovelybabybump." Cute. The two were married in 2009 in a wedding that probably costs more than anything you will ever buy in your life times 3. No but I'm happy for them, though. Especially because of this great quote from Fergie.
From USA Today:
I love (wearing) sweats.
Oh my God, Fergie. Girl. We have so much more in common than I ever re...
I still haven’t gotten over the horrific events that took place the last time I flew when my plane crashed and 4 people were killed, two being my best friends...I hope to come to Australia again some day perhaps by ship if need be. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a boat that worked with the schedule this time around. Once again I’m sorry to all the fans.
Brooks Wackerman of Bad Religion and Tenacious D will take Barker's place. />Travis Barker, drummer of Blink-182, is too traumatized after his plane crash to go on tour. I don't think anyone blames him. In 2008, a Learjet taking Barker, Adam Goldstein AKA DJ AM, Barker's assistant, and Barker's security guard, crashed on the way back to California from South Carolina. Barker and Goldestein were the only surviors; the two pilots also died. Then in 2009, Goldstein died of what coroners determined to be "acute intoxication" (accidental drug overdose).
Since the crash, Bark...
Mariah Carey, she of crazy high notes and crazy low spirals, really wanted everyone to know that she was having an awesome Valentine's Day. I, for one, am relieved. I don't know if I would feel okay not knowing that she took a nice hot bubble bath.
[caption id="attachment_124266" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Note the fine monogrammed towels. I would expect nothing less."][/caption]