Lindsay Lohan is like, so not a fan of rehab. She's like Goldilocks with them, too. Except instead of worrying about porridge temperatures and bed sizes, her main concerns are which rehab facilities will let her use adderall and smoke cigarettes. And she's determined to find one that's just right. So far, she's been able to go rehab hopping to heart's content, because for whatever reason, the judge keeps allowing it. I guess anything to keep her off the streets.
From ABC News:
Lindsay Loha...
Kanye West is the target of a few blind items and they're all so obvious. Keep in mind that just because he's (more than likely) the answer to the item doesn't mean that it's necessarily true. But I can believe most of this one, only because it's about how awesome Kanye thinks he is. I mean, come on, could this item really be about anyone else? They're not even trying. It's almost as crappy as our stupid blind item.
From Blind Gossip (and watch out, it's a doozy!):
This musical celebrity cheated,...
Charlie Sheen has a passion for getting involved with troubled young women; he's basically the Princess Diana of our time. Farrah Abraham, determined nobody, following her "f-ck it, what else could go wrong" way of life, decided to reach out to him. For his dong, basically. She texted him suggesting they go out for a "playdate" -- WITH their kids, NOT a euphemism -- but way to rub it in Sheen's face that he doesn't have custody of his kids. She also suggested coffee, to which Sheen replied with ...
Johnny Depp may or may not be engaged to his (ex?) girlfriend Amber Heard, but if he's not, rumor is he's planning on it. No doubt this is greatly disappointing to Ke$ha, but Mr. Depp's ex, Vanessa Paradis, may have some issues with it as well.
Here's the latest from my favorite, National Enquirer:
Vanessa Paradis, Johnny’s partner for 14 years before they split a year ago, is afraid that their two kids will grow too attached to Amber and get hurt when the relationship falls apart.
Jennifer Aniston is engaged to Justin Theoefwrox Theoreusxz Theroux but they haven't yet married. I'm really bad at spelling Theroux on the first try. But I try, and I like to show you that I try. Teamwork, everyone.
So what's the holdup, Jennifer Aniston? Please tell us about something that has absolutely nothing to do with us and explain right now why you're not a wife. From People:
As fans eagerly wait for her to become Mrs. Theroux [LOL PEOPLE CALM DOWN, THIS SOUNDS LIKE NARRATION IN THE BEGINNING O...
Kate Middleton is just like us, you guys -- she's a little afraid of giving birth. So she's going to get hypnotized. Allegedly. And then it's around that point she stops being "just like us." I guess we could do that too, but...do we? I think we just go for the epidurals instead. I don't know why I'm saying "we" -- I don't have kids and I never want to. Anyway, Kate Middleton, ladies and gentlemen. From Daily Mail:
The Duchess of Cambridge is reportedly considering hypnosis to deal with the pa...
Will Smith proved how affectionate he and his son Jaden are when a TV host, well, basically asked them to prove their affection. They were talking about the Smiths' huge, delightful box office failure, After Earth, and how the father and son characters aren't very close. Will Smith decided that the only way to show their real-life closeness was to grab a very unwilling Jaden and give him an open mouthed kiss. Everyone made a big noise and Jaden was horrified. (Start video at 4 minutes and 25 ...
Zach Braff gave an unofficial OK to any and all other celebrities who want to fund their projects by asking the public for money. I'm talking about using Kickstarter. It worked really well for Mr. Braff. But not very well for Melissa Joan Hart, and now, Zosia Mamet (Girls) can be added to the list.
Ms. Mamet was asking for $32,000 to make a music video for a song she and her sister wrote. Her sister, Clara Mamet, is on the television show The Neighbors. They only raised $2,783.
So far, I feel f-cking fantastic when celebrities can't raise en...
Miley Cyrus hasn't said anything definitive about her alleged breakup with Liam Hemsworth until today. In a radio interview with Hot 99.5 in D.C., Ms. Cyrus responded to the DJ's inquiry about her and Justin Bieber being romantically involved with a big fat,
I'm ENGAGED! I'm engaged. That is impossible.
(Thanks to TMZ for the transcript.) Engaged in what, Miley? Engaged in battle? Engaged in combat? Engaged at warp speed? I believe now 100% that this blind item is about Miley and Liam.
A Bieber/Cyrus/Hemsworth triangle sounds ...
Kate Moss is apparently going to appear on Playboy's January cover, which is something I find very confusing. Why Playboy? Why now? It can't be the US version of Playboy. I could totally see it being a European version, like French Playboy. They do artsy pictorials. We do Lindsay Lohan spreads.
Here's some news about Miss Moss covering the legendary magazine (from Refinery 29):
While chit-chatting with Kate Moss' superstar hairstylist backstage at his La Fama hair show on Sunday, Oribe himself ...
Demi Lovato thinks we need a better Barbie. Yesterday she tweeted,
1 of my biggest dreams, having collected Barbies since I was a kid, is to have my own Barbie BUT with my actual body type.. Weight & height
and the retweets flooded in. Ms. Lovato has been very vocal about her body issues and she'd like to see a more "realistic" version of the doll, tweeting such a Barbie doll would be, "one dope 21st birthday" present.
And she didn't stop there. From Starcasm:
While encouraging her ...
Amanda Bynes loves to call people ugly. Jay-Z, Jenny McCarthy, and Drake (at least twice!) have been some of her favorite targets. And now, she has a new one -- her own dad.
Bynes tweeted,
Haha look at how ugly my dad's face is! pic.twitter.com/JYNUQAfXjH
That link goes to a large photo of his face.
What in the everloving hell? Is she 5 years-old? And a few days ago, she compared her father to RuPaul. But this latest tweet clears things up for us -- she definitely thinks her dad is ugly. Good to know. I can sleep better now.
Earlier today, she gave us a Drake a...