"She's nurturing with me and makes me breakfast at anytime and that's my favorite food. It would be like 3 o'clock in the morning and she will still make me waffles. She'll be the best mom."Nothing like hearing a childgroom sing the praises of his wife's ability to whip him up treats from the griddle at the drop of a hat. Re: Mariah's ability to mother a child, I'm sold! />Rumors of Mariah Carey's pregnancy have been flying around (admittedly, I haven't done much to help this) and now Mariah's husband, Nick Cannon, is commenting publicly. While Nick doesn't come out and say whether his wifey is pregballs or not, he does think she'd be an awesome mom. Well, he at least thinks she'll be great at the whole, "making breakfast" part of it. "She's nurturing with me and makes me breakfast at anytime and that's my favorite food. It would be like 3 o'clock in the morning and...
'It's true [that we went to school together], but I don't see [Paris] as an artist. People assume that all the girls who went to my school were like Nicky and Paris, and the truth is that I went to a very, very religious school and some girls were very artistic and some did drugs and didn't give a fuck. It was just like any other high school. Except we had nuns. [At school] I was the smart, studious theatre and music student. I didn't hang out with all the popular blonde girls. I wasn't blonde really until I was 20 years old.'
Makes sense. I can't even identify most of my former classmates in the yearbook anymore. Zero memory of their existence. That's how important the people you knew in high school are to your adult life, folks.
But the Convent of the Sacred Heart, where both women attended, is a really small school. You know that even if Gaga and Paris never did the BFF thing that they still have insane dirt on each other. Those small private all-girls schools were like a cesspool for the meanest/craziest gossip ever. Mmmm. Love it. />
...except they grew up together and went to the same high school at the same time. However, Gaga says that just because they were bred in the same environment doesn't mean that they have anything in common, just like a popular girl and a freak at any other high school in America:
'It's true [that we went to school together], but I don't see [Paris] as an artist. People assume that all the girls who went to my school were like Nicky and Paris, and the truth is that I went to a very, very reli...
Jennifer Aniston got some flack recently from Bill O’Reilly because she said it’s O.K. to be a single mother. O’Reilly went so far as to call her opinions “destructive to society.” I’m pretty sure I know the answer to this already, but as a single mother who plays a single mother on TV, do you disagree?
I don’t even know what you’re talking about. Why is being a single mother destructive?
I’m not sure I follow his argument. Something about the nuclear family and fathers being disrespected.
Give me a break. He sounds like an idiot. Who is he again?
He’s got a show on Fox News.
That’s the right-wing channel? Well, there you go. Maybe he’s right, I don’t know. I don’t think you necessarily have to be part of a traditional nuclear family to be a good mother. A lot of children from traditional nuclear families have really unhappy childhoods, and they have dysfunctional, distant parents who don’t pay attention to them. Also, some people don’t plan on being single parents. It’s not like you’re sitting at home and thinking, “Wow, I’d really like to do this by myself. I’d love to wake up six times a night and change diapers and have nobody to help me. That’d be great!” I certainly didn’t do that.
So you’re not buying O’Reilly’s theory that single mothers are destroying the fabric of society?
I think that opinion is pretty narrow-minded. People like him—and I don’t even know who he is, so this is just a guess—they usually just say shit like that for attention. He probably comes from a nuclear family and didn’t get enough attention as a child.
As someone who grew up in a single parent household and can see the pros and cons of this type of environment, I have to say that I'm appreciative of both MLP and Aniston's statements. It's quite obviously not ideal to grow up "missing" a parent, but if a child is nurtured and cared for by their one parent, then that's really all that matters. Biology doesn't wait for a sociologically ideal time to kick in, right? />
Jennifer Aniston recently went up against Bill O'Reilly after he made some comments on his show about how her movie The Switch glamorized single motherhood and now their debate is being brought up with just about anyone who might have a comment on the subject. Mary Louise Parker did an interview with Vanity Fair to promote the current season of Weeds, but somehow the interview wound up on the topic of the Aniston/O'Relly debate:
Jennifer Aniston got some flack recently from Bill O’Reilly becaus...
If there's one thing we can still all laugh at re: the tragedy that is Paris Hilton, it's how damn good she is at taking mug shot photos. The photo above is the third mug shot she's had taken in the last three years, and this one is so good that you can tell she's had practice. I mean, really! Could you ask for a better mug shot than that? If I was a designer, I'd book her to be the face of my spring line like, yesterday!...
Lil Wayne is spending his time in jail like most inmates do: writing letters to magazines and trying his hand at sports. Damn. Kind of depressing.
The above letter was written by Wayne to Sports Illustrated after he attempted to play a game of tennis and found it really difficult. In it he also includes who he thinks will win the upcoming US Open.
Wayne's picks were Rafael Nadal and Kim Clijisters.
If you went to jail for a year, what random shit do you think you would start caring ...
The order also states that Miranda choked and punched Hansen in the stomach, and over New Year’s 2009, pulled her by the hair and called her a slut, c*nt, wh*re, and b****.
Hansen says that when she tried to get her things from his house, Miranda grabbed her by her arms and held her down on the bed screaming “I love you, why are you doing this to me?”
The final straw came when Hansen says Miranda pulled a shotgun on her after she refused to have sex with him.
“Jeff is nothing but scum,” Hansen told RadarOnline.com exclusively. “He claims he is in the mafia. He’s threatened two of my friends’ lives and my own.”
While I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, between this report and the fact that he's a war veteran, I don't trust this dude. Snooki, get us some answers! />
Jeff Miranda, the Iraq war veteran that Snooki has been hooking up with, has some rumors to clear up. His ex-girlfriend went to RadarOnline with a pretty damaging report of his history of abuse. According to the ex, she currently has a restraining order against Jeff after one night they shared got crazy.
From RadarOnline:
The order also states that Miranda choked and punched Hansen in the stomach, and over New Year’s 2009, pulled her by the hair and called her a slut, c*nt, wh*re, and b****....