How cute are Katie Holmes and Suri? I have to say that the alien baby is really growing up to be a beautiful girl. They are a cute pair with Katie and her new mommy haircut.
Sources keep saying that Katie is knocked up with another alien spawn. I hope, for her sake, that she isn't so she can get out of the grip of creepy Cruise soon.
For more pictures of this adorable pair click [here]...
News reports every where are reporting that Paris was shaking, twitching, sweating, crying, and limp like in the court room today. All this prior to being sentenced back to jail to serve out 40 more days of her original 45 day sentence.
Let me comment on this from a personal point of view. I have several celebrities, along with my own witnessing, that knows Paris Hilton was a frequent drug user. Her symptoms seem to resemble those of drug with draw. It wasn't abnormal to see Paris smoking weed, doing a line of cocaine, getting drunk, smoking cigarettes, popping pills, or what ever else you could think of.
Greta Van Sustren is being interviewed on Fox News right now. She was in court with Paris and says that the heiress looked very ill. The pieces of the puzzle are coming together.
Paris right now has arrived at the Twin Towers Correctional Center. Also...in case anyone cares East Coast air traffic has pretty much shut down due to a glitch in Atlanta. The dow is also way up. I need to get away from my computer...I'm live-blogging Fox News. Anne Coulter's hair looks great. When did I become Elizabeth Hasselback?
Oh, also Buzz Aldrin is talking about the fact that Paris Hilton is going to jail...as Astronauts head to space.
I'm angry I didn't think of this first but our friend Jonathan Jaxson over at JJ's blog believes that Paris's "medical condition" (she was seen shaking and sweating during her hearing) might actually be her going through withdrawl.
It would be rough to be thrown in jail and also go through withdrawl at the same time. Even somebody that normally drinks daily might go through a physical withdrawl symptoms.
News reports every where are reporting that Paris was shaking, twitching, sweating, cr...