I've been a bit despondent with all of this news of Brit Brit's total collapse. I knew she was always a crazy person but I had a faint hope that she was on an upswing after the past few years.
I found this commercial that was made at the height of her popularity. Remember the hot Pepsi ad that made you want Britney's body. Well here it is. All we can do is remember the good times...
/>I've been a bit despondent with all of this news of Brit Brit's total collapse. I knew she was always a crazy person but I had a faint hope that she was on an upswing after the past few years.
I found this commercial that was made at the height of her popularity. Remember the hot Pepsi ad that made you want Britney's body. Well here it is. All we can do is remember the good times...
So I am not one to get all hot and bothered over "is he or isn't he gay" Perez Hilton style but I am quite intrigued by the case of Anderson Cooper. He is gay without really being out but still leads a lifestyle that isn't super closeted in New York. My hair guy...who I trust fully...knows his boyfriend and made a passing comment about how he sometimes worries when Anderson goes off to cover wars, disasters etc... How cute is that?
I think it is a joke that Anderson really plays on everyone. Sort of a "obviously I'm gay but I'm not going to placate you by saying anything." Perez, however, came up with quite the little video here.
If you watch it to the end see how Anderson reacts when the female anchor makes an innuendo that her husband would be jealous of the two. It is classic to see her reaction as all of Anderson's colleagues know about his lifestyle.
Still, in the hope for me that lingers, if you are straight Anderson, I love travel...long walks on the beach and fuzzy white dogs. Call me. />
So I am not one to get all hot and bothered over "is he or isn't he gay" Perez Hilton style but I am quite intrigued by the case of Anderson Cooper. He is gay without really being out but still leads a lifestyle that isn't super closeted in New York. My hair guy...who I trust fully...knows his boyfriend and made a passing comment about how he sometimes worries when Anderson goes off to cover wars, disasters etc... How cute is that?
I think it is a joke that Anderson really plays on everyo...
So seriously doesn't Hillary Duff look really bored while singing "Stranger" during last week's result show for "So You Think You Can Dance?" Maybe she was worried because she can't so much dance. She shakes her new little body in a hot outfit but I guess the bored look is really her sexy-face. I just don't get what she is trying to do.
I kind of dig the song though. Is something wrong with me? Am I becoming a fan of Hillary Duff music. Do they have a support group for this?
So seriously doesn't Hillary Duff look really bored while singing "Stranger" during last week's result show for "So You Think You Can Dance?" Maybe she was worried because she can't so much dance. She shakes her new little body in a hot outfit but I guess the bored look is really her sexy-face. I just don't get what she is trying to do.
I kind of dig the song though. Is something wrong with me? Am I becoming a fan of Hillary Duff music. Do they have a support group for this?
This is twisted and quite amusing. I am a big fan of the Sans Pants fellows. For more of their funny check out their website www.sanspantsproductions.com
They are also big fans of the Beet. We like fans.
/>This is twisted and quite amusing. I am a big fan of the Sans Pants fellows. For more of their funny check out their website www.sanspantsproductions.com
They are also big fans of the Beet. We like fans.
So the T has been in a country where she actually met somebody who didn't know that Paris Hilton had been in jail. I guess news of Paris's brief jail stay hasn't hit Madagascar yet.
I've been a bit out of the loop with TV in general which makes me a bit sad. Note to travelers, Croatia is the most beautiful country in the world but they are about six years behind in TV. I actually watched an episode of "Family Matters."
Before the dancing Nigel addresses the controversy from Jessi leaving last week. I was a bit bummed about that being that she was one of my favorite girls on the show.
Lacey and Kameron- They are tackling the Hustle which sounds a bit odd as a choice of dance and their rehearsal looks like they were having some problems. They start the dance with Kameron doing some fancy acro moves. They have really made Lacey look super hot this week. I thought I would hate this as I really usually think the 70s is a decade that one should just forget but the dance was super fun and sassy. Their lifts are just awesome and the judges just love it. Nigel is worried that Lacey is keeping Kameron through in the show.
Shauna and Cedric- This is the most awkward mambo that I have ever seen. In rehearsals Alex shows us that he not so much knows how to dance but knows how to do that weird shakey thing. He gives it a chance but just looks weird and hunched over. The judges give him props for really getting a handle on this dance. In the end they do pretty well and it is the first week that Cedric seems to actually step it up. He really needs to go home.
Anya and Danny- These two get a lyrical routine which is just amazing. Danny is just a beautiful lyrical dancer and honestly I would love to just watch him spin all day. These two really can just turn up the sex even though Danny lets us know his fun fact is that he is obsessed with designer sunglasses. Hmmmmmm. The judges enjoy it fully but let Danny know that he needs to get America excited about him.
Sara and Pasha- They are going to be doing West Coast Swing and Benji the champ from last year is going to choreograph it with Heidi. Benji hams it up for the camera and really I remember why won last year...he is too funny. The dance starts off a bit shakey but really they hit their stride when they just start to be cute. Sara really doesn't do it for me but I feel as though they will get votes because of their choreographer. Nigel thinks they had the magic and the other judges follow suit.
Read More />So the T has been in a country where she actually met somebody who didn't know that Paris Hilton had been in jail. I guess news of Paris's brief jail stay hasn't hit Madagascar yet.
I've been a bit out of the loop with TV in general which makes me a bit sad. Note to travelers, Croatia is the most beautiful country in the world but they are about six years behind in TV. I actually watched an episode of "Family Matters."
Before the dancing Nigel addresses the controversy from Jessi leaving last...