Here at T's Favorite's for Oscar Gowns:
1) Penelope Cruz- Her strapless Versace dress took my breath away every time the camera panned to her. The pale pink looked gorgeous against her skin and it made a bold statement without looking like she should be standing on a wedding cake. She accented the dress with perfect hair and was luminous tonight.
2) Cate Blanchett- This dress was one of my favorites because it really captured what the Oscars are all about...sparkle sparkle sparkle!!! This Gior...
So I was doing some fun Googling of my favorite AI contestants and I stumbled upon some funny stuff on WEAR! Every year each Idol gets some very cheesy "vote for me" slogans and this year is no exception. Go to the website and search for your favorite Idol wear. Here is a smattering of the cheese that is America's most popular TV show.
I really hope you understood the whole dude dancing in a sun is Sundance Head....