I know that this video isn't new to some of you...but for those that thought the "Dick in the Box" was the only funny thing on SNL in the past few months check out "The Dakota Fanning Show." I love Amy Poehler, she really rocks my world almost as much as Tina Fey. A little industry secret from the T...they are doing a movie together very soon! Yea!!!!
Amy as Dakota Fanning and Drew Barrymore as Abigail Breslin is just too funny for words. It is rare when SNL makes me laugh out loud so if you haven't checked this out please do. It is quite funny that while Dakota Fanning tries to push the limits of her acting chops Abigail has taken over as the sweet little girl people like to have appear on their red carpets in party dresses. Ah, youth fades honey, strike while the iron is hot.
It is totally safe for work and funny enough that you could foward this link to your friends and family...then they can find the boobs, va jay jay, and dirty posts from the Beeters on their own...
I know that this video isn't new to some of you...but for those that thought the "Dick in the Box" was the only funny thing on SNL in the past few months check out "The Dakota Fanning Show." I love Amy Poehler, she really rocks my world almost as much as Tina Fey. A little industry secret from the T...they are doing a movie together very soon! Yea!!!!
Amy as Dakota Fanning and Drew Barrymore as Abigail Breslin is just too funny for words. It is rare when SNL makes me laugh out loud so if you...
Jessica Simpson and John Mayer are totally a couple now and they are starting to look eerily similar. Jess's hair keeps getting darker and she is sporting a rocker chick look, which is quite a departure for her. This black on black suiting ensemble is not really working for me.
Jessica Simpson and John Mayer are totally a couple now and they are starting to look eerily similar. Jess's hair keeps getting darker and she is sporting a rocker chick look, which is quite a departure for her. This black on black suiting ensemble is not really working for me.
Remember when Jess was a sun-kissed California goddess? I loved that Jess. She was dumb and tan and it worked for me. This dark brooding Jess isn’t really my cup of tea. They both look like they need to lie in the sun and get some seriou...

Ever wondered what those other dudes from Season 1 of "The Hills" who were buddy buddy with Jason were doing now that their brief moment of fame has ended? We just thought that they were playing nice with Jason for the cameras, but in this moving music video tribute we see that they are saddened by Jason's recent move to prison.
I find it funny that they a) refrence PerezHilton so they can get on the site b) are "actors" yet have resorted to making YouTube parody videos and c) shower naked together in the video.
/>Ever wondered what those other dudes from Season 1 of "The Hills" who were buddy buddy with Jason were doing now that their brief moment of fame has ended? We just thought that they were playing nice with Jason for the cameras, but in this moving music video tribute we see that they are saddened by Jason's recent move to prison.
I find it funny that they a) refrence PerezHilton so they can get on the site b) are "actors" yet have resorted to making YouTube parody videos and c) shower naked together...
Kevin Federline decides to get his kids away from all the insanity of Hollywood. The obvious destination: Vegas. [Gossip or Truth]
Much to my chagrin, we still care about Kristin Cavallari. [POTP]
Naomi Campbell has been sentenced to floor-sweeping. Kinky. [The Blemish]
Hey, Joel Madden: if you want the paparazzi out of your face, don't go to Mr. Chow's with Nicole Richie. Honestly, people. There are restaurants all over Los Angeles. [dlisted]
David Faustino stole a marijuana clinic. Yeah, that's right. Bud Bundy. And a marijuana clinic. [Cele|bitchy]
Adrianne Curry: still ridiculously hot. You know who's hitting that? Peter Brady. [Celebslam]
Simon Cowell weighs in on Kellie Pickler's new ... um ... shoes. Note that the interviewer here is his girlfriend. [Celebrity Smack]
Booted Idols Leslie Hunt and Alaina Alexander dish on the backstage goings-on. [ICYDK]
Chris Daughtrey manages to do an entire interview with Life magazine without saying "Taylor Hicks who?" I don't think I would have been that strong. [GTS] />Kevin Federline decides to get his kids away from all the insanity of Hollywood. The obvious destination: Vegas. [Gossip or Truth]
Much to my chagrin, we still care about Kristin Cavallari. [POTP]
Naomi Campbell has been sentenced to floor-sweeping. Kinky. [The Blemish]
Hey, Joel Madden: if you want the paparazzi out of your face, don't go to Mr. Chow's with Nicole Richie. Honestly, people. There are restaurants all over Los Angeles. [dlisted]
David Faustino stole a marijuana clinic. Yeah, that's right. Bud Bundy. And a marijuana clinic. [Cele...