The last time we really heard anything about Billy Ray Cyrus was all the way back in March. It was that time that he was going to divorce his wife but then changed his mind, remember? Since then, the well of Billy Ray gossip has run woefully dry, but not anymore, friends. No, because now, the magic of Twitter brings us the knowledge that Billy Ray Cyrus is hunting UFOs.
Here's his darling Tweet:
O. K. . ..my first U F O sighting.Looks like 5 or 6 disk like shapes hovering. Special moment 4 DAD
And, since ...
Why, so she can get those babies good at entertainin' for to move them out to Hollywood, o' course! Yippee!
Yeah, but remember when Kate Gosselin said that she wanted to stay in show biz for a while? When she made the actual statement, she suggested that someone give her a talk show. It looks like that didn't happen as planned though, because word on the street is that Kate's all set on pimping her kids out for money and fame. Or, you know, pimping her kids out for money and fame again.
From the National Enquirer via ...
Oh, Snooki. Honey child, we're all really proud of you for writing these books, we really are, and trust me, I think it's great that you're following your dreams and trying to become a role model. But Nicole, darling, please just believe me when I tell you that you're going to have to actually open your eyes and learn something about the world around you. Just do that one thing, and I promise that you'll be well on your way to greatness.
In case you might think that I'm being a little too hard o...
I'll say this about Michael Lohan: the man has got gumption. Just when you think you've got him, BAM! No such luck! You can't cage a wild animal, and Michael Lohan is no exception.
For example, when Michael here decided that he wanted to talk to his girlfriend, Kate Major, just a couple days after getting arrested for beating and threatening to kill her, he went ahead and did it. He called and called her, and since Kate wasn't quite ready to kiss and make up, she called the police, who rolled...
For real, that's what this interview is all about. Ryan Gosling is the most whimsical man in all the land, and I really don't think I need to waste any more time with this preamble, so let's get right down to this adorable Ryan Gosling business:
On his popularity: "I'm just so sick of myself. I can't imagine how everyone else feels. And there's just nowhere to go but down really from here. So, hey, it's been nice. It's been real."
On being compared to George Clooney: "I don't even know wh...
It's those damn vocal hemorrhages is what it is. The hemorrhages have forced the lovely Adele to cancel concert after concert for the past several months, but things are about to get serious: no more concerts for the rest of the year so this girl can finally get better.
Here's the official announcement from Adele's website:
It is with deep regret that Adele has been forced to cancel her remaining live dates and promotional appearances in 2011. She is to undergo surgery to alleviate the curren...
I thought we had something, Rosie, I really did. Sure, we've had our rough patches, but you know I've been hurt before, and besides, I didn't think it was anything we couldn't work through. But I'm sorry, Rosie, my dear. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can forgive you for what you've done here.
What do you guys think about this beaded monstrosity? Does its horror surprise you as much as it did me, or do you not have as high an opinion of Rosie as I did?
I'm just kidding, everybody, of course I know that Jessica Simpson is pregnant. Everybody knows that Jessica Simpson is pregnant. It's just fun to look at all the pictures, isn't it, without any confirmation? It's like one of those super fun "is she or isn't she" games, except this time if we're wrong it probably means she has a giant tumor or a deadly burrito addiction. The stakes are high, friends, and it's thrilling.
So who still thinks it's a food baby?
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Zooey Deschanel can't do anything wrong. There, I said it. I would listen to her beautiful music and look at her beautiful face for days. Also, have you been watching New Girl? I rest my case.
For those of you who love Zooey as much as I do, here are 25 facts that will probably make you love her even more:
1. I accidentally entered a beauty pageant.
2. I hate camping, but I love summer camp.
3. I took three years off from acting and toured with my band, She & Him.
4. I used to dress up like a princess to do my homework.
5. I have had brown hair and bangs since I...
"The sex scene is never described in the book, so every single person who read it had their own idea in their mind. The entire time we were filming it we thought “We have to make this look spectacular to everyone,” and we were thinking on how to meet people’s expectations. But you also worry about how you’re going to look, I had never been so worried about that before, but after seeing how much Taylor works out for the movies, I thought “Well, everybody is really going to judge me n...