"Lestat and Louie feel sorry for vampires that sparkle in the sun. They would never hurt immortals who choose to spend eternity going to high school over and over again in a small town — anymore than they would hurt the physically disabled or the mentally challenged. My vampires possess gravitas. They can afford to be merciful."
- Anne Rice gets catty about Twilight.
Pardon me, friends, while I laugh for days. Stephenie Meyer's glittery creations have been on my mind more than usual, both because of the Breaking Dawn film, which can't come any sooner, and because the boyfriend has started reading the books and it tickles me so (my favorite comments include "does she ever stop talking about how pretty he is? She just said that he was reminiscent of an ancient Pagan god of beauty. Is she really talking about his liquid topaz eyes?"). That also means that the superior Anne Rice's comment hits my funny bone harder than it would have otherwise.
But let's go ahead and get to the main issue here: