Lately, everything that Rihanna does has one of two effects on me: one, "ugh," or two, "LOL." There's no "oh, that's respectful," or "that's really neat!" There's not even any kind of "lookin' good, girl!" It's either ughs or LOLs with Rihanna, and in a recent interview on Ellen she took things a little more towards the uncomfortable.
On being single: "I’m not necessarily happy being single. It’s not really that cool. It sucks but it is, what it is. Let me say this right, because I don’t want to make it seem like, my work is my every...
“I empathize. It’s not easy. It’s the hardest thing in the world. People judge you because divorce is seen as failure. [Kim] took a risk. No one should be attacking her. Our attention should be focused on things that are truly scandalous.”
- Olivia Wilde, one of the most beautiful ladies in the land, wants you to know that you need to back off poor Kim Kardashian.
While I've always had a lot of admiration for Olivia Wilde's face, I've never really cared much for her words or her actions. Despite that, I thin...
"Let me get this straight; the vampire impregnates the girl who always looks pissed and then the werewolf wants her baby? I miss John Hughes."
- Zach Braff tweets his feelings on the newest chapter of the Twilight saga, Breaking Dawn.
I see where you're coming from, Zach, I really do. Movies like The Breakfast Club and Home Alone are infinitely better than the Twilight movies in almost every conceivable way. But you're forgetting about one sweet, sweet thing, Zach Braff: Robert Pattinson gn...
You guys might have seen some comments around these parts or on other blogs about a "Kardashian Free Zone Day," a boycott of the E! channel on November 27th. You also might have seen talk of a petition requesting that E! entirely remove the Kardashians from their programming because "these shows are mostly staged and place an emphasis on vanity, greed, promiscuity, vulgarity and over-the-top conspicuous consumption. While some may have begun watching the spectacle as mindless entertainment or as a sort of '...
According to People, yes, Bradley Cooper is the sexiest man alive. Is that bizarre to anyone else? I'm not saying that Bradley Cooper isn't an attractive individual, because he is, but in a goofy way or an adorable way or an "aww, yeah, he's cute, but he's my gay BFF/just like my brother, it's weird to think of him like that!" way.
Another thing: how in the world did Ryan Gosling not get this cover? How has 2011 been anything but The Year of the Gosling? And sure, he did make the list, b...
Are you as shocked as I am? I mean, this is Lady Gaga here, and she's wearing a natural(ish) hair color, sensible(ish) heels, and a garment that isn't made of flesh?! What does it mean? What does it all mean?
My guess is that it means either Lady Gaga is sick of her own schtick or she's having a hard time thinking of something that's new and wacky after dressing like a crazy parade for years.
Any other guesses?
Image courtesy of I'm Not Obsessed...
Lea Michele ... oh, honey, what will we ever do with you?! You're one of the biggest pains I've ever heard of, every time you open your mouth I feel like eviscerating something, and to top it all off, you can barely dress yourself. I have to tell you, girl, it's getting old. I can't just keep on talking about you over and over because you keep on giving the same diva spiel everywhere you go.
Ok, ok, I will, but just this once!
On plastic surgery: "Have I been asked to change anything? ...
For real, you guys, stop. It's not cute anymore. I know that back in 2009 or whatever it was the cool thing to do, you know, like "oooh, Chris Brown, why did you viciously assault your girlfriend, Rihanna," but that was like three years ago. It's 2011 now, and you guys that haven't forgotten about that one measly act of domestic violence just need to grow up and get over yourselves.
Here, let me let Chris tell you how he feels in his own words, the ones he Tweeted then deleted:
dont say sh*t to anybody and everyone feels its co...
“She just turned 21. She’s a child. When I think about myself at 21, I had just done The Devil’s Advocate, and Keanu [Reeves] had paparazzi following him and Al Pacino said this thing to me: ‘If I knew that my life would be under this kind of scrutiny, I would have never become an actor.’?” And I thought, Wow. I couldn’t comprehend it. And Kristen is just living this to the max and still has a sense of humor about it. There’s this really lovely quality about her that just doesn’...