Oh, girl. We've been though so much, haven't we, Britney? It's been a hell of a ride these past few years, but today, on your 30th birthday, I think we're in a good place. You're getting things together, you're getting your career back on track, and we're very, very proud of you! Keep up the good work, sister!
Browse through the gallery to see photos of Britney from today all the way back through 1998, and be sure to wish Brit Brit a happy birthday, or at least have a listen to your favorite Britney song in her honor!
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I consider myself to be a pretty easygoing person. I can see the bright side in almost anything, and I try not to let things that bother me affect me too much. However there are some exceptions:
1. Lea Michele is the most annoying girl in Hollywood and she always manages to get under my skin.
2. You don't make fun of Jessica Simpson. You can tease, but it always comes from a loving place. There is no excuse for being mean to Jessica Simpson.
3. David Bowie is sacred and he is not ...
A couple weeks back, we showed you the teaser for Lady Gaga's latest music video, "Marry the Night." A couple days back, I shared an interview Gaga did in which she called the video "autobiographical" and claimed she was "getting ready to relive the worst day of my life." And now, we present to you the full 14 minutes of Gaga madness!
The video is autoplay, so it's after the jump, but trust me, Lady Gaga directed this mess, it's definitely worth a watch.
Yes, that Hanson. Those beautiful brothers who starred in the dreams of your awkward, hormonal 12-year-old self. Crooners of such classic hits as "MMMBop" and "I Will Come to You," and many other lovely songs that I still know by heart but refuse to mention because I don't want to seem like more of a nerd than I already do (but you guys do you remember "Lucy"? Ooooh, or "Yearbook," do you remember that one? Can we start talking about old Hanson music, please?).
Anyway, it is that unde...
And why wouldn't she? After all, Courtney Stodden is, among other things, a deeply religious young lady, and as such, she truly understands the meaning of Christmas. She definitely has the holiday spirit about her, and to prove it, I'll show you a few of her famous tweets that explain just how excited she is for the holidays!
Feeling icy & exotic as a snowy white sheer sweater drapes from my sensuous shape while my soul becomes enchanted with the holiday spirit!
Caressing the essence of Christmas with my fl...
When I was a kid, my parents didn't make me go to church. I went to vacation bible school every summer, but that wasn't so much because I was into church, it was more that I really missed going to school and I thoroughly enjoyed coloring pictures of Jesus. But when I stayed at my cousins' house, my crazy aunt did make me go to church. I can remember packing up some clothes for a sleepover and being filled with excitement until my crazy aunt poked her head in my room to say "don't forget s...
Did you detect a little bit of sarcasm in that headline up there? Because I wanted you to. See, Lady Gaga is so bizarre and, seemingly, a bit of a pill, so yeah, I can see where she would have a tough time in love. Is that catty? Well, go ahead and read this excerpt from Gaga's interview with Vanity Fair, and if you didn't roll your eyes once, then you can call me catty.
On happiness: “I have never felt truly cherished by a lover. I have an inability to know what happiness feels like with a man,” the singer tells contributing editor Lisa Robinson. ...
I am so, so sorry, you guys. I know that on Thanksgiving day, you were just sitting around with your boring old family, eating pedestrian turkey and peasanty stuffing. You hemmed and hawed every time somebody mentioned that dumb parade, and when your stupid cousin asked you to pass the potatoes, you could have just about bitten his head off. And who could blame you? Your mind was completely occupied with wondering what your favorite family was doing for the holidays!
Thanks to Khloe Kardash...